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The members of the I18N-Team handle the different translation sets and keep the translator informed about new strings.


  • coordinate translations
  • inform translators on new strings
  • inform translators on documentation changes that need retranslation
  • correct typos in current translations

Who we are?

Information store

Available translators/languages on i18n-Mailinglist

See also i18n mailing list for subscription and its archive.

Code Language Name
de German M. S. 2011/07/11 13:41,
Arne 2011/07/11 13:51
en English M. S. 2011/07/11 13:41,
Arne 2011/07/11 13:51,
Vince 2011/07/11 13:59
eo Esperanto Felipe 2011/07/11 14:26,
Robert 2011/07/11 22:37
eu Basque inkoia 2011/08/31 19:24
fr French Vince 2011/07/11 13:59,
pt Portuguese André 2011/07/11 14:39
ru Russian Aleksandr 2011/07/11 19:18
it Italian
jp Japanese
cs Czech — Zbynek
zh Chinese lainme 2013/03/09 07:21

Consistent translations

The following table(s) should be used to generate consistent translations and appearances of some several translation strings. It's easier for the DokuWiki community to find the same terms for the meanings in the localizations.
The translators should always use one specific term of their target language to translate the English term. The table will avoid using synonyms for one term. Normally, not every English word is translated to the target language (either there is no word for it or it would sound bad), those ones should be listed here also.

Maybe it's needful to discuss about the one or other term, but please add them first here.


English German
syntax plugins, admin plugins, … Syntax-Plugins, Admin-Plugins, …
Tag Schlagwort
tagged with Markiert mit
Bugs Bugs
Features ????????
Templates Templates
bundled gebündelt
source repository Quellcodeverwaltung
screenshot Screenshot
Button Link oder Knopf (kommt auf die Verwendung an)


English French
syntax plugins, admin plugins, … Syntax-Plugins, Admin-Plugins, …
Tag Tag
tagged with Tagué avec
Bugs Bugs
Features Fonctionnalités
Templates Templates
bundled intégré
source repository dépôt
screenshot capture d'écran
download télécharger
upload télécharger


English Russian
syntax plugins, admin plugins, … Syntax-плагины, Admin-плагины, …
Tag Тег
tagged with с тегом
Bugs Ошибки
Features Особенности
Templates Шаблоны
bundled в комплекте
Source repository Репозиторий
Screenshot Скриншот


English Czech
syntax plugins, admin plugins, … Syntax-Plugins, Admin-Plugins, …
Tag Značka
tagged with označeno (čím)
Bugs Chyby
Features Vlastnosti
Templates Šablony
bundled ??? (sestaven)
source repository Repozitář zdrojových kódů
screenshot Snímek obrazovky
plugin plugin
package balíček


(Note: maybe this is not the right place to discuss consistent terms to be used, feel free to move this anywhere it is better for it to be.)

French translation for download/upload

“To download” generally causes no problems, and the translation “Télécharger” is used everywhere. But on the other hand, “To upload” is source of infinite debates and multiple propositions :

  • “Téléversement” : it's almost only used in Québec, and not even in French dictionnaries.
  • “Télécharger” : controversial because a language abuse associates it to “download”, but it's original meaning is to remotely load data, whatever the direction of the loading is; so this translation is correct and understandable for French people. Not really an argument, but please notice that Google's tool translates it this way too.
  • “Télécharger vers le serveur” || “Télécharger vers l'amont” : right, but too long, and the precision is useless since context is clear enough.
teams/i18n.1377578265.txt.gz · Last modified: 2013-08-27 06:37 by Aleksandr

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