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Writr Template

Compatible with DokuWiki

  • 2024-02-06 "Kaos" unknown
  • 2023-04-04 "Jack Jackrum" unknown
  • 2022-07-31 "Igor" unknown
  • 2020-07-29 "Hogfather" yes

template Bold, minimalist and modern

Last updated on

This template was converted from the WordPress theme Writr. It was voted for by DokuWiki users from a selection of 19 other WordPress themes to convert.

Download and Install

Install the template using the Extension Manager and the download URL above. Refer to template on how to install templates manually.


You can change the logo, favicon and apple touch icon the same way as for the dokuwiki template.

This templates supports multiple levels of a navigation. For that to work you need to add a page called topnav and add a list of links to it. (No other content is supported.) The example in the screenshot uses this as the content for the topnav page:

  * [[:start|Home]]
  * [[wiki:DokuWiki]]
    * [[wiki:Syntax]]
  * [[:Sample Page]]


Other sidebar content

The content of a standard sidebar as configured in Configuration Setting: sidebar will be added between the navigation and the tools list.

Include hooks

Include hooks allow you to add additional HTML or PHP to the template without modifying any of the template files themselves. This template supports the same include hooks as the dokuwiki template.

Colour Schemes

The original WordPress theme came with 6 different colour schemes. Those can easily be achieved by changing the __theme_color__ and __theme_color_alt__ values in your local style.ini to the following:

Colour scheme theme_color theme_color_alt
turquois #1abc9c #16a085
red #e74c3c #c0392b
purple #a162ba #8e44ad
grey #95a5a6 #7f8c8d
green #2ecc71 #27ae60
blue #3498db #2980b9

Content width

The width of the content area can be adjusted with the __content_width__ variable in the style.ini. Since DokuWiki version 2015-08-10 “Detritus” you can do that more easily with the styling plugin over the admin interface.


Sites using this Template


Issues with page tools / "black belt" display

MartinNL: Fantastic robust modern fresh new template!

  • Change __content_width__ (see above - standard 800) in style.ini if things seem not to fit.
  • Polishing opportunity or due to my config? the 'black belt' between sidebar and page has text and icons mixed up, except for the upper three icons.
When the 'black belt' has any text in it, it will be due to plugins not supporting this template, or this template not supporting those plugins (depends on your point of view ;-) ). Which plugins are those in your case, i.e. what does the text say? — Anika Henke 2015-06-24 02:32
Plugins I use are Bookcreator, Dw2pdf, ODT export. Please view the distorted belt here, I hope. Nothing beats Writr ;-), so I disabled these plugins 8-). — MartinNL 2015.06.24
The plugins have an config option to disable the pagetool button.
Klap-in 2015-06-24 20:56
I have now fixed it, well sort of. Please update your template to get the fix and then you can enable those buttons again. The short-term fix is just displaying the link text without an icon but in normal text size. That isn't pretty but at least it's functional. I'm working on a long-term fix but that will require changes in the core… — Anika Henke 2015-07-09 01:02

IExplorer does not show icons on “black belt” — furope 2015-07-22 10:15

Could you check if it's fixed with the latest release? — Anika Henke 2016-03-29 15:00
This does still seem to be an issue, but only in IE11 under Windows 7 (Windows 10 is fine). See the reported issue. — Anika Henke 2016-04-03 18:41

Tag support

Is it possible to improve compatibility with tag plugin? It doesn't seem to be fine for me. — atiq4pk 2015-07-30 21:44

Please provide an example of your issues! Thanks — Klap-in 2015-07-31 14:08
These just appear as word at the end of contents, separated by commas. I feel, it is difficult to understand that these are actually tags. — atiq4pk 2015-08-01 12:55
The original template actually had styles for tags, so it would not be too difficult to implement that. To support the tag plugin (and some more like the discussion plugin) is on my list of things to do. — Anika Henke 2015-08-01 17:43
I have just added support for the tag (and tagcloud) plugin. — Anika Henke 2016-03-29 15:00
Thank you so much — atiq4pk 2016-04-09 11:24


Wonderful, simple and very useful. Is it possible to use variables like Twig in this template? Including such capabilities will really empower DokuWiki templates. — atronoush 2015-09-11 08:09

Change font

Hi! Really nice work. Is it possible to change the font ? — Adrien 2015-11-12 11:40

Looks absolutely great! Is there a way to have the navigation on a wiki page be expanded as a standard? Right now, it's always collapsed. Lewin
Some of the sample sites include sidebar navigation with sub-namespaces which fly out on mouse-over. This seems to work even with more than one level. E.g. on you can go Tours→Tour_Packages→North . Do I need a specific plugin to achieve this? Or is it supposed to work out of the box? (With my wiki it currently does not work) — KaiMartin 2015-09-19 14:49
This is done by topnav( Please read section Navigation above. — Walter Niedermair 2015-09-28 11:57
Ah, ok. I did not get the significance of this section. The dokuwiki instances I administrate use the index menu plugin to dynamically create a navigation side bar. Unfortunately, this does not mix well with the topnav page approach. Maybe, I can modify index menu to emit an unordered list. But don't hold your breath. I am not the worlds best php hacker… — KaiMartin 2015-10-23 19:23
You don't need to use the topbar page, you can use the indexmenu plugin within the sidebar as in many other templates. That navigation will not look like in the screenshot and not be as well fitted into the template but it should work fine. — Anika Henke 2015-11-01 19:28
Re-visiting the topic, I discovered that it is possible to use an indexmenu instruction as content of the topnav page. The most generic statement would be {{indexmenu>.}}. But most of the options work fine, too. A notable exception is js. With the javascript enabled, the index in the side bar just contains the top level. There is a visual glitch. The entries in the menu get separated by an additional empty line. Apparently, writr gets confused by the special bullets index menu uses. I will try to fix this. — KaiMartin 2016-04-29 03:01

Content width

I'd like to have the content width automatically adjust to 100%. But if I set this in the style.ini, the layout is broken. And after some trial and error I've to say that I can't handle all this CSS things :-( Can anybody help me please? — Werner Kaurzinek

Same issue here, I could never make it work even editing the other elements around it… :( Anyone able to get this to work? — NewYears1978 2018-05-05 22:24

Did anyone figure this one out? Same issue here where we can't set the content width to 100% (or any % amount). We like this template but some users are saying the width is too big, and others saying it's too small, so we need to have it scale. — Frettchen 2021-08-31 18:39


Is it possible to disable SITE TOOLS for undeclared users? Django

Yes, its possible, you need to edit the /wikirooot/lib/tpl/writr/main.php this way! EverNife

Create Page Doesn't Work in Mobile

While viewing this template on a mobile device (e.g., iPhone, iPad) the + button in the black sidebar that allows you to create a page fails to appear, making mobile users unable to create a page in a namespace to which they have permissions to do so.

To be specific, on the iPad, when it's in landscape orientation, the black sidebar does appear with + button and the other nav buttons, but it does not when in portrait. cpedraza

The page tools appear at a different place on mobile, i.e. when you click on the plus sign in the top left it appears with the rest of the tools as just a list of links. — Anika Henke 2016-03-26 20:21

Table of contents (TOC)

The tables of contents are automatically closed on Writr. is that possible to make it automatically opened? thanks. — LudovicGaboreau 2016-04-20 09:15

I would be quite interested if this were possible as well… — Ashley 2016-05-13 09:11
+1 for this from me as well. I figured out how to achieve this by changing one of the config files. In lib/tpl/writr/script.js there's a closeToc function. Removing (or commenting-out) that function stops the TOC automatically collapsing on page load, but doesn't affect manually collapsing/expanding it. — therealsp 2016-08-08 11:11

Putting an external link into topnav causes the layout to be a bit ugly. If you use the usual technique to get rid of the “world” icon, the padding gets overridden.

The workaround I found was to put the following code into userstyle.css

.dokuwiki a.urlextern {
  padding-left: 0 !important;
  background: none !important;

.main-navigation a.urlextern  {
  background: none !important;
  padding: 10px 40px !important;

If you still want the icon on the pages, just omit the .dokuwiki style.

You might want to consider overriding the default styles in the actual template. Also, similarly, menu elements that are not links do not style properly, and it is sometimes handy to have them.

Great template, btw! — MadOverlord 2016-05-24 18:33

Alternate logos based on namespace (Feature Request)

This was a very handy feature in an older template I was using. It would check for <namespace>-logo.png and use it if found. Great for sites that have distinct subwikis. — MadOverlord 2016-05-24 18:33


That is a wonderful template, thank you! But it seems to have something with elements that should be displaced side by side. Here are some examples:

  • the “Editor height” field shown in edition mode: the entry goes to 100% width and the “px” label goes below.
  • when the Discussion plugin is used, the “Subscribe to comments” (or something like that) option has its checkbox shown in a line and the label shown in the following line, aligned to the right.
  • in the famous Syntax page, the Media Files section has an example for image alignment with three images side by side in the default template. In Writr I can´t get them to stay aligned.
  • tables in pages seem to be misaligned as well. I used a table with two columns, with images in the first column and text in the second column. The right-side cells are not shown beside the images, but like “one step down”.

I managed to fix the problem for the Discussion checkbox but then I found that the problem is bigger than I thought. Is there any CSS rule being applied globally which might be the cause of this? Thanks! — Fabricio Rocha 2016-06-06 16:44

I found that the “mediacenter” class is being defined twice and in one of its instances there is a “display: block; clear: both;” rule which causes the third problem in the list. I can't, however, have the table mentioned in item 4 solved. — Fabricio Rocha 2016-06-09 07:44

Not working with Starred plugin

I love this template and have just converted my wiki to it. However it doesn't seem to work with the Starred Plugin. I can display pages starred in the DokuWiki template but users can't make a new bookmark because the star that appears at the bottom of the sidebar in DokuWiki is not visible in the Writr template. Please can anybody help me fix this so the star can be visible and functional in Writr. — vt306 2017-03-12 20:00

template/writr.1654632805.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022-06-07 22:13 by

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