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DokuWiki Downloader

Script to download and install DokuWiki on a remote host. The simplest method of installing DokuWiki on a hosted webspace might be to use the DokuWiki Downloader. This is a single PHP script, that needs to be transferred to the remote host (eg. via FTP) and then be run in the web browser. It takes care of downloading the latest release of DokuWiki, extracting it and running the installer.

The script can be downloaded here: downloader.php

DokuWiki will be installed in the same directory as the script. This directory needs to be writable by the webserver. Any possibly existing files in that directory (including a possibly needed index.php) will be overwritten by this script!

How to upgrade an installation?

To upgrade an installation installed by this script, use the Upgrade Plugin.

See also

install/downloader.txt · Last modified: 2024-09-20 00:06 by michaelsy

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