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Removing Unused Files

When a new DokuWiki version is released, some of the files that were needed previously may become obsolete. Keeping these files is harmless usually but they might pose a security risk or break installations later, so we recommend to delete them.

A list of all files that were removed in recent releases can be found in data/deleted.files. You should check if they still exist in your install. If they do, delete them.

You can also see the current list at

Using RemoveOld Plugin

To remove old files from DokuWiki's Admin menu you can also use the RemoveOld plugin.

Using a Script

People with shell access to their server can use a script to automatically delete all old files.

Linux Shell

This simple line should work on any Linux system

grep -Ev '^($|#)' data/deleted.files | xargs -n 1 rm -vf

*nix Shell

Some systems may not support the “rm -d” option for directory removal. In that case, you have to use recursive removal (just be sure to double-check that the file list does not include any paths that will delete too much):

grep -Ev '^($|#)' data/deleted.files | xargs -n 1 rm -fr

Python Script

Here's a Python script that will also print the files deleted

import os
file = open("./data/deleted.files")
for line in file:
    if not line.isspace() :
	if not line[0:1] =='#'  :
 		line = line.rstrip(os.linesep)
    				print('File removed =>  ' + line)
		except OSError, err:

Ruby Script

Here's a Ruby script doing the same

files ="./data/deleted.files").split("\n").grep(/^[^$#]/)
files.each do |file|
  puts "Deleting #{file}."
  File.delete(file) rescue puts $!

PHP Script

The same for PHP:

/* Security function, comment this out to "activate" the script. */
exit('Check source');
$path = getcwd();
if(file_exists($path . '/data/deleted.files')) {
  $file = fopen($path . '/data/deleted.files', 'r');
  while(false !== ($line = fgets($file))) {
    $line = trim($line);
    if(!empty($line) && !preg_match('/^\#/', $line) && file_exists($path . '/' . $line)) {
      unlink($path . '/' . $line);
      echo '/' . $line . ' - deleted<br/>';
  echo 'Done!';

Powershell Script

Here's a one-line powershell script doing the same

Get-Content .\data\deleted.files | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch '^($|#)' -and (Test-Path $_ )} | Foreach-Object {Remove-Item -path $_ -Force -Recurse}

CMD Script

Here's a one-line Windows's CMD script doing the same

for /F %i in ('findstr /R /V /C:"^#" /C:"^$" data\deleted.files') do del "%i"
install/unused_files.1415170153.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014-11-05 07:49 by

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