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Abbreviations and Acronyms

DokuWiki can mark abbreviations and acronyms (terminology) automatically. If your browser supports the <acronym> tag, you can hover your mouse on an abbreviation to see a short explanation, shown as a tooltip.

Examples: HTML, RSS, XML, InsideRSSecret (does not count, as it's part of a longer word)


  • DokuWiki's standard abbreviations are stored in the conf/acronyms.conf file. You can add your own abbreviations by creating a conf/acronyms.local.conf file and placing your abbreviations
  • The acronyms file has to be encoded in UTF-8 . National 8bit characters are not supported.


A tooltip is a kind of popup that appears when the mouse is positioned over a hotspot. DokuWiki creates a tooltip automatically for each keyword that is listed in the acronyms list. For example, if the mouse is positioned over XML (which is included in the default acronyms list), the tooltip displays Extensible Markup Language.

abbreviations.1258975792.txt.gz · Last modified: 2009-11-23 12:29 by

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