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Plugins & templates team

Plugins Gardening

Plugins: folded / inline_folding / inline_folding2

  • Make a clear structure on the pages
  • Add plugin formular
  • Put long discussions on external pages
  • Create dokufreaks-Repository for folded

folded / inline_folding / inline_folding2

Screenshots of all plugins in action

Moving Non-Plugins

Do something about non-plugins in the plugin namespace.


---- pluginquery -----
SELECT: compatible
WHERE:  compatible <> ?

Extensions with no type defined

Extensions without or with an supported type defined:

TypePlugins WHERE type < 1
2dokuwikitemplatestretch, infobox

∑ 2 plugins matching query

Extension with wrong lastupdate date

If the lastupdate field has not the format YYYY-MM-DD, it is not handled as date.

LastupdateAuthorExtension with wrong lastupdate date

∑ 0 plugins matching query

Extensions in wrong namespace

NamePlugins WHERE (plugin LIKE %:%) AND (plugin NOT LIKE template:%)

∑ 0 plugins matching query

Plugins missing download button

Plugins without a download url are excluded from the plugin listing.

PopularityAuthorPlugins WHERE downloadurl IS null AND type <> 32 AND compatible <> (bundled)

∑ 0 plugins matching query

Plugins hosted on Google Code

Project hosting on Google Code is going to end. Plugins stored on Google Code will become unavailable after 2016.

Action point: mail the authors with the request to move to another platform like Github.

Contact with author

Some plugins belong to the same author. (Please bundle it.)

Plugin name Download broken author contacted Reply
backlinks Sourcecode on page x
caltable x x
countdowntimer x x
editformhelppage x x
linkext Source on page
mathoperation x x
meta_yaml x x
pdfdownload Sourcecode on page
pdfex Sourcecode on page
phpinc Sourcecode on page
routeplaner Sourcecode on page
svgimg fail!

Mails sent by — lupo49 2010/10/31 16:31 on 2010-10-31

Plugins with PType stack bugs

Plugins with security issues

PluginTypeAuthorSecurityissuePopularityPlugins WHERE securityissue <>
abbSyntax Ferdinand SoetheXSS vulnerability allows arbitrary JavaScript insertion. Author informed on 2008-02-24.01abb
argumentsSyntax Olivier FraysseXSS vulnerability allows arbitrary JavaScript insertion. Author informed on 2008-02-24.01arguments
bibtexSyntax Christophe AmbroiseXSS vulnerability allows arbitrary JavaScript insertion. Author informed on 2008-02-24.31bibtex
chordSyntax Jakob JensenXSS vulnerability allows arbitrary JavaScript insertion. Author informed on 2008-02-24.11chord
exttab2Syntax disorder ChangXSS vulnerability allows arbitrary JavaScript insertion. Author informed on 2008-02-07. (Hopefully fixed in the 2010-08-28 update below. Please replace this plugin by the exttab3 plugin.)11exttab2
literal_entitiesSyntax Tyler BletschXSS vulnerability allows arbitrary JavaScript insertion. Author informed on 2010-12-02.11literal_entities
new_page_dialogAction Pierre SpringXSS vulnerability, not escaped properly.01new_page_dialog
toplistSyntax Mario LackoXSS vulnerability allows arbitrary JavaScript insertion. Author informed on 2009-11-08.01toplist

∑ 8 plugins matching query

Plugins with security warning

4 default texts are available: 'informationleak','allowsscript','requirespatch','partlyhidden' (see entry_component for their meaning). These are translated as well. But free texts are allowed as well.

PluginTypeAuthorSecuritywarningPopularityPlugins WHERE securitywarning <>
backupAdmin Terence J. GrantBe sure the backup namespace is properly protected by ACLs. The default wiki:backup is often publicly readable!27001backup
badbehaviourAdmin Action Andreas GohrThis plugin uses the legacy version of the BadBehavior library which is not updated anymore. Until this plugin gets updated, it is not recommended to use.171badbehaviour
conditionSyntax Etienne Meleardpartlyhidden71condition
confightmlokSyntax Luis Machuca Bezzazaallowsscript2891confightmlok
descriptionAction Ikuo Obataya, Matthias SchulteThis plugin does not respect ACL, see
dirlistingSyntax Natalia Pujolinformationleak11dirlisting
embeddedphpSyntax fiwsweallowsscript601embeddedphp
googlemap3Syntax Oleg Borodinallowsscript11googlemap3
hideSyntax Luis Machuca Bezzazapartlyhidden41hide
htmlokSyntax saggi, glenallowsscript4921htmlok
idoitSyntax Oliver GüntherThe syntax block allows to pass an arbitrary JSON request to the remote JSON-RPC url without security checks.11idoit
imagemapSyntax Tom HarrisThis plugin crashes on DokuWiki Hogfather. See the bugs section.151imagemap
log404Admin Sam WilsonCross-Site-Scripting Vulnerability in Admin Component. See
pagetemplateSyntax Action Luke HowsonPlugin is installed in the directory “cache” instead of “pagetemplate”. Needs manually renaming.11pagetemplate
permissionstylesAction Gabriel Birkepartlyhidden11permissionstyles
phpwikifySyntax Trailjeepallowsscript501phpwikify
projectsSyntax Admin Action Junling Maallowsscript11projects
showfileSyntax GrdScarabeinformationleak11showfile
stdokuwikiconnectorRemote Auth Peters SharpDownload is no plugin. It is better to move this page to the tips: section or devel:xmlrpc page (or i.e. devel:xmlrpc:dokuconnector_NET_API)?01stdokuwikiconnector
dynamic_templateTemplate anticulas@gmail.comThis template references two external JavaScripts for a visitor counter and a tracker.01dynamic_template

∑ 20 plugins matching query

Plugins marked !obsolete

NamePlugins WHERE tags LIKE %!obsolete%
ABB Syntax PlugIn1abb
Ace Editor Plugin1aceeditor
Admin Home Page Plugin1adminhomepage
Applet Plugin1applet
Asian Search Plugin1asiansearch
AutoViewer Plugin1autoviewer
Backlinks-old Plugin1backlinks-old
CaptchaLogin Plugin1captchalogin
chart plugin1chart
chat Plugin1chat
Clippy Plugin1clippy
coinhive Plugin1coinhive
Cumulus Plugin1cumulus
dailymotion plugin2dailymotion, dailymotion_videozap
dokuwikitemplatestretch Plugin1dokuwikitemplatestretch
Draw Plugin1draw
Edit Section Reorganizer Plugin1editsections
Extended Table Syntax 2 Plugin1exttab2
Extended Table Syntax Plugin1exttab1
Facebook Login Plugin1fblogin
fckw plugin1fckw
Federated Login Plugin1fedauth
Files SVG Plugin1svgimg
Flash Embed Plugin1flash
FlashPlayer Plugin1flashplayer
flattr Plugin1flattr
flexpaper Plugin1flexpaper
Flowplay Plugin1flowplay
flowplay2 Plugin1flowplay2
FlowPlayer Plugin1flowplayer
Freemind Extension for Command Plugin1freemind
friendfeed Plugin1friendfeed
gCalendar Plugin1gcalendar
geogebra Plugin1geogebra
geogebra2 plugin1geogebra2
Google Search1googlesearch
Graph Gear Plugin1graphgear
H-Tag Plugin1htag
hiddenSwitch Plugin1hiddenswitch
html5video Plugin1html5video
HTMLOk Plugin1htmlokalt
iCalendar Plugin1icalendar
icke Template1icke
jCapture Plugin1jcapture
jDraw Plugin1jdraw
jmol2 Plugin1jmol2
jQuery Plugin1jquery
jukebox Plugin1jukebox
letsencrypt Plugin1letsencrypt
linkmanager Plugin1linkmanager
lists improved plugin1lists_improved
Macros Plugin1macros
mp3play Plugin1mp3play
mp3play2 Plugin1mp3play2
new page dialog Plugin1new_page_dialog
ondeniedlogin Plugin1ondeniedlogin
openlayersmapoverlays Plugin1openlayersmapoverlays
PanoramaPicture-Viewer Plugin1panorama
pdfbook Plugin1pdfbook
PDFex - export PDF via Action Plugin1pdfex
plantuml Plugin1plantuml
Plugin Manager plugin1plugin
Plugin: Video1video
processing Plugin1processing
ryubin Plugin1ryubin
SimpleViewer Plugin1sviewer
skydoku Plugin1skydoku
slideshow plugin1slideshow
Spell Checker Plugin1spellcheck
structnumber Plugin1structnumber
SUPA Plugin1supa
svnmod Plugin1svnmod
SwiftMailer Plugin1swiftmail
template-fine-tune Plugin1template-fine-tune
The Farm Plugin1farm
tindexmenu Plugin1tindexmenu
TOC After Headline Plugin1tocafterheadline
Translation3 Plugin1translation3
Two Factor Authentication - SMS Appliance Plugin1twofactorsmsappliance
Two Factor Authentication - SMS Gateway Plugin1twofactorsmsgateway
twofactoryubiauth Plugin1twofactoryubiauth
UNDER CONSTRUCTION plugin1underconstruction
Uparrow Plugin1uparrow
webalbum plugin1webalbum
webthumbs Plugin1webthumbs
whois plugin1whois
Wiki-Style Script1wikistyle2html
WikiStats Plugin1wikistats
WordPress Most Recent Entries Plugin1wp_most_recent
WYSIWYG nicedit plugin1wysiwyg_nicedit
WYSIWYG Plugin1wysiwyg
YouTube plugin1youtube
ZuL Plugin1zul

∑ 94 plugins matching query

Compatible field usage

CompatiblePlugins WHERE 1
!Binky, Ponder Stibbons1judge
!Detritus, !Elenor of Tsort, !Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos+1deletepagebutton
!Frusterick Manners, !Elenor Of Tsort, Binky,Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus1imagemap
!Frusterick Manners, !Greebo, !Hogfather, !Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1struct
!Frusterick Manners, !Greebo, !Hogfather, Igor1adminperm
!Frusterick Manners, !Greebo, !Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1simplenavi
!Frusterick Manners, !Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos2creole, edittable
!Frusterick Manners, !Greebo, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1ad-hominem
!Frusterick Manners, Greebo1issuelinks
!greebo, !hogfather, !igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1gallery
!Greebo, !Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1indexmenu
!Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1markdowku
!Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1dw2pdf
!Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1wrap
!Hogfather4fontsize, syntaxhighlighter2, toggle, wavedrom
!Hogfather, !Greebo1mapillary
!Hogfather, !Greebo, !Frusterick Manners,Elenor of Tsort, Detritus, Hrun1authyubikey
!Hogfather, !Igor, !Jack Jackrum1command
!Hogfather, !Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1vshare
!Hogfather, Lemming1tabtables
!Hrun, !Detritus, !Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners1simplewiki
!Hrun, Frusterick Manners1twentyfifteen
!Hrun, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1dropfiles
!Igor4noticeboard, tablemath, wpre, zip
!Igor, !Hogfather, Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Elenor Of Tsort, Detritus1tagadd
!Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1filelist
!Kaos, Elenor of Tsort, !Igor1oddeven
(bundled up to version Binky)1plugin
(bundled up to version Greebo)2authmysql, authpgsql
(bundled)16acl, authad, authldap, authpdo, authplain, config, extension, info, logviewer, popularity, revert, safefnrecode, styling, dokuwiki, testing, usermanager
2005-07-13+6bomfix, hr, imstatus, lang, shy, tip
2005-07-13, !Lemming1lists
2005-09-22+3freemind, processing, prolog
2005-09-22, 2014-09-29d "Hrun"1cherokee-based
2006-03-095content, password, sympaauth, ex, lilas
2006-03-09, !Greebo, !Hogfather, !Igor, !Jack Jackrum1livepreview
2006-03-09, 2006-11-06, !Greebo1geourl
2006-03-09, 2014-09-29d "Hrun"1sxs
2006-11-0620database, dokukiwix, editor, flowplay, format, fullindex, includeuserpage, isbn, layout, ldapsearch, linkmanager, pagetemplate, svgimg, battlehorse, mmkanso, mmzire, sambar, sidebar_theme, truetable, wysiwyg
2006-11-06+7chart, columnlist, exttab1, ffindr, md5gen, pdfex, slideshow
2006-11-06, 2014-09-29d "Hrun"1darkclean
2007-02-05+2rtlink, websvn
2007-06-269chord, french_typography, gitlink, showfile, smblink, dokubook2, gina-fso, ticketlinker, weiqi
2007-06-26+2abb, fckw
2007-06-26, !Igor1nsrelation
2007-06-26b12geogebra, hcalendar, jalbum, pagespace, panorama, pgnviewer, qrcode, lmcstyle, slaad, userannotations, userfly, zul
2007-06-26b, !Hogfather1exttab2
2008-04-11, 2014-09-29d "Hrun"1influence
2008-05-0534ahrefmenu, autoviewer, cache, caltable, codehighlight, delicious, dil, faq, flowplay2, indexmenu2, inserticon, jsonrpc, jspwiki_import, listeabo, mathoperation, new_page_dialog, pageseditees, pchart, piclens, qstat, register, relativens, screenplay, scrum, snap, songlist, tbt, ameoto, beaufort, usable, userspagecreate, verinfo, webalbum, xtermrtf
2008-05-05, !Greebo, !Igor1calc
2008-05-05, !Hogfather2charter, syntaxhighlighter
2008-05-05, !Hogfather,1googlemaps
2008-05-05, !Hrun1form
2008-05-05, 2006-11-06, 2007-05-24, 2007-06-26b2embed, multitemplate_styleman
2009-02-1416flyspraylink, freesync, frootysearch, geogebra2, gitlink2, htmlabstract, jquery, noblankcells, offline, replace, shibbolethauth, swfobject, tableedit, sidebar, xhtmlruby, xterm2
2009-02-14+9clearfloat, flash, hyphenation, mozshot, nocode, operawidget, sidebar, translation2, yahoomediaplayer
2009-02-14, !Greebo1svgimg2
2009-02-14, !Hogfather, !Igor, !Jack Jackrum1rack
2009-02-14b7boxwh, editformhelppage, hidetext, highlightjs, mailto, phpbblinks, regex_template
2009-12-25c “Lemming”, 2013-12-08 “Binky”1dokumobile
2009-12-25c, 2008-05-05, 2006-11-06, 2016-06-26a1google_maps
2009-12-25c, 2010-11-07, 2011-05-26, Lemmings, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua1googlemap3
2009-12-25c, dokuwiki-rc2010-10-07, Binky+1searchcombinedgoogle
2010-10-27 "Busy Wednesday"1dokubrick
2010-10-27 "Busy Wednesday", 2011-05-25 "Rincewind"1sandy
2010-11-076blogmeta, htmlsafe, lightbox, literal_entities, menupopup, parserarray
2010-11-07 "Anteater", 2011-05-25 "Rincewind"1roundtheme
2010-11-07 "Anteater", 2011-05-25 "Rincewind", 2012-01-25 "Angua"1mytemplate
2010-11-07 (Anteater)1skydoku
2010-11-07 2011-05-25 2012-01-25 2012-10-131fblogin
2010-11-07 “Anteater”1dynamic_template
2010-11-07, 2006-11-06, 2007-06-26, 2008-05-051superacl
2010-11-07, 2009-12-251lampshade
2010-11-07, 2011-04-22, 2011-05-25, 2012-01-25a1colortag
2010-11-07, 2011-05-251crypto
2010-11-07, 2011-05-25, 2012-01-25, 2012-10-13, 2013-03-061headstrong
2010-11-07, 2011-05-25, 2012-01-25, 2012-10-13, 2013-05-101incognitek
2010-11-07, 2011-05-25, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Hrun1inlinetoc
2010-11-07, 2011-05-25, Angua, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1anchor
2010-11-07, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, !Hogfather1eventline
2010-11-07, Binky, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Ponder Stibbons, "Detritus", "Elenor Of Tsort", "Frusterick Manners", Greebo, Hogfather, igor1authorstats
2010-11-07, rc2011-04-221svnlog
2010-11-07,2011-05-25, Angua1bbs
2010-11-07a "Anteater"2directions, rmt
2010-11-07a “Anteater”1daily
2010-11-07a “Anteater”, 2012-01-25c “Angua”, 2014-09-29d “Hrun”1spacedok
2010-11-07a, 2011-05-251supa
2011-04-22, 2011-05-25, 2012-01-25a1blextra
2011-05-254acronym, inlineeditor, smartcache, translatebutton
2011-05-25 "Rincewind"1movedel
2011-05-25 "Rincewind", "Angua"1bliki
2011-05-25 "Rincewind", Angua1logautherror
2011-05-25 2009-02-14 2009-12-25 2010-11-07, angua1jsmath
2011-05-25, 2012-01-251mindmap
2011-05-25, 2012-01-25, 2013-12-08, 2014-05-051autotweet
2011-05-25, Greebo, Hogfather1topbarsyntax
2011-05-25; 2010-11-07; 2009-12-25c;1drupal_garland_blue
2011-05-25a "Rincewind"2groupadmin, gtime
2011-11-10 "Angua RC1"1heat
2012-01-252flmod, backpack
2012-01-25 "Angua"3dwinsect, git, revisionsdue
2012-01-25 "Angua" 2010-11-07a "Anteater"1sviewer
2012-01-25 "Angua", 2011-05-25, 2011-05-25 "Rincewind", 2010-11-07 "Anteater", adora belle, Binky, Weatherwax, 2014-09-29 "Hrun", 2015-08-10, "Elenor of Tsort", "Frusterick Manners", "Greebo", "Hogfather", "Igor"1var
2012-01-25 "Angua", 2012-10-13 "Adora Belle"1reproduce
2012-01-25 "Angua", 2012-10-13 "Adora Belle", 2013-03-06 "Weatherwax", 2013-12-08 "Binky"1photowidget
2012-01-25 "Angua", 2012-10-13 "Adora Belle", 2013-03-06 "Weatherwax", 2016-06-26 "Elenor of Tsort", "Frusterick Manners", "Greebo", Hogfather1doodle
2012-01-25 "Angua", Adora Belle1rotate
2012-01-25 2012-10-131formatplus
2012-01-25 or later1animation
2012-01-25, 2010-11-07, 2008-05-05, 2006-11-06, 2007-05-24, 2007-06-26b1forcepreview
2012-01-25, 2011-05-25, 2010-11-071facebookalbum
2012-01-25, angua1userpoll
2012-01-25c "Angua", 2012-10-13 "Adora Belle", 2013-05-10a "Weatherwax", 2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners"1autonumbering
2012-09-10, adora1pastdate
2012-10-133navilevel, nssize, selectsearch
2012-10-13 "Adora Belle"2markdownextra, since
2012-10-13 "Adora Belle", 2013-05-10a "Weatherwax", 2014-09-29b "Hrun", Detritus, Eleonor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather,Igor1sectiontoggle
2012-10-13 Adora Belle1etherpadlite
2012-10-13 Adora Belle, Weatherwax1lvhpacket
2012-10-13 “Adora Belle”1navigation
2012-10-13 “Adora Belle”,binky,Ponder Stibbons, Detritus, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, !Hogfather, !Igor1html5video
2012-10-13, !Hogfather1htvid
2012-10-13, 2006-11-06, 2008-05-05, 2009-02-14b, 2009-12-25c, 2010-11-07a, 2011-05-25, 2012-01-251flashplayer
2012-10-13, 2009-02-14, 2008-05-051dokucrypt
2012-10-13, 2012-01-25, 2011-11-10, 2011-05-25, 2010-11-071projects
2012-10-13, 2013-03-06, Angua, Rincewind, Anteater, Detritus, Greebo1plaintext
2012-12-17+, Adora Belle1impressjs
2013-03-06, 2012-10-13, 2012-01-25, 2011-05-251header2
2013-03-06, 2012-10-13,2010-11-07, rincewind, Angua, Weatherwax, Binky, !Hogfather, !Igor, !Jack Jackrum, !Kaos1editx
2013-03-28, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, 2013-12-08 "Binky", 2014-05-05 "Ponder Stibbons", 2014-09-29 "Hrun", Detritus, 2016-06-26 "Elenor Of Tsort", 2017-02-19a "Frusterick Manners", "Greebo", Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1howhard
2013-05-10 "Weatherwax"2mellelexport, simplechat
2013-05-10 2012-10-13 2012-01-25 2011-05-25 2014-09-291subconfhelper
2013-05-10 2012-10-13 2012-01-25 and 2011-05-251htag
2013-05-10 2013-12-08, Hrun1arctictut
2013-05-10 “Weatherwax”1signavio
2013-05-10, 2012-10-13, 2012-01-25, 2011-05-25, !Hogfather, !Igor, !Jack Jackrum1wikicalendar
2013-05-10, 2013-03-06, 2012-10-13, Angua, Rincewind, Anteater, Hrun, Greebo1xml
2013-05-10, 2013-12-08, 2014-05-05, 2014-09-29, 2015-08-10, 2016-06-26, 2017-02-19, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, "Jack Jackrum", Kaos1codemirror
2013-05-10a "Weatherwax", !Igor1linkbonus
2013-05-10a “Weatherwax”, 2012-01-25c “Angua”, 2011-05-25c “Rincewind”1apricot
2013-12-02, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky1tableplot
2013-12-08 Binky, 2014-09-29 Hrun1removeold
2014-01-01, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons1duoshuo-dokuwiki
2014-02-27, Weatherwax, Binky1authgoogle2fa
2014-05-05 Ponder Stibbons1vbsso
2014-05-05+, Binky, 2007-06-031keywords
2014-05-05, 2014-09-291authlemonldap
2014-05-05, hrun, 2015-08-10, 2016-06-26, Hogfather, jack jackrum1livemark
2014-09-292simpleforward, templateconfhelper
2014-09-29 "Hrun"1raw
2014-09-29 "Hrun", 2009-12-25c "Lemming", "Frusterick Manners", "Greebo"1freechat
2014-09-29 2015-08-101syntaxhighlightjs
2014-09-29, 2015-08-10, 2016-06-26, 2017-02-191inlinejs
2014-09-29, Detritus, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1cookielaw
2014-09-29a 2014-09-29 2014-05-05 2013-12-08 2013-05-10 2010-11-07 2011-05-25 2011-11-10 angua 2012-10-131xymon
2014-09-29b "Hrun"1myown
2014-09-29d "Hrun"2writers, zero
2014-09-29d "Hrun", 2007-06-26b1masa
2014-09-29d "Hrun", 2011-11-10, 2011-05-251knotux
2014-09-29d “Hrun”1sugna
2014-09-29d, 2015-08-10a, 2016-06-26a, 2017-02-19b, 2018-04-22a, !Hogfather1pagetitle
2015-03-11, 2015-08-10a "Detritus"1fkstimer
2015-08-10 "Detritus", 2016-06-26 "Elenor Of Tsort", "Frusterick Manners", "Greebo", "Hogfather", "Igor"1switchpanel
2015-08-10 "Detritus", 2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners",2016-06-26 "Elenor Of Tsort", 2018-04-22 "Greebo"1partialsearch
2015-08-10 2009-02-14 2009-12-25 2010-11-07 2011-05-25 2011-11-10, 2012-09-10, 2012-01-25, 2012-10-13,2013-12-08,2013-05-10,2014-05-05,2014-09-29,2016-06-26,2017-02-19,2018-04-22,2020-07-292arctic, notes
2015-08-10, 2016-06-26, 2017-02-19, 2018-04-22a1codeprettify
2015-08-10a "Detritus"3authshibboleth, a_new_day, twofactorsmsappliance
2015-08-10a "Detritus", "Elenor of Tsort", "Frusterick Manners", "Hogfather", "Igor", "Jack Jackrum", "Kaos"1nosidebar
2015-08-10a "Detritus", 2016-06-26 "Elenor Of Tsort", 2017-02-19b "Frusterick Manners"1twofactorsmsgateway
2015-08-10a, 2014-09-291feedaggregator
2016-06-26 "Elenor Of Tsort"2autogallery, cloudstorage
2016-06-26 "Elenor Of Tsort", 2012-10-13 "Adora Belle", 2013-05-10a "Weatherwax", 2013-12-08 "Binky", 2014-05-05e "Ponder Stibbons", 2014-09-29d "Hrun", 2015-08-10 "Detritus"1simplemysqlclient
2016-06-26 "Elenor Of Tsort", 2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners", 2018-04-22 "Greebo", 2020-07-29 "Hogfather", 2022-07-31 "Igor", 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum"1flowchartjs
2016-06-26 "Elenor Of Tsort",2012-10-13 "Adora Belle",2013-05-10a "Weatherwax",Release 2013-12-08 "Binky",Release 2014-05-05e "Ponder Stibbons",Release 2014-09-29d "Hrun", 2015-08-10 "Detritus"1crossdbsqlclient
2016-06-26, 2015-08-10, 2014-09-29, 2014-05-052facebookevents, facebookwall
2016-06-26, 2017-02-19, Greebo 2018-04-22, Hogfather 2020-07-291typography
2016-06-26, 2017-03-04, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners1phprestrict
2016-06-26, Detritus, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun2dokucms, dokukit
2016-06-26, Detritus, Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1pagemod
2016-06-26, Hrun, Detritus, 2017-02-19+1smtp
2016-06-26a2pdb, dokufreech
2016-06-26a "Elenor of Tsort", 2015-08-10a "Detritus", 2022-07-31 "Igor"1corsharing
2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners"1src
2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners" yes1nonblank
2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners", 2016-06-26 "Elenor Of Tsort", 2015-08-10 "Detritus", Rincewind, Weatherwax1datatemplate
2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners", 2016-06-26 "Elenor Of Tsort",2012-10-13 "Adora Belle",2013-05-10a "Weatherwax",Release 2013-12-08 "Binky",Release 2014-05-05e "Ponder Stibbons",Release 2014-09-29d "Hrun", 2015-08-10 "Detritus"1fileshare
2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners", 2018-04-22 "Greebo"2datedifference, unsplashdoku
2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners", 2018-04-22 "Greebo", 2020-06-01 "Hogfather", 2022-07-31 "Igor", 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum", 2024-02-06 "Kaos"1acmenu
2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners", 2018-04-22 "Greebo", 2020-07-29 "Hogfather", IGor1monthcal
2017-02-19 2016-06-26 2015-08-101tumblr
2017-02-19 Rincewind, Angua, Weatherwax, Frusterick Manners1menu
2017-02-19+2lightweightcss, lightweightscript
2017-02-19, 2016-06-26, 2015-08-101authsmartcard
2017-02-19, 2016-06-26, 2015-08-10, 2014-09-29, 2014-05-051importfacebookevents
2017-02-19, 2016-06-26, Detritus, Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Jack Jackrum1wallpaper
2017-02-19e "Frusterick Manners"2codebash, indobible
2017-02-19e, Greebo, Hogfather1qrcode2
2017-02-19e, Hrun, Greebo, Hogfather1material
2017-02-26, frusterick, manners, rincewind, angua, Adora Belle, detritus, Frusterick Manners1svgedit
2018 Greebo1sequencediagram
2018-04-22 "Greebo"5404manager, showpageafterlogin, argon-alt, bootie, dokuwikibee
2018-04-22 "Greebo" ,2020-07-29 "Hogfather"1docnavwiki
2018-04-22 "Greebo", !2014-09-29 “Hrun”, 2013-05-10 “Weatherwax”, 2012-10-13 “Adora Belle”, 2012-01-25 “Angua”1tablefilterjs
2018-04-22 "Greebo", 2010-11-07, 2011-05-25, 2012-01-25, 2012-10-13, 2020-07-291infomail
2018-04-22 "Greebo", 2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners" , 2015-08-10a "Detritus", 2016-06-26 "Elenor Of Tsort"1minimap
2018-04-22 "Greebo", 2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners", 2015-08-10a "Detritus", 2016-06-26 "Elenor Of Tsort"1rplus
2018-04-22 "Greebo", 2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners", 2016-06-26 "Elenor Of Tsort", 2010-11-07 "Anteater", 2011-05-25 "Rincewind", 2012-01-25 "Angua", 2012-10-13 "Adora Belle", 2013-03-06 "Weatherwax", 2013-12-08 "Binky",2014-05-05, 2014-09-29 "Hrun", 2011prsnl10
2018-04-22 "Greebo", 2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners", 2016-06-26 "Elenor Of Tsort", 2013-12-08 "Binky", 2014-05-05 "Ponder Stibbons", Hrun, Detritus, 2023-04-041orgchart
2018-04-22 "Greebo", Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, 2015-08-10 "Detritus"1abbr
2018-04-22 "Greebo",2018-04-22b "Greebo"1webcomponent
2018-04-22 2017-02-19 2016-06-26 Hogfather1formatplus2
2018-04-22 Greebo, !Igor1progrecss
2018-04-22, 2017-02-19, 2016-06-26, 2015-08-101syntaxhighlighter4
2018-04-22, 2020-07-29, 2022-07-311greensteel
2018-04-22, 2020-07-29, 2022-08-02, 2023-04-041numberedheadings
2018-04-22, Hogfather1drawio
2018-04-22a "Greebo"1chordsheets
2018-04-22b "Greebo"1tab
2018-04-22b+, 2020-07-29+1dokucrypt2
2018-04-22b+, 2020-07-29+, 2022-07-31+2avbarchart, avtaskbox
2018-04-22b, 2022-07-311pgpinlinesupport
2020-06-01 "Hogfather"1bs4simple
2020-07-292c3chart, structgroupby
2020-07-29 "Hogfather"6authopenldapkerberos, dump, stale, symbols4odt, pinkberrynight, twofactoryubiauth
2020-07-29 "Hogfather", !Greebo, !Frusterick Manners, !Elenor Of Tsort1mllist
2020-07-29 "Hogfather", 2018-04-22 "Greebo", 2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners", 2016-06-26 "Elenor Of Tsort"5cite, displaywikipage, googleads, googleanalytics, referrers
2020-07-29 "Hogfather", 2023-04-041abc2
2020-07-29 "Hogfather", rc-2020-06-09 "Hogfather" RC31webcode
2020-07-29 "Hogfather",2022-07-31 "Igor"1odtsupport
2020-07-29 2018-04-22 !2017-02-19 !2016-06-261monochrome
2020-07-29, 2022-07-31, 2023-04-041metaheaders
2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum", 2024-02-06 "Kaos"1genericsso
2023-04-04, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1imagebox
2023-04-04, Igor, Hogfather, Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Elenor of Tsort, !Detritus, !Hrun, !Ponder Stibbons, !Binky1farmer
2024-02-06+, 2023-04-04, 2022-07-31, 2020-07-29, 2018-04-221wikipraktik
> 2009-02-14, 2008-05-052gtd, lastfm
> 2009-02-14, 2008-05-05, !Hogfather1uparrow
> 2009-02-14, 2008-05-05, "Detritus", 2016-06-26, 2017-02-191medialist
> 2009-02-14, Greebo1gpsies
>= 2008-05-051dokubookmark
>= 2009-02-14b1mailrss
>Hrun, Hogfather1clearer
Adora Belle5bugzillalinks, gnuplot, header3, remust, selfmeasurement
adora belle1translationbuddy
Adora Belle, Angua1dokutranslate
Adora Belle, Angua, Rincewind, Anteater, Weatherwax1svnmod
Adora Belle, Angua, Rincewind, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun1page4release
Adora Belle, binky, ponder stibbons, hrun1s5
Adora Belle, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, !Hogfather1dwmenu
Adora Belle, Hrun1variants
Adora Belle, Hrun, Greebo, Hogfather1titlesanchorlink
Adora Belle, Ponder Stibbons1a_free_worldic
Adora Belle, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun1googlefonts
Adora Belle, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Greebo1recaptcha
Adora Belle, Weatherwax6colorpicker, jokuwiki, jwhelloworld, publist, aran, starterpjax
Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky1sqlraw
Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, 2014-05-05 "Ponder Stibbons", 2016-06-261gview
Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, 2014-09-29 "Hrun", "Frusterick Manners", "Greebo"1bloglinks
Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Detritus1upload
Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Elenor of Tsort1authorlist
Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Hogfather1maplink
Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons1txt2tags
adora belle, weatherwax, binky, ponder stibbons, detritus1anonip
Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1color
Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus1jiralinks
Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum2button, gitbacked
Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1socialcards
adora belle, weatherwax, binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Greebo, Hogfather1elwikiupgrade
adora belle, weatherwax, binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Greebo, Hogfather,Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1upgrade
Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus,"Elenor Of Tsort","Frusterick Manners", Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1charpicker
Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Jack Jackrum1grassstains
Adora Belle, Weatherwax, ponder stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, !Hogfather1brj404
Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus,"Elenor Of Tsort", "Frusterick Manners",Greebo, hogfather1toolbuttondel
adora belle, weatherwax,hrun,detritus,Greebo1strreplace
All versions1betadoku
Angua6composer, confsearch, dwspecialist, fbcomments, timeline2, zotero
Angua, "Adora Belle" Weatherwax "Ponder Stibbons", Hrun, detritus, binky,2016-06-26, 2017-02-19, Greebo1twitter
Angua, 2012-01-25; 2011-05-25 "Rincewind"1daftdrafts
Angua, Adora Belle3dblclickedit, panoview, s5reloaded
Angua, Adora Belle, !2014-09-29 "Hrun", Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo1twistienav
Angua, Adora Belle, Binky1table2csv
Angua, Adora Belle, Hrun, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather1translation
Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax2indexnumber, socialshareprivacy
Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, 2016-06-26a1netlogo
Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky4googlepagerank, icq, lightboxv2, rssticker
Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Greebo1macros
Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons1mp3play
Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, !Hogfather1templatebyname
Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1translate
Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus,"Elenor Of Tsort","Frusterick Manners",Greebo,hogfather1quickstats
Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky,Ponder Stibbons,Hrun,Detritus,Elenor Of Tsort,Frusterick Manners, greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1imagereference
Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Hrun, Detritus, Hogfather1outliner
Angua, Binky1colorbox
Angua, Binky, Hrun1function
Angua, Binky, ponder stibbons1hiddenswitch
Angua, Rincewind, Anteater, Hrun+1poem
angua, rincewind, hrun, detritus, Frusterick Manners, greebo1getraw
angua, rincewind, weatherwax, binky, ponder stibbons, hrun, detritus, Frusterick Manners, greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1hiddenheader
Angua, Rincewind, Weatherwax, Hrun, detritus, Frusterick Manners, greebo, hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1nssearch
Anteater7mypage, signhere, simpleindex, a_centered_perspective, freechred, minimalism, typo
anteater, 2011-05-25, adora belle, weatherwax, ponder stibbons, Hrun, Detritus1graphviz
Anteater, Angua, Rincewind, "Adora Belle", Weatherwax, Binky, "Ponder Stibbons", Hrun, "Elenor Of Tsort", Greebo, Hogfather; Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos2popupviewer, sortablejs
Anteater, Lemming, Angua, Adora belle, Rincewind, Ponder stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, !Hogfather1vkeyboard
Anteater, Rincewind1asciimath
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua4label, solr, ssocas, arctic-mbo
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, "Adora Belle", Binky1p2ilinkaction
anteater, rincewind, angua, "Adora Belle", Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, !Hogfather1orphanmedia
anteater, rincewind, angua, "Adora Belle", Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1orphanmedia2
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle3mp3play2, showlinkpermission, zoom
anteater, rincewind, angua, adora belle, binky, Hrun, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo !Hogfather1denyactions
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners1googledrawing
anteater, rincewind, angua, adora belle, binky, ponder stibbons, Hrun, Detritus,Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, greebo, Hogfather1xbr
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax1yql
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky1autosearch
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, "Ponder Stibbons", Hrun1taratasy
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Kaos2robot404, whennotfound
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons4pagemove, doogiestpl, minima, tuxquote
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Greebo1fontfamily
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Greebo, Igor, Jack Jackrum1openid
anteater, rincewind, angua, adora belle, weatherwax, binky, ponder stibbons, hrun1croissant
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun+1poldek
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun+, Detritus, 2015-08-10, Elenor Of Tsort1eventum
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, "Frusterick Manners", "Greebo", Hogfather1cacherevisionseraser
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Ddetritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather1openas
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus1mnml-blog
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners1actionlink
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos+1cloud
Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun,detritus,"Elenor Of Tsort" ,Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1textinsert
anteater, rincewind, angua, adora belle, weatherwax, ponder stibbons, binky,hrun,detritus,"Elenor Of Tsort","Frusterick Manners",Greebo1vamr
anteater, rincewind, angua, adora belle, weatherwax, ponder stibbons, binky,hrun,detritus,"Elenor Of Tsort","Frusterick Manners",Greebo,hogfather1epub
Anteater, Rincewind, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, !Kaos1searchstats
Anteater, Rincewind, Elenor of Tsort, !Hogfather, !Kaos1latex
Anteater, Rincewind, Elenor of Tsort, Hogfather, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1latexwas
anteater,rincewind,angua,adora belle,weatherwax, binky, ponder stibbons, hrun, detritus, elenor of tsort,"Frusterick Manners",Greebo1news
Binky5asana, geonav, google_cal, outdent, rtmchecklist
Binky+8discoursesearch, docsearchsitemap, imageflow, layeranimation, magnifier, phosphor, redirector, tipoftheday
Binky, !Hogfather, !Igor1advrack
Binky, !Hogfather, Greebo1runcommand
Binky, !Igor1asyncsearch
Binky, 2009-02-14b, 2009-12-25, 2010-11-07, 2011-05-25, 2012-01-25, 2012-10-13, 2013-05-101showlogin2
Binky, 2013-11-181dontfeedtemplates
Binky, 2013-12-083directorylist, dokuwiki-webcomics, gitlog
binky, 2014-04-28, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo2matomo, piwik2
binky, 2014-04-28, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather1hubspot
Binky, 2014-05-05 "Ponder Stibbons", !Igor1patchpanel
Binky, Adora Belle, 2006-11-06, 2016-06-26 "Elenor Of Tsort", Greebo, Hogfather1fields
Binky, Angua, Adora Belle, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Greebo, Igor, Kaos1logstats
Binky, Angua, Rincewind, Weatherwax, Greebo, Hogfather, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1tokenbucketauth
Binky, Detritus, Hrun, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum120cones
Binky, Elenor Of Tsort+1nodetailsxhtml
Binky, Greebo, "!Jack Jackrum"1workflow
Binky, Hogfather, Jack Jackrum1aclinfo
Binky, Ponder Stibbons1eclipseupdateurl
binky, ponder stibbons1searchjump
Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun1easypaste
Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, 2015-08-10 , 2016-06-26, 2017-02-19, Greebo, hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos+1numberof
Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus,1youtracklinks
Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort2makemedians, stdokuwikiconnector
Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo1authphpbb3
Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, !Jack Jackrum1htmlokay
Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather1logger
Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1copypage
Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Greebo, Hogfather1text
Binky, Weatherwax1tocafterheadline
Binky, Weatherwax, Adora Belle1permissioninfo
Binky, Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Angua2codebutton2, indextitleonly
Binky, Weatherwax, Angua, "Adora Belle"1icalendar
Detritus5articlelinks, baselink, codebender, datagraph, newsticker
detritus, !Greebo, Hogfather1submgr
Detritus, "Elenor Of Tsort", "Frusterick Manners",Greebo,hogfather1skipentity
Detritus, 2016-06-26 "Elenor Of Tsort", 2017-02-19a "Frusterick Manners", "Greebo", Hogfather, "Jack Jackrum"1odt
Detritus, 2016-06-26, 2017-02-19, Greebo+1authchained
Detritus, Binky, Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Angua, Rincewind, Hogfather1groupmanager
Detritus, Elenor of Tsort1quizlib
Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo2phpipam, rrdgraph
Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather1authremoteuser
Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather1socialite
Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1randominc
Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1keyboard
Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1xtern
Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, jack jackrum, Kaos1blockquote
Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos+3authwordpress, catlist, htmlmetatags
Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo,hogfather1annotate
Detritus, Frusterick Manners1authvk
Detritus, Greebo, !Hogfather1multipoll
Detritus, Hogfather1pglist
Detritus, Hrun1log404
Detritus, Hrun, Elenor of Tsort1date
Detritus, Hrun, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo1webdavclient
Detritus, Hrun, Elenor Of Tsort, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1navi
Detritus, Hrun, Hogfather1top
Detritus, Hrun, Ponder Stibbons1ramtop
Detritus, Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax2javadoc, stopforumspam
Detritus, Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Angua, Rincewind, Anteater, Lemming, 2009-02-14b, 2008-05-051database2
Detritus, Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather1discussion
Detritus, Igor, Jack Jackrum1extlist
Detritus, Kaos1distributedacl
Detritus, Ponder Stibbons, binky, angua, rincewind, adora belle, weatherwax1dir
Detritus,Elenor of Tsort,Frusterick Manners,Greebo,Hogfather,Igor,Jack Jackrum1ckgedit
DokuWiki, since 2008-02-201givemeyouremail
dokuwiki-2009-12-252dokuwikitweet, videogg
Elenor of Tsort6authjoomla3, nsexport, relativetimehelper, rocketchatnotifier, scrapbook, weltis
Elenor of Tsort+2dw2markdown, rawless
Elenor of Tsort, !Detritus, !Hrun, !Ponder Stibbons1farmsync
Elenor of Tsort, !Igor1tabbedsearchresults
Elenor Of Tsort, Detritus, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, "Frusterick Manners", "Greebo", Hogfather1captcha
elenor of tsort, detritus, frusterick manners, Greebo1jukebox
elenor of tsort, detritus, frusterick manners, greebo, hogfather, igor, jack jackrum, kaos2a2s, cli
Elenor Of Tsort, Detritus, Greebo1searchresultswithpath
Elenor Of Tsort, Detritus, Hrun, Frusterick Manners1davcard
Elenor Of Tsort, Detritus, Hrun, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, "Jack Jackrum", Kaos1davcal
Elenor Of Tsort, Detritus, Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, !Igor1calendoku
Elenor of Tsort, Detritus, Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Igor1stm
Elenor of tsort, Detritus, Weatherwax, Binky, Hrun, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, !Hogfather1codowik
Elenor Of Tsort, Detritus, Weatherwax, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1slider
Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners2coinhive, epnsmartlink
Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo1ckgdoku
Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo2sqlquery, tagalerts
Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather3displayfile, exttab3, interwikiformatting
Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather1ikso
Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather3displayfile, exttab3, interwikiformatting
Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, !Igor1displayorphans
Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor4box, displaytitle, latexcaption, styler
Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor+1legalnotice
Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum2bibtex4dw, caption
Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1changes
Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1bookcreator
elenor of tsort, frusterick manners, greebo, hogfather, igor, jack jackrum, kaos1copy2clipboard
Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners,Greebo,Hogfather,Igor,Kaos,Jack Jackrum1tplmod
elenor of tsort, Greebo1disableactionsbygroup
elenor of tsort, hrun, detritus, frusterick manners, greebo1revealjs
Elenor Of Tsort, Igor1tagsections
Elenor of tsort, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Frusterick Manners, greebo, hogfather, igor, jack jackrum1authsplit
Elenor of Tsort, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, !Hogfather1flowplayer
Elenor Of Tsort, Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Angua, Rincewind, Anteater, Lemming, 2023-04-041ipa
Elenor Of Tsort,Detritus,Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1emphasis
Elenor of Tsort,Frusterick Manners,Greebo,Hogfather1cssperpage
Frusterick Manners15authimap2, cnmap, dl, ebookexport, feedback, fetchmedia, jspolyfill, mediacacheconfig, nsindex, nslist, preventzerowidthchars, revisionat, showphperrors, starred, structgantt
Frusterick Manners, !Hogfather1nstoc
Frusterick Manners, 2009-12-25c, Anteater, Rincewind, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Greebo, !Hogfather1ifauth
Frusterick Manners, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1fontcolor
Frusterick Manners, Elenor Of Tsort, !Detritus, !Hrun, Igor1newnamespacepermissions
Frusterick Manners, Elenor of Tsort, Detritus2icalevents, zenith
Frusterick Manners, Elenor of Tsort, Detritus, "Ponder Stibbons", Hrun, Greebo, Hogfather, 2023-04-041starter
Frusterick Manners, Elenor of Tsort, Detritus, Hrun5bootnote, gitlabproject, jenkins, redissue, redproject
Frusterick Manners, Elenor of Tsort, Detritus, Hrun, Greebo, Hogfather1tagging
Frusterick Manners, Elenor of Tsort, Detritus, Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax1adoradark
Frusterick Manners, Elenor Of Tsort, Detritus, Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax, Adora Belle1data-au
Frusterick Manners, Elenor Of Tsort, Detritus, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Binky, 2014-09-29d, Greebo, !Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1cellbg
Frusterick Manners, Elenor Of Tsort, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Hogfather, Igor1rss
Frusterick Manners, Elenor Of Tsort, Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1todo
Frusterick Manners, Greebo6alphalist2, authsmf20, changemarks, facebook, jirainfo, mcitem
Frusterick Manners, Greebo, !Hogfather1qc
Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather6authdjango, bookmark, namespacemessage, nbsp, toolbox, virtualgroup
Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor2chem, evesso
Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum4dokusioc, footer, tablewidth, webmaster
Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos2bureaucracy, mathpublish
Frusterick Manners, Greebo,hogfather,Igor1dwedit
Frusterick Manners, Hogfather1authenvvars
Frusterick Manners, Hrun1miniblog
Frusterick Manners, Igor1sitemapnavi
Frusterick Manners, Jack Jackrum, Igor, Kaos1foldablelist
Frusterick Manners, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort1authplaincas
Frusterick, Lemming, Anteater, rincewind, angua, hogfather, Jack Jackrum1phpwikify
Greebo61aclplusregex, acronym4glossary, actionrenderer, amazonlight, amcharts, authclientcert, authdiscourse, authjoomla, autogroup, barcode, booking, colorswatch, datefilter, diff, ebnf, findologicxmlexport, forceuserchange, gdpr, googleverify, gplusone, instantpage, interwikipaste, jquerymigrate, jquotes, jsreplacements, lastmod, leaflet, links4pages, localization, mark2memorize, mimetex, mtg, nsiconinsearch, orgapp, pagenav, prespan, pwaoffline, quicksubscribe, schemadata, sentry, structat, structcombolookup, structgeohash, structgroup, structinputstretch, structrowcolor, structstatus, stylingpages, swarmwebhook, ancient, byu_2017_theme, comicslate, congrid, timer, timetrack, tplinc, usercontact, userimportextended, vimeo, webexteamsnotifier, yuriigantt
Greebo !Frusterick Manners !Elenor of Tsort !Detritus !Hrun1icke
Greebo+2pixelyear, sincetil
Greebo, !Frusterick Manners, !Elenor of Tsort, !Detritus1searchdefaults
Greebo, !Hogfather3arguments, bookmarkme, phpinc
Greebo, !Hogfather, !Jack Jackrum2deflist, toc
Greebo, !Hrun1mystyle
Greebo, "Frusterick Manners", "Elenor Of Tsort", Detritus5datepicker, editonlink, imagecarousel, rowmove, sneakyindexfix
Greebo, "Frusterick Manners", "Elenor Of Tsort", Detritus, Kaos1pageimage
Greebo, 2011-11-10, Rincewind1nextday
Greebo, 2018-04-228autotweet2, file2dw, odtplus2dw, ruby, stopforumspam2, targetlink, wikiformatstyling, wikistyle2html
Greebo, 2018-04-22b1minical
Greebo, Detritus1groupmail
Greebo, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners1serverinfos
Greebo, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Igor1scrollticker
Greebo, Frusterick Manners2authsaml, watchcycle
Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Elenor of Tsort1highlightparent
Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Elenor Of Tsort, Detritus1pubmed2020
Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Elenor Of Tsort, Detritus, Hrun1yuml
Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Elenor Of Tsort, Detritus, Hrun, Ponder Stibbons1newline
Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Hogfather5discordnotifier, glossary, schedule, showsamples, tiledblog
Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Hogfather, Igor1tile
Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1include
Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Hogfather, Kaos1matrixnotifierwas
Greebo, Hogfather22admnote, bible, bookmarkfile, dyncontent, editsections2, feed, groupmatrix, groupusers, hidingip, linkpagechild, log, mediatooltip, metadisplay, multilingual, onlinenumber, passpolicy, pdftools, saveandedit, subnumberlist, argon, darkblue, twistienav4bootstrap3
Greebo, Hogfather, Igor9archivegenerator, fixredirectlinks, pagebuttons, photogallery, statdisplay, mindthedark, notepad, webcomics, yourip
Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum11acknowledge, bpmnio, geotag, konsole, manlink, mobiletable, randompage2, stlviewer, khum1, webdav, wst
Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos10autolink4, autotooltip, confmanager, dlcounter, elasticsearch, move, oauth, searchform, toucher2, wideredit
Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos+1mermaid
Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Kaos1ifauthex
Greebo, Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky1emoji
Greebo, Igor3btable2, codebuttonmod1, sha3sum
Greebo, Jack Jackrum1dokuprism
greebo, weatherwax,hrun1likeit
Hogfather61abstract, addressbook, ajaxedit, appendtoquery, authgooglesheets, autostart, autotabber, bpmnioeditor, codeclipboard, cookiebanner, currentlyreading, dbquery, deletehistory, deniedpage, dirtylittlehelper, disabledelete, downloadcodeblock, entitiesbutton, extendpage, hidemenus, idcount, ipgroup, ipmap, iptrust2, linkscollection, lms, logindelay, matrixnotifier, multiselect, navpath, noabstract, oauthcognito, oauthdoorkeeper, oauthdrkserver, oauthfacebook, oauthgeneric, oauthgithub, oauthgoogle, oauthwechange, odp, randomquote, reqlang, resizeblacklist, showinitpage, simplemap, structcondstyle, structsection, structtemplate, structupdate, survey, flat, timezoneco, today, tos, twofactoraltemail, twofactoremail, txtconf, usermanagerextended, userpagecreate, xterm, yearbox
Hogfather !Igor1textmodule
Hogfather, 2009-08-01, 2013-05-101docsearch
Hogfather, 2020-07-294airtable, allowindentation, externalembed, geogebrembed
Hogfather, 2022-07-31 ,2023-04-041copycode
Hogfather, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, "Ponder Stibbons", Hrun, Detritus,2016-06-26, 2017-02-19, Greebo, 2023-04-041snow
hogfather, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, 2016-06-26, 2017-02-19, Greebo1openlayersmapoverlays
Hogfather, Frusterick Manners, Greebo1latexport
Hogfather, Greebo33accscounter, diagramsnet, htmldetailstag, structjoin, able, arcadebasic, artforwater, basical, boozurk, chippedsnow, cleanresurrected, cutopillar, darkwood, dokukitv2, drop, flarum, graphy, hexa, jessica, kkh, klean, launch, mywiki, newspaper, nostalgia, parabola, parallax, pinboard, ravel, spacious, tilus, trendclassic, tripillar
Hogfather, Greebo, !Jack Jackrum1mdpage
Hogfather, Greebo, 2017-02-19, 2016-06-26, Detritus, Hrun, Binky1authldaplocal
Hogfather, Greebo, Frusterick Manners4filelisting, inseecity, instructions, ol3
Hogfather, Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Elenor Of Tsort1dataplot
Hogfather, Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Elenor of Tsort, Detritus, 2023-04-041userpage
Hogfather, Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Elenor Of Tsort, Detritus, Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Igor1data
Hogfather, Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Elenor Of Tsort, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Angua1publistf
Hogfather, Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Igor1tablelayout
Hogfather, Greebo, Frusterrick Manner, Elenor of Tsort, Detritus1searchtext
Hogfather, Greebo, Jack Jackrum3bushwick, fictive, varicolored
Hogfather, Greebo, Kaos1rndtxt
Hogfather, Igor8authnc, dokutts, encryptedpasswords, html5video2, linkback, mediathumbnails, menuext, pot
Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum15backlinks, commonmark, deeplautotranslate, geophp, imgpaste, jsoneditor, jsongendoc, jsontable, mediasyntax, pagequery, spatialhelper, stopwatch, kajukkd, typowiki, vertical
Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos15combo, docnavigation, json, note, oauthazure, openlayersmap, simplebox, sqlite, stellarium, notos, readthedokus, templatepagename, tgnotify, twofactor, twofactortelegram
Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos+1wikindx
Hogfather, Jack Jackrum2oauthkeycloak, textrotate
Hogfather, kaos1code
Hogfather, Weatherwax, Hrun, Detritus1mredirect
Hrun31ajaxpeon, authfacebook, authimap, authloginapi, authsqlite, bugzillaint, captchalogin, code2, contactmodern, explorertree, hidepages, jorgchart, labeled, memcache, pagestat, rating, remoteinf, settingstree, sfauth, shorturl, skilltagicon, slidesharewp, source, svgpureinsert, mmclean, plaintext, simpleclean, tfslink, togglewrap, uncmap, youtrack
Hrun, Binky, Ponder Stibbons1binkytestinstance
Hrun, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners1authg2fa
Hrun, Detritus4abbrlist, dirpictures, recaptcha2, kajukkk
Hrun, Detritus, Binky, Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Angua, Rincewind1tooltip
Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort2adultcontent, authucenter
Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, !Hogfather1navbox
Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo1task
Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather4abortlogin, oembed, overlay, shortcutkey
Hrun, Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather1white
Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum4advanced, icons, passwordgenerator, semantic
Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos3fastwiki, pdfjs, toctweak
Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Kaos1achart
Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Greebo1chessdiagram
Hrun, Detritus, Frusterick Manners, Elenor of Tsort1authdrupal7
hrun, detritus, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1columns
Hrun, Detritus, Greebo1metaeditor
Hrun, Detritus, Greebo, Hogfather1tabbox
Hrun, Detritus, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos2refnotes, sketchcanvas
Hrun, Frusterick Manners1pagebreak
Hrun, Frusterick Manners, !Igor1bashorg
Hrun, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1batchedit
Hrun, Greebo2csstimeline, linksenhanced
Hrun, Greebo, Hogfather2adfs, saml
Hrun, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor2autologoff, publish
Hrun, Ponder Stibbons2datapopup, dokui
Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo1bureaucracyau
Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax1swiftmail
Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Angua, Detritus, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1csv
hrun, ponder stibbons, binky, weatherwax, adora belle, anteater, rincewind, angua1zenlike
Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Greebo, hogfather1tcycle
Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax, Adora Belle,detritus,elenor of tsort,hogfather1dwcommits
Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle1blogtng
Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax, Detritus,Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners,Greebo,1preregister
Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax, Elenor of Tsort, Detritus1statistics
hrun, ponder stibbons, binky, weatherwax, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, !Hogfather1amazon
hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1qna
hrun, weatherwax, elenor of tsort, detritus, frusterick manners1autostartpage
Hrun, Weatherwax, Greebo, !Hogfather, Igor1whoisonline
Hrun,Detritus,Elenor Of Tsort,Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather1syntaxmantis
Igor21autoindex, bookmark2wiki, bulletodo, code39, dokudrawingboard, extranet, fullscreenmode, gemini, gitlabapi, icon, imagepreview, lastcomp, ocr, qrcodescanner, recommend, structacl, structautolink, structnotification, peanutbutter, usecounter, whyspam
Igor+2feedmod, slacknotifier
Igor, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Greebo, Hogfather, Jack Jackrum1custombuttons
Igor, Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Elenor Of Tsort, Detritus1const
Igor, Greebo, Hogfather1acronymedit
Igor, Hogfather1spreadout
Igor, Hogfather, frusterick manners, greebo,1flowcharts
Igor, Hogfather, Greebo, Detritus, Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Weatherwax, Binky1timestamp
Igor, Hogfather, Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Elenor of Tsort, Detritus, Weatherwax, Hrun1bootswrapper
Igor, Hogfather, Greebo, Jack Jackrum1svgembed
Igor, Hogfather, Greebo, Jack Jackrum, Kaos2mikioplugin, mikio
Igor, Hogfather, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1dwtimeline
Igor, Jack Jackrum5bb4dw, cmsmode, structprogress, structpublish, xref
igor, jack jackrum1pureldap
Igor, Jack Jackrum5bb4dw, cmsmode, structprogress, structpublish, xref
Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos4backup, barcodes, embeddedphp, templater
Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos+1nspages
Jack Jackrum27api, asciidocjs, autham, authcas, authdrupal8, codeprism, copyurl, dev, emailpolicy, isauth, katex, localexplorer, orphanswanted, preview, pubchem, pubmed, randomtables, scriptheader, selectionsearch, shell, stepbystep, strata, structgroup8, structodt, hydrogen, kiwiki, xlsx2dw
Jack Jackrum+2googleconsentmananger, siteexport
Jack Jackrum, !Igor1diagrams
Jack Jackrum, Hogfather, Frusterick Manners, Elenor of Tsort, Greebo1nobadbrowser
Jack Jackrum, Hogfather, Igor1structtasks
Jack Jackrum, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1iphelper
Jack Jackrum, Igor1sql2wiki
Jack Jackrum, Igor, Elenor of tsort, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather1authhttp
Jack Jackrum, Igor, Hogfather1twofactorgoogleauth
Jack Jackrum, Igor, Hogfather, !Greebo,1panoramacake
Jack Jackrum, Igor, Hogfather, !Greebo, !Frusterick Manners, !Elenor Of Tsort, !Detritus, !Hrun, !Ponder Stibbons1do
Jack Jackrum, Igor, Hogfather, Frusterick Manners, Greebo1plantumlparser
Jack Jackrum, Igor, Hogfather, Greebo2lastpages, subpages
Jack Jackrum, Igor, Hogfather, Greebo, Detritus1attribute
Jack Jackrum, Igor, Hogfather, Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Elenor of Tsort, Detritus1diffpreview
Jack Jackrum, Igor, Hogfather, Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Elenor Of Tsort, Detritus2linksuggest, tagfilter
Jack Jackrum, Kaos8aichat, anonprotect, doxycode, htmlok, parserfunctions, prosemirror, searchns, writr
Jack Jackrum,Igor1highlight2wiki
Kaos19approve, authserversso, authssocas, bez, custommeta, dtable, gautoads, gchart, golocal, ireadit, notification, oauthdiscord, oauthosm, questionnaire, secedit2head, singlesearchresult, structnumber, mantinedoku, wordimport
Kaos19approve, authserversso, authssocas, bez, custommeta, dtable, gautoads, gchart, golocal, ireadit, notification, oauthdiscord, oauthosm, questionnaire, secedit2head, singlesearchresult, structnumber, mantinedoku, wordimport
Kaos, "Jack Jackrum", Weatherwax, Binky, "Ponder Stibbons", Hrun, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1tabinclude
Kaos, Binky, Elenor Of Tsort1imagemapping
Kaos, Greebo, Frusterick Manners,Elenor of Tsort, Weatherwax, Hrun, Detritus, Hogfather, Igor, "Jack Jackrum"1datatables
Kaos, Hogfather, Frusterick Manners, Elenor Of Tsort1jplayer
Kaos, Hogfather, Igor1strap
Kaos, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1bulma
Kaos, Igor, Hogfather, Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Elenor of Tsort1talkpage
Kaos, Igor, Jack Jackrum4adhocmathml, adhoctables, adhoctags, adhocwrap
Kaos, Jack Jackrum, !Igor1doi
Kaos, Jack Jackrum, 2020-07-29 "Hogfather", 2018-04-22 "Greebo", Frusterick Manners, "Elenor of Tsort", Detritus,, Igor1loglog
Kaos, Jack Jackrum, Igor1imapmarkers
Kaos, Jack Jackrum, Igor, Hogfather1sprintdoc
Kaos, Jack Jackrum, Igor, Hogfather, Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Detritus, Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Angua1folded
Kaos, Jack Jackrum, Igor, Hogfather, Greebo, Frusterick Manners, Elenor of Tsort, Detritus1bootstrap3
Kaos, Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1blog
Lemming43aclauditor, agenda, cronojob, cssmenu, dataloop, dbtables, dig, dokupp, dpicorrect, feedauth, flattr, footnotestyle, groupmgr, html5, jmol2, lytebox, nftr, pdfbook, pirate, quickedit, quiz, sidebarng, spellcheck, sphinxsearch, svg, dokumac, dokuxp, dwsimple, h6e-minimal, mcz, neolaoresources3, quickjump, r7thblog1, r7throot1, r7throot2, r7throot3, r7throot4, r7throot5, r7throot6, r7throot7, r7throot8, translation3, zenlogin
Lemming+4codebutton_ext, graphgear, imageshack, oiddelegate
Lemming, !Hogfather1alignment
Lemming, Anteater5doctree2filelist, editsections, itemtable, osm, xfortune
Lemming, Anteater, Greebo1stats
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind9adminhomepage, asciimathml, asciisvg, asiansearch, autolink2, cryptsign, dokumicrobugtracker, fancysearch, lcars
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua10autoindentcontrol, bahnde, jquery-syntax, nohighlight, readability, reliwa, ospyramid, tr-money, tr-twitter, toursprung
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, !Greebo1maintenancemessage
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle2loginredirect, preservefilenames
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora belle, Binky, Ponder stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1block
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax3badbehaviour, ach, gtopia
lemming, anteater, rincewind, angua, adora belle, weatherwax1unusedmedias
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky3aceeditor, itrackviewer, showlogin
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Greebo, Hogfather1ipban
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Hrun1monobook
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos+1newpagetemplate
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons1dlcount
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, !Hogfather, !Igor, !Jack Jackrum, !Kaos1tools
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, 2023-04-041purplenumbers
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun3abc, description, roundbox
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, !Hogfather1cumulus
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort3paypal, skype, wolframalpha
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, !Hogfather1syntaxhighlighter3
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners2conflictmerger, simple_sidebar
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners+1unformattedcode
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo5codebutton, disqus, embedover, linkprefix, xslt
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, !Hogfather2message, spoiler
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, !Hogfather, !Igor1aimg
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, !Hogfather, !Kaos1searchpattern
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, !Hogfather, 2023-04-041fontface
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather7bbcode, credits, nowiki, stars2, dokubook, vector, wikiweko
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick manners, Greebo, Hogfather1xkcd
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, !Igor, !Jack Jackrum1tagentry
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor4diagram, iframe, iframeinterwiki, nodisp
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, "Jack Jackrum", Kaos1searchtablejs
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum3loadskin, passwordgrey, snippets
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos2hidden, searchindex
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Greebo, Hogfather 1zwidoku
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Greebo, Hogfather,IgoR1codedoc
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Greebo, Hogfather1spoiler2
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1redirect
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1wikipediasnippet
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Greebo1fontsize2
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, angua, adora belle, weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Greebo, Hogfather, Kaos1enforcesummary
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Angua, Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Hrun, Detritus1ditaa
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Binky+1reflect
Lemming, Anteater, Rincewind, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1tablecalc
Lemming, Anteater, Weatherwax, Binky, Frusterick Manners, Greebo1countdown
Lemming, Detritus1pagebox
Ponder Stibbons3archiveupload, clippy, linkfix
Ponder Stibbons, !Greebo1ghissues
Ponder Stibbons, Adora Belle1starterbootstrap
Ponder Stibbons, Angua, Adora Belle, Rincewind, Weatherwax, Binky, Hrun, Frusterick Manners1definitionlist
Ponder Stibbons, Binky1dokubootstrapsimplified
Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Hrun1latexit
ponder stibbons, binky, hrun, detritus, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather1sync
Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Angua1publistx
Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Elenor of Tsort1langdelete
Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, !Hogfather1highlight
Ponder Stibbons, Detritus, Hogfather1prettytables
Ponder Stibbons, Frusterick Manners, !Hogfather1indexeverywhere
Ponder Stibbons, Greebo, Jack Jackrum1gh
Ponder Stibbons, Hrun2magento, benjamin
Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manner, Greebo1pgn4web
Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners1wikistats
Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo+1commentsyntax
Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather1tocselect
ponder stibbons, hrun, detritus, elenor of tsort, frusterick manners, Greebo, hogfather, igor1doodle3
Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Kaos1pageredirect
ponder stibbons, hrun, detritus, elenor of tsort, frusterick manners, Greebo, igor1doodle4
ponder stibbons, hrun, detritus, Greebo1doodle3toolbar
Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1multiorphan
Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather1datasearchform
Ponder Stibbons, Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1mathjax
Ponder Stibbons,Hrun,Detritus,Elenor Of Tsort,Frusterick Manners,!Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1userhomepage
Release 2024-02-06b "Kaos", Release 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum", Release 2022-07-31a "Igor"1csvtodwpages
Rincewind6regexreplacer, semanticdata, sendpagecontent, slideshare, minimal_mobile, uilanguage
Rincewind, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1pagelist
Rincewind, Angua3favoris, plainlists, xssnipper
rincewind, angua1tindexmenu
Rincewind, Angua3favoris, plainlists, xssnipper
Rincewind, Angua, Adora belle, Binky1doodle2
Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Binky, Hrun1issuetracker
Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, kaos1comment
Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Ponder Stibbons1ryubin
Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos4addnewpage, addnewpagedeluxe, breadcrumbdeluxe, snippeter
Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax1classificationbanner
Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Hrun, !Hogfather1rater
Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1htmlcomment
Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus1odt2dw
Rincewind, angua, adora belle, weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners1toucher
Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo1securelogin
Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1clearhistory
rincewind, angua, adora belle, Weatherwax, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort1widearea
Rincewind, Angua, Adora Belle, Weatherwax, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Binky, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Jack Jackrum1yalist
Rincewind, Angua, Weatherwax, Detritus1scanlines
Rincewind, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos+1cspheader
Weatherwax19authlinotp, authradius, botbouncer, docimporter, fbde, headernofloat, idoit, linebreak, maintenance, masciimath, nosecedit, pagebreak2, profiles, rigrr, unameban, unblink, visio, watermark, xslfo
Weatherwax, Adora Belle1dokutwitterbootstrap
Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Angua, Rincewind, Anteater, Igor1clock
Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Angua, Rincewind, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1avatar
Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Angua, Rincewind, Hrun, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, !Hogfather1showif
Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Jack Jackrum1interwiki
Weatherwax, Angua, Adora Belle2alphalist, filterrss
Weatherwax, Angua, Adora Belle, Binky1jcapture
Weatherwax, Binky3authowncloud, owncloud, youtube
Weatherwax, Binky+1rssbycreated
weatherwax, binky, Hrun, Detritus, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1cleanup
Weatherwax, Binky, Hrun, Detritus,Frusterick Manners1callflow
Weatherwax, Binky, Jack Jackrum1cowboy
Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons1behave
weatherwax, binky, ponder stibbons1npd
Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun5authgoogle, authhiorgserver, flexpaper, headerfooter, manner
Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, !Hogfather1anewssystem
Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort1inclform
Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners1lisps
Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, !Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum1tag
Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo2noprint, subjectindex
Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, !Hogfather, !Igor, !Jack Jackrum1alertbox
Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather4divalign2, goto, numbering, xcom
Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1userhistory
Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos1sapnotelink
Weatherwax, Binky, Ponder Stibbons, Hrun, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor1meta
weatherwax, detritus1plantuml
Weatherwax, Detritus, Hogfather1prettyphoto
Weatherwax, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos+1pagehere
Weatherwax, Greebo, Igor2repo, default
Weatherwax, Hogfather1pagetemplater
Weatherwax, Hrun, Detritus1fontawesome
Weatherwax, Hrun, Detritus, Elenor of Tsort, Frusterick Manners, Greebo, Hogfather, Igor, Jack Jackrum, Kaos+1authmantis

∑ 1841 plugins matching query

Best compatible

Only if recognized due to match with releases mentioned in the config setting.

BestcompatiblePlugins WHERE 1
2018-04-22194404manager, abbr, aclplusregex, acronym4glossary, actionrenderer, aimg, alertbox, alphalist2, amazon, amazonlight, amcharts, arguments, authclientcert, authdiscourse, authjoomla, authphpbb3, authsaml, authsmf20, autogroup, autotweet2, barcode, bloglinks, booking, bookmarkme, bureaucracyau, changemarks, chessdiagram, chordsheets, ckgdoku, codebutton, codebuttontrumod, codeprettify, colorswatch, countdown, csstimeline, datedifference, datefilter, datepicker, deflist, denyactions, diff, disableactionsbygroup, disqus, doodle3toolbar, dwmenu, ebnf, editonlink, embedover, emoji, facebook, file2dw, findologicxmlexport, flowplayer, fontfamily, fontsize2, forceuserchange, freechat, gdpr, getraw, googleverify, gplusone, gpsies, groupmail, highlight, highlightparent, html5video, htmlokay, ifauth, imagecarousel, instantpage, interwikipaste, issuelinks, jirainfo, jquerymigrate, jquotes, jsreplacements, jukebox, lastmod, leaflet, likeit, linkprefix, links4pages, linksenhanced, localization, macros, mark2memorize, matomo, mcitem, message, metaeditor, mimetex, minical, minimap, mtg, multipoll, newline, news, nextday, noprint, nsiconinsearch, odtplus2dw, orgapp, orphanmedia, pagenav, pagetitle, partialsearch, pgn4web, phpinc, phpipam, piwik2, plaintext, preregister, prespan, progrecss, pubmed2020, pwaoffline, qc, quicksubscribe, recaptcha, revealjs, rowmove, rplus, rrdgraph, ruby, runcommand, schemadata, searchdefaults, searchpattern, searchresultswithpath, securelogin, select, sentry, sequencediagram, serverinfos, showif, showpageafterlogin, sneakyindexfix, spoiler, sqlquery, stats, stopforumspam2, strreplace, structat, structcombolookup, structgeohash, structgroup, structinputstretch, structrowcolor, structstatus, stylingpages, subjectindex, swarmwebhook, syntaxhighlighter4, tab, tablefilterjs, tagadd, tagalerts, targetlink, task, ancient, argon-alt, bootie, byu_2017_theme, codowik, comicslate, congrid, dokuwikibee, icke, mystyle, prsnl10, templatebyname, timer, timetrack, toc, tplinc, twistienav, twitter, unsplashdoku, usercontact, userimportextended, vamr, vimeo, vkeyboard, watchcycle, webcomponent, webdavclient, webexteamsnotifier, wikiformatstyling, wikistyle2html, workflow, xml, xslt, yuml, yuriigantt
2020-07-29241abortlogin, abstract, accscounter, addressbook, adfs, admnote, airtable, ajaxedit, allowindentation, annotate, appendtoquery, authdjango, authenvvars, authgooglesheets, authldaplocal, authopenldapkerberos, authremoteuser, autostart, autotabber, bbcode, bible, bookmark, bookmarkfile, bpmnioeditor, c3chart, cacherevisionseraser, captcha, cite, clearer, codeclipboard, cookiebanner, credits, cssperpage, currentlyreading, dataplot, datasearchform, dbquery, deletehistory, deniedpage, diagramsnet, dirtylittlehelper, disabledelete, discordnotifier, discussion, displayfile, displayorphans, displaywikipage, divalign2, docsearch, doodle, downloadcodeblock, drawio, dump, dwcommits, dyncontent, editsections2, elwikiupgrade, entitiesbutton, epub, extendpage, externalembed, exttab3, feed, fields, filelisting, formatplus2, geogebrembed, glossary, googleads, googleanalytics, goto, groupmanager, groupmatrix, groupusers, hidemenus, hidingip, htmldetailstag, hubspot, idcount, ikso, infomail, inseecity, instructions, interwikiformatting, ipban, ipgroup, ipmap, iptrust2, latexport, linkpagechild, linkscollection, listusergroup, lms, log, logger, logindelay, maplink, matrixnotifier, mdpage, mediatooltip, metadisplay, mllist, mredirect, multilingual, multiselect, namespacemessage, navpath, nbsp, noabstract, nowiki, numbering, oauthcognito, oauthdoorkeeper, oauthdrkserver, oauthfacebook, oauthgeneric, oauthgithub, oauthgoogle, oauthwechange, odp, oembed, ol3, onlinenumber, openas, openlayersmapoverlays, outliner, overlay, pagetemplater, passpolicy, pdftools, pglist, prettyphoto, prettytables, publistf, qrcode2, quickstats, randomquote, referrers, reqlang, resizeblacklist, saml, saveandedit, schedule, searchtext, shortcutkey, showinitpage, showsamples, simplemap, skipentity, socialite, spoiler2, stale, stars2, structcondstyle, structgroupby, structjoin, structsection, structtemplate, structupdate, submgr, subnumberlist, survey, symbols4odt, sync, syntaxmantis, tabbox, tagentry, tagging, tcycle, able, arcadebasic, arctic, argon, artforwater, basical, boozurk, bs4simple, chippedsnow, cleanresurrected, cutopillar, darkblue, darkwood, docnavwiki, dokubook, dokukitv2, drop, flarum, flat, graphy, hexa, jessica, kkh, klean, launch, material, monochrome, mywiki, newspaper, nostalgia, notes, parabola, parallax, pinboard, pinkberrynight, ravel, spacious, tilus, trendclassic, tripillar, vector, white, wikiweko, text, textmodule, tiledblog, timezoneco, titlesanchorlink, tocselect, today, toolbox, toolbuttondel, top, topbarsyntax, tos, translation, twistienav4bootstrap3, twofactoraltemail, twofactoremail, twofactoryubiauth, txtconf, typography, usermanagerextended, userpagecreate, virtualgroup, webcode, xbr, xcom, xkcd, xterm, yearbox, zwidoku
2022-07-31103acronymedit, adminperm, archivegenerator, authnc, authorstats, autoindex, autologoff, block, bookmark2wiki, bootswrapper, box, btable2, bulletodo, chem, clearhistory, clock, code39, codebuttonmod1, codedoc, const, cookielaw, copypage, corsharing, data, diagram, displaytitle, dokudrawingboard, dokutts, doodle3, doodle4, dwedit, encryptedpasswords, evesso, extranet, fixredirectlinks, flowcharts, fullscreenmode, gemini, gitlabapi, html5video2, htmlcomment, icon, iframe, iframeinterwiki, imagepreview, lastcomp, latexcaption, linkback, markdowku, mediathumbnails, menuext, meta, monthcal, navi, newnamespacepermissions, nodisp, ocr, odtsupport, orphanmedia2, pagebuttons, pagemod, pgpinlinesupport, photogallery, pot, publish, qrcodescanner, random_page, randominc, recommend, redirect, repo, rss, scrollticker, sectiontoggle, sha3sum, sitemapnavi, spreadout, statdisplay, structacl, structautolink, structnotification, styler, switchpanel, tablelayout, tagsections, default, greensteel, mindthedark, notepad, peanutbutter, stm, textinsert, tile, timestamp, translate, usecounter, userhistory, userhomepage, var, webcomics, whoisonline, whyspam, yourip
2023-04-04148abc2, acknowledge, aclinfo, advanced, api, asciidocjs, attribute, autham, authcas, authdrupal8, authhttp, authsplit, backlinks, bb4dw, bibtex4dw, bpmnio, button, caption, cellbg, changes, ckgedit, cleanup, cmsmode, codeprism, columns, commonmark, copycode, copyurl, csv, custombuttons, deeplautotranslate, dev, diagrams, diffpreview, do, dokuprism, dokusioc, dropfiles, dw2pdf, editions, emailpolicy, extlist, farmer, flowchartjs, fontface, footer, geophp, geotag, gh, gitbacked, highlight2wiki, howhard, icons, imagebox, imagereference, imgpaste, interwiki, ipa, iphelper, isauth, jsoneditor, jsongendoc, jsontable, katex, keyboard, konsole, lastpages, linksuggest, livemark, loadskin, localexplorer, manlink, mediasyntax, metaheaders, mobiletable, multiorphan, nobadbrowser, numberedheadings, oauthkeycloak, odt, openid, orgchart, orphanswanted, pagelist, pagequery, passwordgenerator, passwordgrey, phpwikify, plantumlparser, preview, pubchem, pubmed, pureldap, purplenumbers, randompage2, randomtables, scriptheader, searchstats, selectionsearch, semantic, shell, simplenavi, snippets, snow, socialcards, spatialhelper, sql2wiki, stepbystep, stlviewer, stopwatch, strata, structgroup8, structodt, structprogress, structpublish, structtasks, subpages, svgembed, tablecalc, tablewidth, tag, tagfilter, 20cones, bushwick, cowboy, fictive, grassstains, hydrogen, kajukkd, khum1, kiwiki, panoramacake, starter, typowiki, varicolored, wallpaper, textrotate, twofactorgoogleauth, userpage, vertical, webdav, webmaster, wikipediasnippet, wst, xlsx2dw, xref, xtern, yalist
2024-02-06177a2s, achart, acmenu, addnewpage, addnewpagedeluxe, adhocmathml, adhoctables, adhoctags, adhocwrap, aichat, anchor, anonprotect, approve, authchained, authmantis, authserversso, authssocas, authwordpress, autolink4, autotooltip, avatar, avbarchart, avtaskbox, backup, barcodes, batchedit, bez, blockquote, blog, bookcreator, breadcrumbdeluxe, bureaucracy, catlist, charpicker, cli, cloud, code, codemirror, color, combo, comment, commentsyntax, confmanager, copy2clipboard, creole, cspheader, csvtodwpages, custommeta, datatables, davcal, deletepagebutton, distributedacl, dlcounter, docincluder, docnavigation, doi, dokucrypt2, doxycode, dtable, dwtimeline, edittable, elasticsearch, embeddedphp, emphasis, enforcesummary, fastwiki, feedmod, filelist, foldablelist, folded, fontcolor, gallery, gautoads, gchart, genericsso, golocal, googleconsentmananger, googlemaps3, hidden, hiddenheader, htmlmetatags, htmlok, ifauthex, imagemapping, imapmarkers, include, indexmenu, ireadit, jplayer, json, latexwas, legalnotice, loglog, logstats, mathjax, mathpublish, matrixnotifierwas, mermaid, mikioplugin, move, newpagetemplate, nosidebar, note, notification, nspages, nssearch, numberof, oauth, oauthazure, oauthdiscord, oauthosm, openlayersmap, pagehere, pageimage, pageredirect, parserfunctions, pdfjs, piwiktagmanager, pixelyear, popupviewer, prosemirror, qna, questionnaire, refnotes, rndtxt, robot404, sapnotelink, searchform, searchindex, searchns, searchtablejs, secedit2head, simplebox, sincetil, singlesearchresult, siteexport, sketchcanvas, slacknotifier, slider, snippeter, sortablejs, sqlite, stellarium, struct, structnumber, tabinclude, talkpage, ad-hominem, bootstrap3, bulma, mantinedoku, mikio, notos, readthedokus, sprintdoc, strap, wikipraktik, writr, templatepagename, templater, tgnotify, toctweak, todo, tokenbucketauth, toucher2, tplmod, twofactor, twofactortelegram, upgrade, versionswitch, vshare, whennotfound, wideredit, wikindx, wordimport, wrap, wrapadd
xx9999-99-9918acl, authad, authldap, authmysql, authpdo, authpgsql, authplain, config, extension, info, logviewer, popularity, revert, safefnrecode, styling, dokuwiki, testing, usermanager

∑ 1841 plugins matching query

TypePlugins WHERE bestcompatible is null
2dokuwikitemplatestretch, infobox
Syntax 446abb, abbrlist, abc, acronym, actickets, actionlink, advrack, agenda, alignment, alphaindex, alphalist, amazon_heavy, anewssystem, animation, anormal_tracker, apidoc, applet, articlelinks, asciimathml, asciisvg, autonumbering, autoviewer, backlinks-old, bahnde, baselink, bashorg, bbcodeextensions, bbs, bibtex, bliki, bootnote, box2, boxes_mod, boxwh, btable, bugzillahttp, bugzillaint, bugzillalinks, bugzillaxmlrpc, calc, calendoku, callflow, caltable, camelcase, canvas, chain, character, chart, chat, chiplink, chord, class, clearfloat, clipboardutils, clippy, cnmap, code3, codebender, codepad, colortag, columnlist, command, commentsrc, complex_lists, composer, condition, confightmlok, confsearch, contact, contactmodern, content, countdowndisplay, countdowntimer, croissant, cryptsign, cssmenu, cumulus, dailymotion, dailymotion_videozap, datagraph, datatemplate, date, date_time, daummovie, davcard, definitionlist, definitions, delicious, dig, dil, dir, dirlisting, dirpictures, ditaa, div_span_shorthand, divalign, dl, dnsbl, docbook, dokuflashcard, dokugitviewer, dokumicrobugtracker, dokupp, dokuwiki-webcomics, dokuwikitweet, doodle2, draw, drop_all, drop_me, duoshuo-dokuwiki, easyvar, eclipseupdateurl, embed, eshop, explain, externallink, exttab1, exttab2, facebookalbum, facebookevents, facebookwall, faq, fbde, fbsp, fckg, fckw, ffindr, filterrss, fkstimer, flash, flashplayer, flattr, flexpaper, flickr, flmod, floatdiv, flowplay, flowplay2, flyspraylink, fontawesome, fontsize, form, format, formatplus, fortune, freemind, french_typography, friendfeed, function, galleryv1.5, ganalytics, garfield, gcalendar, geogebra, geogebra2, ggb, gil, gist, gitlab, gitlabproject, gitlink, gitlink2, gitlog, givemeyouremail, gnuplot, godiag, google_cal, google_maps, googledrawing, googlemap3, googlemaps, googlepagerank, googletrends, graphgear, graphviz, grensladawritezor, groupmgr, gtd, guestbook, gview, harvcite, hcalendar, headernofloat, heat, heise, hiddenswitch, hide, hidepages, hidetext, hr, htag, htmlabstract, htmlokalt, htmlsafe, htvid, ical, icalendar, icalevents, icq, idoit, imagelink, imagemap, important_paragraf, importanttext, importfacebookevents, imstatus, inandout, incl_form, inclform, includeuserpage, indexeverywhere, indexnumber, indobible, inline_folding, inline_folding2, inlineedit, inserticon, isbn, isns, itrackviewer, jalbum, javadoc, jcapture, jdraw, jenkins, jira, jiralinks, jmol2, jokuwiki, jorgchart, jsmath, judge, jwhelloworld, kixovar, label, lampshade, lang, lastfm, layeranimation, layout, ldapsearch, linkbonus, linkext, linkmanager, linkway, lists, literal_entities, livepreview, localdate, ltr, lvhpacket, magnifier, mantis, mantisreporter, mapillary, markdown, markdownextra, masciimath, math, mathoperation, mathtran, md5gen, medialist, menu, menupopup, mindmap, mozshot, mp3play, mp3play2, multinamespace, navbox, navilevel, netlogo, newpage, newsboard, newsticker, nocode, nsindex, nslist, nsrelation, nssize, nstoc, number, onlineordering, outdent, pagebox, pagebreak, pageindex, pagespace, panorama, panoview, password, passwords, pastdate, patchpanel, paypal, pchart, pdb, pgnviewer, phosphor, photoblox, photowidget, phpimplicitnocache, picasawebalbum, piclens, ping, plantuml, poem, poll, previous, processing, profiles, progressbar, publist, publistx, qrcode, qstat, quiz, quizlib, rack, rater, rdplink, recent, redproject, refworks, regexreplacer, register, relativelinks, relativens, reliwa, remotescript, replace, reproduce, revisionsdue, revlink, rigrr, rmt, rotate, routeplaner, rssticker, rst, rtlink, ryubin, scrape, screenplay, searchresults, selfmeasurement, seqdia, shortcut, showfile, shy, side_note, signature, signavio, signhere, simplechat, simpleindex, since, skill, skydoku, skype, slideshare, slidesharewp, slideshow, smblink, snmplive, socialmark, songlist, sos, source, space, sparkline, sql, sqlcomp, sqljson, sqlraw, src, stars, structgantt, sugar, svg, svgpureinsert, sviewer, svnlog, svnmod, swfobject, tablemath, tbt, template, term, textile2, ticketlinker, timeline, timeline2, tip, tipoftheday, tline, toggle, togglewrap, tooltip, toplist, toursprung, traceroute, translationbuddy, truetable, tumblr, tuxquote, txt2tags, unblink, uncmap, unformattedcode, upload, userhomepages, userpoll, usersubscriptions, variants, vcard, verinfo, video, videogg, visio, visrep, vote, wavedrom, webalbum, websvn, webthumbs, weiqi, whois, wolframalpha, woot, wow, wp_most_recent, wpre, wysiwyg, wysiwyg_nicedit, xfortune, xssnipper, xterm2, xtermrtf, youtracklinks, youtube, yql, zoom, zotero, zul
Admin 27ahrefmenu, darcs, darcspatch, doctree2filelist, dokucrypt, dokukiwix, farmsync, fetchmedia, geourl, git, groupadmin, langdelete, linkfix, log404, offline, oiddelegate, pagemove, pageseditees, permissioninfo, piwik, plugin, querychangelog, removeold, superacl, toucher, unusedmedias, zip
Syntax Admin 4aclauditor, database2, google_adsense2, latex
Action 158aceeditor, aclregex, adminhomepage, adultcontent, ajaxloader, ajaxpeon, alertrocketchatgroup, anonip, archiveupload, asciimath, asiansearch, asyncsearch, authdomainlimitation, autoincludeindex, autoindentcontrol, autosearch, autostartpage, behave, blogmeta, captchalogin, censure, clacks, classificationbanner, cloudstorage, codebash, codebutton2, codebutton_ext, codebuttonmod2, codehighlight, coinhive, colorpicker, components, conflictmerger, cronojob, crosspost, database, datapopup, dblclickedit, description, discoursesearch, distribute, docimporter, docsearchsitemap, dontfeedtemplates, dpicorrect, easypaste, ebookexport, editformhelppage, editsections, editx, epnsmartlink, etherpadlite, fancysearch, feedauth, feedback, forcepreview, forcessllogin, fullindex, googlefonts, googleplusone, googlesearch, googletagmanager, grouphome, headerfooter, hipchat, html2pdf, hyphenation, imageshack, indextitleonly, jquery, jsonrpc, jspolyfill, jspwiki_import, lightweightcss, lightweightscript, lists_improved, logautherror, loginredirect, logoutconvenience, lytebox, mailrss, maintenancemessage, makemedians, manner, mediacacheconfig, modalpopup, multitemplate_styleman, mypage, mytemplate, namespacesearch, new_page_dialog, nftr, nohighlight, noiewarning, notfound, npd, oddeven, odt2dw, ondeniedlogin, operawidget, p2ilinkaction, pagebreak2, pdfex, permissionstyles, phpbblinks, phprestrict, prettyprint, preventzerowidthchars, rawless, readability, redirect2, redirector, redirectssl, regex_template, remoteinf, rocketchatnotifier, rssbycreated, rstudio, scrapbook, scrapbooktemplate, searchcombinedgoogle, searchjump, sectionedit, selectsearch, sendpagecontent, showlogin, showlogin2, showphperrors, sidebar, sidebarng, simpleforward, skilltagicon, smartcache, sphinxsearch, ssocas, stopforumspam, structtemplating, swiftmail, table2csv, tableedit, tabtables, template_switcher, translatebutton, translation2, uilanguage, userannotations, userfly, userspagecreate, userxtension, virtualkeyboard, watermark, widearea, wikisign, xhtmlruby, xymon, yahoomediaplayer, zenlogin, zerolinecss
Syntax Action 69ac, autogallery, autotranslation, autotweet, codify, colorbox, crossdbsqlclient, crypto, daftdrafts, directions, directorylist, dwinsect, dwspecialist, eventline, eventum, facebooklike, favoris, fbcomments, feedaggregator, fileshare, geonav, googlechart, indexmenu2, inlineeditor, inlinetoc, intoc, issuetracker, jquery-syntax, keywords, keywordvoting, lightbox, linebreak, mailto, nosecedit, noticeboard, osm, page4release, pagetemplate, pdfbook, poldek, prolog, pxxo, quickedit, rating, redissue, reflect, remust, rtmchecklist, schulzevote, scrum, shorturl, simplemysqlclient, socialshareprivacy, starred, svgedit, svgimg, symbols, syntaxhighlighter, syntaxhighlighter2, syntaxhighlighter3, tableplot, tfslink, tindexmenu, tools, translation3, underconstruction, uparrow, usercss, wikicalendar
Admin Action 17autlogin, autolink3, badbehaviour, botbouncer, brj404, dlcount, farm, fblogin, iptrust, labeled, listeabo, maintenance, smtp, statistics, telleveryone, unameban, vbsso
Syntax Admin Action 5dokugource, dokutranslate, fksnewsfeed, projects, translator
Render 19dw2markdown, footnotestyle, html5, impressjs, mellelexport, mundart, noblankcells, nodetailsxhtml, nonblank, nroff, parserarray, pirate, plainlists, refererremove, s5, s5reloaded, showlinkpermission, simplexml, xslfo
Syntax Render 5bomfix, code2, header2, header3, itemtable
Syntax Admin Render 1dokutexit
Action Render 5gtime, highlightjs, nsexport, preservefilenames, tabbedsearchresults
Syntax Action Render 1latexit
Helper 11blextra, cache, explorertree, frootysearch, lightboxv2, memcache, relativetimehelper, settingstree, spellcheck, twofactorsmsappliance, twofactorsmsgateway
Syntax Helper 6charter, conform, editor, shorty, snap, youtrack
Action Helper 8dokubookmark, movedel, podcast, recaptcha2, requiz, solr, supa, templateconfhelper
Syntax Action Helper 14authorlist, autolink2, blogtng, data-au, dataloop, ghissues, imageflow, inlinejs, miniblog, owncloud, semanticdata, svgimg2, syntaxhighlightjs, wikistats
Admin Action Helper 3fedauth, freesync, subconfhelper
Render Helper 1dbtables
Template 119a_centered_perspective, a_dark_divide, a_free_worldic, a_new_day, ach, adoradark, amanuensis, ameoto, apricot, aran, arctic-mbo, arctictut, backpack, battlehorse, beaufort, benjamin, binkytestinstance, c_template, cherokee-based, daily, darkclean, desert, desertcalm, dokubook2, dokubootstrapsimplified, dokubrick, dokucms, dokufreech, dokui, dokukit, dokumac, dokumobile, dokutwitterbootstrap, dokuxp, doogiestpl, drupal_garland_blue, dwsimple, dynamic_template, ex, freechred, ghw, gina-fso, gtopia, h6e-minimal, headstrong, imm, incognitek, influence, kajukkk, knotux, lcars, lilas, lisps, lmcstyle, m1, masa, mcz, minima, minimal_mobile, minimalism, mmclean, mmkanso, mmzire, mnml-blog, monobook, my_little_forum, myown, navigation, neolaoresources, neolaoresources2, neolaoresources3, nucleus, ospyramid, phosphor, plaintext, quickjump, r7thblog1, r7throot1, r7throot2, r7throot3, r7throot4, r7throot5, r7throot6, r7throot7, r7throot8, ramtop, raw, roundbox, roundtheme, rtd_suterdev, sambar, sandy, scanlines, sidebar, sidebar_theme, simple, simple_sidebar, simpleclean, simplewiki, slaad, spacedok, starterbootstrap, starterpjax, sugna, sxs, taratasy, tr-money, tr-twitter, twentyfifteen, twigstarter, typo, usable, weltis, white-resume, wikimagination, writers, zenith, zenlike, zero
Remote 1remotelistnamespace
Syntax Remote 1asana
Syntax Action Remote 1pagestat
Auth 19authdrupal7, authg2fa, authgoogle2fa, authhiorgserver, authimap, authimap2, authjoomla3, authlemonldap, authlinotp, authloginapi, authowncloud, authplaincas, authradius, authshibboleth, authsmartcard, authsqlite, authucenter, authyubikey, magento
Admin Auth 2shibbolethauth, sympaauth
Action Auth 5authfacebook, authgoogle, authvk, oauthauthsch, sfauth
Remote Auth 1stdokuwikiconnector
CLI 1dx
Admin CLI 1letsencrypt
CSS/JS-only 7addmedianamespace, betadoku, c_template, revisionat, svgelement, template-fine-tune, tocafterheadline

∑ 960 plugins matching query

teams/plugins_gardening.txt · Last modified: 2024-02-01 11:54 by Aleksandr

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