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authNTLM Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

Detritus, Elenor Of Tsort, Frusterick Manners

plugin Provides authentication via web server's REMOTE_USER environment variable which is set through authentication systems like HTTP-Auth, LDAP, CAS, Cosign, NTLM, PAM, WebAuth, SSPI, and so on

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to authclientcert

Tagged with authentication, cas, cosign, http-auth, ldap, ntlm, pam, plain, remote_user, sspi, webauth


This plugin allows integration with the web server's built-in authentication system via the REMOTE_USER environment variable which is set through HTTP-Auth, LDAP, CAS, Cosign, NTLM, PAM, WebAuth, SSPI and so on. It uses the default plain text file conf/users.auth.php to store user information.


  1. Enable an authentication system which sets REMOTE_USER (and disable anonymous authentication on your web server).
  2. Install the plugin using the Plugin Manager and the download URL above, which points to latest version of the plugin. Refer to Plugins on how to install plugins manually.


  1. Determine your REMOTE_USER name:
    • Save phpinfo.php on your web server
    • Open phpinfo.php in your web browser and search for the value in _SERVER[“REMOTE_USER”]
    • Add this value as new user ID to your user list if it is missing and add them groups admin and user. Don't be surprised: The user ID is converted to a valid pagename.
  2. In your DokuWiki login as superuser, click “Admin”, choose “Configuration Settings”, and configure these settings
    1. Disable action profile.
    2. If enabled, disable option subscribers temporarily.
    3. Enable authtype “authRemoteUser”.
    4. Disable rememberme.
    5. Save this configuration
  3. Remove DokuWiki cookie from your browser or close and restart your browser.
  4. Reload your DokuWiki installation. Your login should be automatically detected.
  5. Now, you can re-enable option subscribers again (see above).

Copy the configuration settings to the conf/local.protected.php file to protect the settings against changes via Config Manager.

Administration of users and its groups is done in the User manager, which is fully supported by this plugin.


authRemoteUser uses the same storage backend like authplain that is conf/users.auth.php. Users which are added after switching to authNTLM, won't contain an encrypted password.

That is: You can switch back to authplain (and enable profile setting) whenever you want, and all your users which were already added before are still able to login using their (hopefully yet known) password. All other users can use the “forget my password” link.

File Format

Empty lines, and everything after a # character are ignored. Each line contains a colon separated array of 5 fields loginname:password:Real Name:e-mail:groups which are:

  • Login name - This has to be a valid pagename
  • Password - Encrypted password if user id was added using authplain, otherwise empty.
  • Real Name - Real name of the user
  • E-Mail - Email address of user
  • Groups - Comma separated list of groups a user is member of. The group names must follow the rules of valid pagenames.


Since conf/users.auth.php is a plain text file, it can be edited with any text editor.


Change Log

  • 2016-03-29
    Initial release

Known Bugs and Issues

ToDo/Wish List



plugin/authremoteuser.1490784649.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017-03-29 12:50 by Karl-Wilhelm Rips

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