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Directions for consistent translations

The following table(s) should be used to generate consistent translations and appearances of some several translation strings. It's easier for the DokuWiki community to find the same terms for the meanings in the localisations.

The translators should always use one specific term of their target language to translate the English term. The table will avoid using synonyms for one term. Normally, not every English word is translated to the target language (either there is no word for it or it would sound bad), those ones should be listed here also.

Maybe it's needful to discuss about the one or other term, but please add them first here.

About placeholders

Some parts of strings are replaced later, but marked at for hand by %s, %d or other similar placeholders. Here some tips:

  • Reorder placeholders When a string contains more placeholders you can swap the order in your localisation by using numbered placeholders of the form %1$s (1$ is added)
    e.g. English: %s at %s is translated as Korean: %2$s에 %1$1s.
  • Included tailed value as placeholder When a string or number is placed just after a translated string, it is good practice to include it by using a placeholder. Some languages has their own word order that may put the %s earlier in the string. When you require such placeholders in your localisation, please ask the developer to add it.
    e.g. History of %s.

Consistent English Wording

The English language file contains several wording inconsistencies. The preferred wording is stated below, with the non-preferred alternative(s) in another column. Some choices may be a matter of taste; my only thought is there should be a single form used throughout the language files.

Preferred Wording Non-preferred Wording Explanation
Update profile Update Profile Do not capitalize other words except for the first one.
Sorry, the password was wrong. Sorry, the password was wrong Use period to end a sentence.
e-mail email, mail Preferred form may very well be email, as long as it used consistently.
DokuWiki Dokuwiki Preferred software name is DokuWiki.
Remove remove All actions and report messages start with capital.
Using/not-using exclamation mark at the end of a message To be discussed.



English Czech
syntax plugins, admin plugins, … Syntax-Plugins, Admin-Plugins, …
Tag Značka
tagged with označeno (čím)
Bugs Chyby
Features Vlastnosti
Templates Šablony
bundled ??? (sestaven)
source repository Repozitář zdrojových kódů
screenshot Snímek obrazovky
plugin plugin
package balíček


For a consisted use of words we recommend the following translation :

English Dutch
Manager, managing Beheerder, beheer, beheren
Source repository Centrale opslag
Namespace Namespace
Features Toepassing(en) (Eigenschap??)

Dutch words from English origin

Currently most popular IT-English words are incorporated in the Dutch Language. Because they are already well known you are encouraged to use these instead of the literal translation. Verification of the correct usage and spelling.


English French
bug bogue
bundled intégré
by de
download télécharger
features fonctionnalités
mail, email courriel
namespace catégorie
screenshot capture d'écran
sidebar barre latérale
source repository dépôt
syntax plugins, admin plugins, … greffon de syntaxe, extension de syntaxe, mais pas plugin1)
tag étiquette
tagged with “étiquettes :” ou “étiqueté avec” depending on context
templates thèmes (pour les thèmes graphiques)
modèles (pour les modèles de catégorie)
upload envoyer
wildcard motif de remplacement

Discussion: translation for download/upload

“To download” generally causes no problems, and the translation “Télécharger” is used everywhere. But on the other hand, “To upload” is source of infinite debates and multiple propositions :

  • When upload is used as a verb, the French verb “envoyer” is short enough and non ambiguous. This is the preferred form.
  • “Télécharger” : Not to be used, because it could mean both download or upload. Use “envoyer”, instead. Télécharger is controversial because a language abuse associates “télécharger” to “download”, but it's original meaning is to remotely load data, whatever the direction of the loading is; so this translation is correct and understandable for French people. Not really an argument, but please notice that Google's tool translates it this way too. Google trad is not a valid argument. Every one knows (in his/her own language) the horrors this thing is capable of.
  • “Téléversement” : it's almost only used in Québec, and not even in French dictionaries. Yet a very elegant word, easily understandable by any French speaking people.
  • “Télécharger vers le serveur” || “Télécharger vers l'amont” : right, but too long, and the precision is useless since context is clear enough.

Discussion: translation for by

It is tempting to translate “by” word by word and use the French word “par”. Most often, however, the correct word is “de”. In French, we say

  • “un livre de Victor Hugo”, not “un livre par Victor Hugo”
  • “un film de Tarantino”, not “un film par Tarantino”
  • “une modification de zorglub23”, not “une modification par zorglub23”
  • etc…


English German
syntax plugins, admin plugins, … Syntax-Plugins, Admin-Plugins, …
Tag Schlagwort
tagged with Markiert mit
Bugs Bugs
Features Features
Templates Templates
bundled gebündelt
source repository Quellcodeverwaltung
screenshot Screenshot
Button Link oder Knopf (kommt auf die Verwendung an)


English Russian
syntax plugins, admin plugins, … Syntax-плагины, Admin-плагины, …
Tag Тег
tagged with с тегом
Bugs Ошибки
Features Особенности
Templates Шаблоны
bundled в комплекте
Source repository Репозиторий
Screenshot Скриншот
qui n'est pas une traduction
teams/i18n/consistenttranslations.1472038451.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016-08-24 13:34 by

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