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WCAG audit of DokuWiki (2021)

This report describes the conformance of the DokuWiki wiki software (version 2020-07-29 “Hogfather”) with W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
Based on this evaluation, DokuWiki does not meet WCAG 2.1, Conformance Level AA.

How the Audit was done


The software was tested via the ‘Grimm Content - Demo Content for DokuWiki’ website at
That website uses a DokuWiki installation with default settings and no additional plugins. It was set up specifically to test the software’s WCAG conformance and includes a couple of example pages that are about Grimm’s Fairy Tales.

Pages and features included in the review:

Pages and features excluded from the review:

  • Anything that is turned off by default, like subscriptions
  • Anything in the admin section
  • The full screen and popup media manager
  • Old revisions and differences between two different versions
  • Sitemap (index)
  • Register, profile, resend password
  • Backlinks
  • Show pagesource (if logged out) and related views (denied, locked, recover, draft, conflict)


The audit was done on 16-18 March 2021. The website may have changed since then.


The audit was done by Anika Henke. She is a Senior Accessibility Specialist at the UK's Government Digital Service.

Review Process

The software was tested for WCAG 2.1 Level AA conformance.

It was mostly tested in the Chrome browser and partly in Firefox and Safari.

The tools used to assist manual review were:

Additional tests were done with:

  • Screen reader NVDA with Firefox on Windows 10
  • Screen reader VoiceOver with Safari on iOS 14
  • Changing colours via Firefox with dark and light colour scheme
  • Changing colours via Windows High Contrast Mode with Chrome on Windows 10
  • Windows Magnifier on Windows 10
  • Voice control tool Dragon with Chrome on Windows 10

Audit Results

The software appears to not meet WCAG 2.1 AA.

It fails 17 of the 50 success criteria.
There are 61 fails and 50 other accessibility issues. (When counting conservatively every issue that is repeated on every page, that would be 111 fails and 90 other issues.)

Detailed Results

You will find more details about each result (including WCAG success criteria, detailed description, severity, recommended actions, etc) in the ’Accessibility Audit’ project on GitHub. Results were aggregated by topic.

Overview of those issues:


Of the 61 fails, 3 are major, 41 are medium and 17 minor.
31 issues fall under Perceivable, 15 under Operable, 0 under Understandable and 15 under Robust of the POUR principles.

Of the 111 overall issues 89% would affect people with vision impairments, 0% with hearing impairments, 21% with motor impairments and 14% with cognitive impairments. (That doesn’t add up to 100% because some issues affect more than one impairment.)
51% would concern the code, 31% the design and 26% the content. (Some concern more than one type.)

15 WCAG fails were found in the overall template (all pages), 15 fails on the syntax page, 10 on the search results page, 22 on the edit view and 4 on the login page.

The 17 failing success criteria are:

wcag-audit.1617695200.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021-04-06 09:46 by ach

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