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This tips gives you a “Recents” page in a more pretty way. You have the different changes set by day.

This is an updated and enhanced version of the original work of and the “old version” below and the Dokuwiki source. Thanks to the original authors of this work. — Jean-Philippe Georget 2005-10-17 11:26


for 2005-09-19 version

To obtain pretty recents pages, in your ./inc/html.php file, replace the html_recent() function with:

function html_recent($first=0){
  global $conf;
  global $lang;
  global $ID;
  $recents = getRecents($first,$conf['recent'] + 1,true,getNS($ID)); 
  print p_locale_xhtml('recent');
  // counter initialization
  $cdate = '0000-00-00';
  echo $recents[$id]['date'];
  foreach($recents as $id => $val){
    if(date("Y-m-d",$val['date']) != $cdate){
      echo '<h1><b>',date($conf['dformat'],$val['date']),'</b></h1>',"\n";
      $cdate = date("Y-m-d",$val['date']);
    $date = date($conf['dformat'],$val['date']);
    print '<div class="level2">';
    print $date.' '.html_wikilink($id,$id);
    print '<a href="'.wl($val['id'],"do=diff").'">';
    $p = array();
    $p['src']    = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/diff.png';
    $p['border'] = 0;
    $p['width']  = 15;
    $p['height'] = 11;
    $p['title']  = $lang['diff'];
    $p['alt']    = $lang['diff'];
    $att = buildAttributes($p);
    print "<img $att />";
    print '</a> ';
    print '<a href="'.wl($val['id'],"do=revisions").'">';
    $p = array();
    $p['src']    = DOKU_BASE.'lib/images/history.png';
    $p['border'] = 0;
    $p['width']  = 12;
    $p['height'] = 14;
    $p['title']  = $lang['btn_revs'];
    $p['alt']    = $lang['btn_revs'];
    $att = buildAttributes($p);
    print "<img $att />";
    print '</a> ';
    print html_wikilink(':'.$val['id'],$conf['useheading']?NULL:$val['id']);
    print ' '.htmlspecialchars($val['sum']);
    print ' <span class="user">';
      print $val['user'];
      // if you prefer display the real name instead of the username
      // comment the previous line  "print $val['user'];" 
      // and decomment the 2 following lines 
      // $userdata = auth_getUserData($val['user']);
      // print $userdata['name'];
      print $val['ip'];
    print '</span>';
    print '</div>';
    print "\n";
  print '<div class="pagenav">';
  $last = $first + $conf['recent'];
  if ($first > 0) {
    $first -= $conf['recent']; 
    if ($first < 0) $first = 0;
    print '<div class="pagenav-prev">';
    print html_btn('newer','',"p",array('do' => 'recent', 'first' => $first));
    print '</div>';
  if ($conf['recent'] < count($recents)) {
    print '<div class="pagenav-next">';
    print html_btn('older','',"n",array('do' => 'recent', 'first' => $last));
    print '</div>';
  print '</div>';

Old version

I updated this script to work with the July 1st Revision.

function html_recent($first=0){
  global $conf;
  global $lang;
  /* we need to get one additionally log entry to be able to
   * decide if this is the last page or is there another one.
   * This is the cheapest solution to get this information.
  $recents = getRecents($first,$conf['recent'] + 1,true);
  if(count($recents) == 0 && $first != 0){
    $recents = getRecents(0,$conf['recent'] + 1,true);
  $cnt = count($recents) <= $conf['recent'] ? count($recents) : $conf['recent']; 
  print p_locale_xhtml('recent');
  $cdate = '0000-00-00';
  foreach($recents as $id => $val){
    if(date("Y-m-d",$val['date']) != $cdate){
      echo '<h1><b>',date("F d, Y",$val['date']),'</b></h1>',"\n";
      $cdate = date("Y-m-d",$val['date']);
    $date = date('H:i',$val['date']);
    print '<div class="level2">';
    print $date.' '.html_wikilink($id,$id);
    print ' '.htmlspecialchars($val['sum']);
    print ' <span class="user">(';
    print $val['ip'];
    if($val['user']) print ' '.$val['user'];
    print ')</span>';
    print '</div>';
    print "\n";


  • Could it be included in the main source (perhaps as an option) ?
If you want the real name instead of the username on each line, change the following:
      print $val['user'];
      $userdata = auth_getUserData($val['user']);
      print $userdata['name'];

ChristopherArndt 2005-10-17 13:22

Thanks, I added your tip as an “option” in the code ;-) Sometimes, you don't want to have the real names appear on the web site. Jean-Philippe Georget 2005-10-17 21:37
tips/prettyrecentfix.1266863519.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010-02-22 19:31 by

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