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listeabo Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki


plugin Affiche la liste des abonnements / Displays the subscription list

Last updated on
Admin, Action

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to usersubscriptions

Tagged with listing, subscription, users


  • action: displays your subscription list
  • admin: displays all the subscriptions
  • French, German and English. It's easy to add your own language.

Template customization

  • This will add a button/link after the “Subscribe Page Changes” / “Subscribe Namespace Changes” buttons/links, at the bottom of your pages
    • Add a line into the ./inc/lang/xx/lang.php file (xx is your language code):
      $lang['btn_listeabo'] = 'Subscriptions';
    • Modify ./inc/template.php to add the new button/link:
       case 'subscription':
            if($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $ACT == 'show' && $conf['subscribers'] == 1){
                  print html_btn('unsubscribe',$ID,'',array('do' => 'unsubscribe',));
                } else {
                  print html_btn('subscribe',$ID,'',array('do' => 'subscribe',));
                  print html_btn('unsubscribens',$ID,'',array('do' => 'unsubscribens',));
                } else {
                  print html_btn('subscribens',$ID,'',array('do' => 'subscribens',));
                print html_btn('listeabo', $ID, '', array('do' => 'listeabo',));
                return true;
            return false;
          case 'subscribens':
            if($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $ACT == 'show' && $conf['subscribers'] == 1){
                if($INFO['subscribedns']) {
                           'class="action unsubscribens" rel="nofollow"');
                } else {
                           'class="action subscribens" rel="nofollow"');
                            'class="action subscribens" rel="nofollow"');
                return true;
            return false;

Version history

  • 2008-09-12: first one!
  • 2008-09-29: corrects PHP warnings.
  • 2008-10-06: Better superuser detection.
  • 2008-11-26: German language added (thanks to Otto R.)
  • 2009-01-05: Bugs corrected: BOM in the German lang.php file and error message when there are no subscriptions yet (thanks to Benjamin).


  • Tell me…


  • Nice one. And it almost works. But there are a few minor things to change.
  • First we need to add a button to our navi bar. Open lib/tpl/your_template/main.php and add
    <?php tpl_button('listeabo')?>

    to it (in default template you might wanna use line 61 for that).

  • Now, we can marvel at some PHP errors to fix. To do that, just open up the action.php of your plugin.
    Go to line 87 where you can read
    if (!in_array($page2, $mespages)) $mespages[]=$page2;

    and replace it with

    if (!is_array($mespages) || !in_array($page2, $mespages)) $mespages[]=$page2;

    because we don't know, if $mespages really is an array.

    • → Correction done in version 2008-09-29. Thanks!
  • After that, we're almost done.
    Finally search for
    $titrePage = $pagelist->_getMeta('title');

    on line 111 and change it to

    $titrePage = $pagelist->_getMeta($page['id'], 'title');

    What the author forgot is that helper_plugin_pagelist::_getMeta() needs the current page $id as its first parameter.

    • → It doesn't work for me. When I add the id parameter, the _getMeta function doesn't send me the good page title…
  • Hope this helps,
    best regards from Germany,
    P. Tietz <tietz_patrick [at] web [dot] de>


  • Would love to use this plugin, while using the arctic template I had to do some more modifications.
  • I have one remaining bug which i can't figure out, the following message is shown:
    Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at E:\$Apache_Dokuwiki\dokuwiki\lib\plugins\listeabo\lang\de\lang.php:1) in E:\$Apache_Dokuwiki\dokuwiki\inc\actions.php on line 141
The German language file has a BOM that causes this effect. Open it for instance with SciTE and remove it, then this plugin works fine.
Hope that helps, Benjamin <b-j [at]>
Corrected with version 2009-01-05
  • I hope someone has an idea,
    best regards from Germany,
    Franklin <franklin_ankum [at] hotmail [dot] com>


If there are no subscriptions yet, the plugin causes a warning:

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /path_to_wiki/lib/plugins/listeabo/action.php on line 84

As the function $this→list_mlist(…) in line 69 returns NULL in this case the foreach-loop fails. As a workaround I would suggest to modify line 84 as following:

 foreach((is_array($pages) ? $pages : array()) as $page) {

Best regards from Germany,
Benjamin <b-j [at]>

Thanks! Corrected in the new version (2009-01-05)
Happy new year!

2009-08-17 Installation error


There is an error when I try to install the plugin with the Plugin Manager :

Impossible de télécharger le fichier du plugin:

Warning: gzinflate() [function.gzinflate]: data error in /homez.195/giquello/www/cyrille/inc/HTTPClient.php on line 381

But it works when I do it by hand …

(PHP Version 5.2.10 and DokuWiki-2009-02-14b.tgz)


Good plugin - Tank You!

Info: The plugin requires the pagelist plugin for displaying the subscriptions.

Error: The unsubscribe Button in the list view doesn't work for namespace subscriptions. It links to

It jumps to the start page, but doesn't unsubscribe the namespace subscription.
I don't know how I can correct this behaviour.

(DokuWiki 2009-02-14b)

I fixed it. It links now on a namespace subscriptions to the first page which is found in the namespace.

on line 126 I replaced:

            else {
                      $page = "root";
              print $this->getLang('abo_cat')." \"".preg_replace("/:$/","",$page)."\"";

with this

            else {
			$page = "root";
			$page = $this->next_file($page);
              print $this->getLang('abo_cat')." \"".preg_replace("/:.[^:]*$/","",$page)."\"";

and added this function:

    function next_file($wiki_dir){
    	global $conf;
    	$dir = $conf['savedir'].'/pages/'.$wiki_dir; 
    	$dir = str_replace(":","/",$dir);   	
	    if($dh = opendir($dir)) {
	    	while(($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
				if($file != "." && $file != "..") {
				if (is_file($dir.$file))
	              		$file = str_replace(".txt","",$file);
	              		return $wiki_dir.$file;	              	

(DokuWiki 2009-12-25c “Lemming”)

apuschmann 2010/04/12 16:22

2010-03-29 Adding button in Lemming

(DokuWiki 2009-12-25c)

The file <dokuwiki>/inc/template.php has changed in this DokuWiki version. The Template custimization to add the button as described above isn't up to date. I'm not sure if it is right but following worked for me. I added only following three lines to template.php (between //listeabo):

 case 'subscribens':
      if($conf['useacl'] && $auth && $ACT == 'show' && $conf['subscribers'] == 1){
          if($INFO['subscribedns']) {
              $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=unsubscribens'),
                     'class="action unsubscribens" rel="nofollow"',1);
          } else {
              $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=subscribens'),
                     'class="action subscribens" rel="nofollow"',1);
              $out .= tpl_link(wl($ID,'do=listeabo'),
                     'class="action subscribens" rel="nofollow"',1);
plugin/listeabo.1271082952.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010-04-12 16:35 by apuschmann

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