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Building a new Stable Release

The following steps have to be taken for building a new release.

  1. push the current stable branch to the oldstable branch
  2. prepare a todo of bugs to be fixed
  3. find a code name
  4. prepare changes summary
  5. make sure the MD5 for conf/dokuwiki.php in the installer is correct; this includes
    1. checking the MD5 value
    2. checking whether the installer fails
  6. increase the update_check msg number in doku.php
  7. update list of deleted files
    • git diff stable..HEAD --summary |grep  '^ delete'|awk '{print $4}'|grep -v VERSION
    • add them to data/deleted.files
    • add them to upgrade
  8. push the release preparations above to the master branch
  9. merge git master branch into the stable branch
  10. update the VERSION file in the stable branch
    • Format: YYYY-MM-DD “code name”
  11. tag the release in the git stable branch
  12. build the .tgz (See build script below)
  13. upload the .tgz (needs to be done by Andi currently)
  14. update release numbers in bugtracker (needs to be done by Andi or Adrian currently)
  15. change message in IRC (needs to be done by Andi currently)
  16. announce in fm, wikimatrix (needs to be done by Andi currently)
  17. announce in mailing list, forum, weping
  18. update (needs to be done by Andi currently)

build script
cd $BDIR || exit
rm -rf dokuwiki*
git clone git:// dokuwiki
cd dokuwiki || exit
git checkout -b stable origin/stable
VERSION=`cat VERSION|awk {print $1}`
rm -rf .gitignore
rm -rf .git
rm -rf _test
rm -rf _cs
rm -f test.php
mkdir data/pages/playground
echo "====== PlayGround ======" > data/pages/playground/playground.txt
cd ..
mv dokuwiki dokuwiki-$VERSION
tar -czvf dokuwiki-$VERSION.tgz dokuwiki-$VERSION
echo "now upload: $BDIR/dokuwiki-$VERSION.tgz"
devel/release.1303505432.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011-04-22 22:50 by andi

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