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Plugins provide a system of extending DokuWiki's features without the need to hack the original code (and so again on each update). Below is a list of ready-to-use plugins created by DokuWiki users.

The installation can be done automatically by search and install the plugin via the extension manager1). A plugin could be manually installed by putting it into its own folder under lib/plugins/. See the detailed plugin installation instructions.

Be sure to read about Plugin Security.

If you would like to help translating the plugins into another language, please see this page Localization of plugins.

Search Plugins

Filter available plugins by type or by using the tag cloud. You could also search within the plugin namespace using the search box.

Filter by type

  • Syntax plugins extend DokuWiki's basic syntax.
  • Action plugins replace or extend DokuWiki's core functionality
  • Admin plugins provide extra administration tools
  • Helper plugins provide functionality shared by other plugins
  • Render plugins add new export modes or replaces the standard XHTML renderer
  • Remote plugins add methods to the RemoteAPI accessible via web services
  • Auth plugins add authentication modules
  • CLI plugins add commands to use at the Command Line Interface

Filter by tag

!broken !bundled !discontinued !experimental 2fa abstract acl ad address admin ajax alert analytics anchor annotations api archive auth authentication backup barcode bibtex biology blacklist blog bookmark books bootstrap box boxes bpmn breadcrumb bugtracker bugzilla button cache cage calculation calendar captcha caption carousel cas changelog chart charts chat chemistry clipboard cloud cms code collaboration collapsible color columns comic command comment config configuration contact convert copy counter create css csv data database date definitions delete denied deprecated devel diagram disable-actions discussion display disqus documentation docx doodle download dropdown ebook editing editor email embed encryption export extension facebook farm feed file filter flash flowchart fold fonts footnotes form formatting formula gallery game gantt geo git github glossary google graph groups header headings hide hide-menus highlight history html html5 icon icons if iframe image images import include index interwiki ip issue java javascript jquery json keyboard language latex ldap lightbox like links list listing log logging login macro maintenance management mantis maps markdown marking markup_language math mathml media mediamanager mediawiki medical menu meta metadata missing mobile moderation move music mysql namespace navigation network news note notification numbering oauth odt orgchart orphan otp page pages password paste pdf performance permissions php piwik plain plugins poll popup preview printing prismjs privacy progressbar projects publications qrcode quiz quotes rack random rating redirect references regexp rename rendering replace repository revisions rss saml schedule science search section security semantic seo sequence server share shibboleth shortcut sidebar signature sitemap slideshow snippets social sort source spam spatial spoiler sql sqlite sso statistics status storage struct style subscription svg sync syntax syntaxhighlight tables tabs tags task template tex text thumbnail tickets time timeline title toc todo toggle toolbar tooltip tracking translation twitter two-factor typography uml update upload url userpage users variables video vote wikipedia wysiwyg xml xmlrpc 404

Tagged with 'seo' (8)

PluginAuthorLast UpdatePopularity
Compatible with DokuWiki? 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum"
GeoTag Plugin Download

Allow a user to annotate pages with a geotag

Syntax, Helper, Action
annotations, geo, meta, seo, spatial, tags
Mark Prins
HtmlMetaTags Plugin Download

Adds some (open graph) meta tags to the html header (e.g. keywords, description or any others)

Syntax, Action
graph, html, info, meta, open, search, semantic, seo
Semantic Plugin Download

Add semantic data to your DokuWiki for SEO

Syntax, Action
dublincore, json-ld, opengraph,, semantic, seo, webservice
Giuseppe Di Terlizzi
SocialCards Plugin Download

Adds social media cards and semantic data to your wiki pages

facebook, google+, meta, opengraph, search, semantic, seo, social, twitter
Mark C. Prins
webmaster Plugin Download

Add WebmasterTools ownership verify headers

bing, google, metaheaders, pinterest, seo, webmaster, yandex
Mark C. Prins (previously Marius Rieder)
Compatible with older DokuWiki versions
Description Plugin

Copies a page's abstract, a global description, or individual text to a meta header line that is visible in the page source.

meta, seo
Ikuo Obataya, Matthias Schulte
KeyWords Plugin Download

Adds keywords to the page meta header

Syntax, Action
meta, search, seo
i-net /// software GmbH; Ilya Lebedev
NFTR (Not For The Robots) Plugin Download

NFTR is a DokuWiki plugin which tries to prevent the indexing of user configured wiki pages and namespaces by search engines. For those pages the plugin adds a noindex tag for robots to the HTTP- and HTML header.

header, meta, robots, seo, spiders
Michael Haschke

Popularity values are based on data gathered through the popularity plugin – please help to increase accuracy by reporting your data with this plugin.

Creating Plugins

If your needs aren't covered by the existing plugins above, please have a look at our pages on how to create and publish a plugin.

Reporting Bugs and Features Wishes

Two short notes:

  • Please use the issue tracker of the plugin
  • Provide enough information to reproduce your case

Please refer to How to report bugs and request new features in plugins for more info about this topic.

Ideas for New Plugins

Requesting Plugin

If you are in need of a special feature in DokuWiki but haven't the skills or resources to create your own plugin you might want to suggest the feature for consideration by the community.

To ask for the creation of a new plugin or to discuss plugin ideas, please refer to the Plugin Wishlist Forum.

Recent Wishes in the forum:

Recent Wishes in the forum (RSS feed)

More ideas...

Further some closed features requests, which we won't implement in DokuWiki core, are interesting ideas for plugins: Doku Plugin idea's at our GitHub issue tracker.

Issues labeled “Doku Plugin idea” (RSS feed)

Up to version Binky this was done with the plugin manager.
plugins.txt · Last modified: 2024-04-12 20:23 by andi

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