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Folded Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

Detritus, Hrun, Ponder Stibbons, Binky, Weatherwax, Adora Belle, Angua

plugin Foldable page sections

Last updated on
Conflicts with

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to hidden, hiddenswitch, hidetext, htmldetailstag, inline_folding, inline_folding2, outliner, sectiontoggle, spoiler, spoiler2, stepbystep

Tagged with collapsible, hide, section


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This plugin is based on the inline folding plugin by ta' Lajżar and the slightly changed version thereof by Christopher Smith and Esther Brunner.

(A lot of the work was based on the older hacks by Chris Stoll. This one combines the features of all plugin variants in one.)


If you want to make additional information available that is hidden by default, you have two options with this plugin:


This is example ++text | with some of it only shown when you unfold it++. And after that
the text just continues to flow in the same paragraph.

This is example ++text | with some of it only shown when you unfold it++. And after that the text just continues to flow in the same paragraph.


This is example text.

++++ Title |

| This table | is only shown | when you unfold the block |

{{page>some other wiki page&inline}}

Inline Block
Syntax ++title| formatted text ++ ++++title| any content ++++
HTML <span> tag <div> tag
Can contain formatting :-) :-)
Can contain block elements1) :-)
Can be used within a paragraph, table, list, etc. :-)

You can see the plugin in action here FIXME.

Note: As of version 2005-09-02 the syntax has changed to allow linked titles to unfold and fold the section. The pipe char between title and text is mandatory.


You can install this plugin with the plugin manager.

:!: If you install this plugin manually (by copying the directory to the plugins directory) you need to clear DokuWikis cache in order to make this plugin working. Otherwise it won't fold/unfold correctly. To clear the cache open → modify any character → undo → save → close the file <YourDokuWikiRoot>/conf/local.php. This causes DokuWiki to rebuild it's cache. FIXME The previous is probably true for even more plugins, thus, a general important information.

Alternatively open the configuration page and save it.

To install the plugin manually:

  1. download the source to your plugin folder, lib/plugins.
  2. extract the downloaded files contents.

That should create a new folder lib/plugins/folded containing all the files required by the plugin.

action.php           action part for making the translated/configured titles available in the JavaScript code
conf                 folder containing the configuration settings and their metadata
conf/default.php     default values for configuration settings
conf/metadata.php    configuration setting metadata used by [[plugin:config|Configuration Manger]]
lang                 folder containing all the localised language folders
lang/xx              xx = language code, there maybe several of these, at least one being en for english
lang/xx/lang.php     language strings for language code "xx"
lang/xx/settings.php configuration prompts used by [[plugin:config|Configuration Manger]]
script.js            JavaScript to handle hiding and revealing of folded content
style.css            styles for folding labels and folded content
open.gif             arrow image pointing right
closed.gif           arrow image pointing down
syntax               folder containing the plugin scripts
syntax/span.php      plugin script for inline folding (++)
syntax/div.php       plugin script for block folded (++++)

The plugin is now installed.


There are two configuration settings which can be used to override the folder link tooltips. These will be most useful for DokuWiki installations using a language not included with the plugin.

reveal — the title tooltip to be used by folding links when the folded content is hidden. If left empty the localised string will be used.

hide — the title tooltip to be used by folding links when the folded content is showing. If left empty the localised string will be used.

unfold_default — if this option is activated, then all sections will be unfolded per default.

show_fold_unfold_all_button — if this option is activated, then a button will be displayed in the toolbar. If it is clicked, the button folds or unfolds all sections at once.


Please feel free to add the strings for your own language here and I will add them to the next release of the plugin. If your language isn't included at present, you can override the strings that are shown using the plugin's configuration settings as described above.

Language title string title string alt string alt string
English reveal hide reveal hidden content hide content
French révéler cacher révéler le contenu cacher le contenu
German aufdecken verstecken versteckten Inhalt aufdecken Inhalt verstecken
Korean 보이기 감추기 감춰진 내용 보이기 내용 감추기
Swedish visa dölj visa dolt innehåll dölj innehåll
Italian mostra nascondi mostra i contenuti nascosti nascondi i contenuti
Chinese 显示 隐藏 显示隐藏的内容 将内容隐藏
Danish vis skjul vis skjult indhold skjul indhold
Russian показать скрыть показать содержимое скрыть содержимое
Spanish muestra oculta muestra el contenido oculto oculta el contenido
Dutch tonen verbergen toon verborgen inhoud verberg inhoud
Norwegian vis skjul vis skjult innhold skjul innhold

There are also two strings used in the admin/configuration page.

Language for hide string setting for reveal string setting
English Folding tooltip to hide<br />(leave empty to use localized string) Folding tooltip to reveal<br />(leave empty to use localized string)
Korean 감추기 위한 접기 풍선도움말<br />(현지화된 문자열을 사용하려면 공백으로 두세요) 보이기 위한 접기 풍선도움말<br />(현지화된 문자열을 사용하려면 공백으로 두세요)
Chinese 将工具条折叠来隐藏<br />(要使用本地化的字符串则留空) 展开工具条来显示<br />(要使用本地化的字符串则留空)
[…] […]

Bugs / Feature Requests

Please report bugs or feature requests at the Bug tracker.

Revision List

Recent commits to Folded Plugin (RSS feed)

  • 2008-08-13 — Update plugin URL
    • — add Dutch and Russian language strings
    • — add support for unknown render formats (uses standard render functions for output, no folding)
  • 2007-05-30 — Language strings updated, RC2007-05-24 & develonly only
    • — hide & hidelong strings added for all those languages missing them
    • — Danish & Turkish strings added
    • — Turkish strings added
  • 2007-01-24 — Italian strings added, darcs version only
  • 2006-12-15 — Swedish strings added, darcs version only
  • 2006-12-10 — Updated release files for DokuWwiki 2006-11-06
    • develonly darcs version updated for removal of domLib functions (DW patched 2006-11-10)
  • 2006-05-22 — develonly zh-tw strings added, darcs version only
  • 2006-05-04 — develonly Major revision
    • JavaScript made unobtrusive
    • fix hidden folded sections for browsers without JavaScript and for printing
    • localised title tooltip prompts embedded in HTML comments where JavaScript can access them
    • title tooltips can be overridden using config settings allowing wiki admins to use languages missing from the plugin.
    • toggle graphic moved to background
  • 2006-01-06 — remove trim() from UNMATCHED rendering
  • 2005-12-31 — package update with language strings for cs (Czech), ja (Japanese), ko (Korean), po (Polish) & zh (Chinese). No source changes.
  • 2005-09-18 — source updated and initial release on darcs (see link above)

Old Releases

Previous releases can be found on gitub.

Requested Features / To Do

  • support inline LaTex/MathJax and simple syntax like for subscripts, etc.
  • allow usage of ++++ in the sidebar
  • I'd also like to request nesting/nested folds. We use dokuwiki for our workplace, its great. Nested folds would be fantastic. Alex C 31/7/2013
  • allow title formatting — Fred 2007-06-20 15:54
  • Nesting folding sections… can be use for tree display and maybe other stuff —- Stephane Chamberland 2006-01-09
  • When displaying search results, folded text needs to be displayed if it contains a search hit — Henry Olders 2006-04-08
  • Make HTML id easier to understand. (for example I can put a link here based on the name, but the folded plugin ids are #folded_n - and if I link to that the folded section is not unfolded. This would make it much easier to do things for FAQs & such, like we are using. See?
  • Have an “unfold all” option on the page, to allow browser text searches for pages like this.
    • Have “fold all” option as well

Would it be possible to use an image instead of text? the idea is to have a small image “help.png” to open a local explanation in a box. Thank you. Michel 2011-12-30


Please see the separate discussion page.

like tables, lists, new paragraphs, included files, etc.
plugin/folded.1498477532.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017-06-26 13:45 by

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