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Плагин менеджера конфигурации

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plugin Manage your wiki's configuration settings (bundled with DokuWiki)


This extension is not in the 'plugin' or 'template' namespace and is therefore ignored.

Похож на settingstree

Теги: !bundled, configuration, options, settings

Нужен для settingstree

Менеджер конфигурации позволяет администраторам wiki легко изменять настройки конфигурации wiki он-лайн с помощью своего любимого веб-браузера. Этот плагин управляет как основными настройками DokuWiki, так и другими настройками установленных плагинов и используемых шаблонов.

Загрузка и установка

Это плагин идет в поставке DokuWiki и не требует отдельной установки. Менеджер конфигурации доступен из экрана администратора (войдите в систему как суперпользователь, нажмите на кнопку «admin» и выберите пункт «Configuration Settings»).

Замечание по использованию

Settings are shown with different backgrounds to highlight their current status. A blue background is used to show default values (conf/dokuwiki.php), eg. values that have not been modified by the user. A white background indicates local changes (conf/local.php). A light red background shows protected settings (conf/local.protected.php) which can not be modified.

On saving changed settings this plugin will copy the current local settings file (conf/local.php) to conf/local.php.bak and save the updated settings to conf/local.php. It will never make any changes to the default settings stored in conf/dokuwiki.php. However, any settings found in conf/local.php will override the default settings as explained in the configuration options page.

The plugin adds the following lines to the top of conf/local.php when it updates it:

 * DokuWiki's Main Configuration File - Local Settings 
 * Auto-generated by config plugin 
 * Run for user: <username>
 * Date: <current date/time, rfc 2822 format (day, dd MMM YYYY hh:mm:ss TZ)>

Зашита (Protecting) настроек

You can protect certain settings by placing them in conf/local.protected.php. This plugin adds the following line to the bottom of conf/local.php


— thereby ensuring the protected settings are included and will override any previously set values from conf/dokuwiki.php and conf/local.php. Any settings found in this file will be displayed by the plugin surrounded in light-red to indicated their protected status. Editing of protected values is disabled.

Права доступа к файлам

To be able to save the configuration data, the file permissions of conf/local.php and conf/local.php.bak need to be writable by the webserver, as well as the configuration directory itself. Refer to permissions on details how set file permissions on various systems.

When the plugin detects that the config file can not be written, it will show a message box at the top of the page that says

  "The settings file can not be updated, if this is unintentional,
 ensure the local settings file name and permissions are correct."

When this happens, the save button won't be shown.


Исходный код

The source code is available from Darcs.


Submit bugs and feature wishes in the DokuWiki Bugtracker.


ru/plugin/config.1253793762.txt.gz · Последнее изменение: 2009-09-24 14:02 —

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