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Display Wiki Page for DokuWiki

Compatible with DokuWiki


plugin This plugin defines an additional template function such that you can display more than one wiki page at a time on any given document. (This is the sidebar plugin.)

Last updated on

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to include, pagebox, sidebar, tabinclude

Tagged with include, sidebar

Needed for quickjump, tr-twitter, zero


It's not required, but please consider linking to this page or the main page from your site if you like this product.


Before downloading or using this product, make sure you understand and accept the terms of the license.

After downloading, make sure to follow the install instructions or upgrading instructions below; trust me, they're worth reading.

  • Older downloads are available on request only.

Note: always points to the latest stable version!


Use the plugin manager to install, or…

  1. download the tarball/zip-file
  2. unpack it into <dokuwiki>/lib/plugins/
  3. login as admin and change the plugin in the configuration manager

using git:

% cd <dokuwiki>/lib/plugins/
% git clone git:// displaywikipage

Debian install (or probably any other distribution):

# cd /usr/share/dokuwiki/lib/plugins/
# wget
# tar -xvzf displaywikipage-stable.tar.gz
# chown -Rv 33 displaywikipage/

Note: always points to the latest stable version!


This plugin defines an additional template function such that you can display more than one wiki page at a time on any given document.

The plugin also exports a function for use with your template, so you will have to insert the following code into your template, somewhere inside of the <head></head> tags.

Typically you'll want to do this for any PHP (or HTML) files containing the string “<head>”; at a minimum you can do just main.php.1)

<?php if (file_exists(DOKU_PLUGIN.'displaywikipage/code.php')) include_once(DOKU_PLUGIN.'displaywikipage/code.php'); ?>

Note: Inserting the code above is required, not optional.

To display a wiki page at any point in your document, use the following code:

<?php if (function_exists('dwp_display_wiki_page')) dwp_display_wiki_page(":path:to:page"); ?>

Doing it in this fashion will allow your users to use the template whether or not you have the plugin installed.


To upgrade, remove the original lib/plugins/displaywikipage folder, and install the new version as instructed above.

What's New

May 28, 2009

  • A work-around to the ACL issue has been implemented, thanks to an anonymous contributor.

Apparently auth_aclquickcheck can't handle leading colons in IDs– so I feel this is still broken in DokuWiki, but at least the plugin can honor ACL properly.

February 15, 2007

  • Cleaner rewrite, but nothing new otherwise.

The problem regarding ACL is something broken in the DokuWiki source; it's nothing on my end. I've reported it, and there's not much else I can do from here.

November 18, 2006

  • Display Wiki Page now honors page permissions for read. Thanks anonymous.

August 23, 2006

  • Initial release

Sites using this plugin

List your site here if you wish!


Start all subtopics with H2.

Recursive stuff

As written on monobook discussion, I added this feature, I changed code.php a bit to reach this:

 * Display Wiki Page for DokuWiki
 * @license    GPL 2 (
 * @author     Etienne Gauthier, Terence J. Grant<>
/* Etienne Gauthier, 23/04/2006
Function that get a wiki page (to insert into into a bar, for instance)
All Wiki parameters are first 'backup', to totally separate the rendering of the sidebar, and the display of the main content.
   Martin Schleyer, 29/11/2006
Added recursive search, thanks to Christopher Smith and his sidebar template for nice a function :)
Credits for dwp_display_wiki_page_getFN:
 * @link
 * @author Christopher Smith <>
function dwp_display_wiki_page_getFN($ns, $file) {
        // check for wiki page = $ns:$file (or $file where no namespace)
        $nsFile = ($ns) ? "$ns:$file" : $file;
        if (file_exists(wikiFN($nsFile)) && auth_quickaclcheck($nsFile)) return $nsFile;
       // remove deepest namespace level and call function recursively
        // no namespace left, exit with empty
        if (!$ns) return '';
        $i = strrpos($ns, ":");
        $ns = ($i) ? substr($ns, 0, $i) : false;
        return dwp_display_wiki_page_getFN($ns, $file);
function dwp_display_wiki_page ($wikipagename, $checkrecursive = false) {
    global $ID;
    global $REV;
    global $ACT;
    global $IDX;
    global $DATE;
    global $RANGE;
    global $HIGH;
    global $TEXT;
    global $PRE;
    global $SUF;
    global $SUM;
        global $lang;
    global $_SERVER;
        // Save the configuration for the current page:
    $backup['ID']    = $ID;
    $backup['REV']   = $REV;
    $backup['ACT']   = $ACT;
    $backup['IDX']   = $IDX;
    $backup['INFO']  = $INFO;
    $backup['DATE']  = $DATE;
    $backup['RANGE'] = $RANGE;
    $backup['HIGH']  = $HIGH;
    $backup['TEXT']  = $TEXT;
    $backup['PRE']   = $PRE;
    $backup['SUF']   = $SUF;
    $backup['SUM']   = $SUM;
    if (!$checkrecursive)
     $ID = $wikipagename;
     $i = strrpos($wikipagename, ":"); // finds pagename in wikipage to display
     $j = strrpos($backup['ID'], ":"); // finds complete namespace in surrounding wiki page
     $ID = dwp_display_wiki_page_getFN(($j) ? substr($backup['ID'], 0, $j) : $wikipagename,
                                       ($i) ? substr($wikipagename, $i + 1) : $wikipagename);
                                       // gets the page, checking recursive from namespace in
                                       // surrounding wiki page to root
     if($ID == '') { $ID = $wikipagename; } // if not found use complete path of wikipage to display
                                            // -> adds backwards compatibility
        $ACT = 'show';
    $REV = '';
    $IDX = '';
    $DATE = '';
    $RANGE = '';
    $HIGH = '';
    $TEXT = '';
    $PRE = '';
    $SUF = '';
    $SUM = '';
    //Check the user's rights ont the sidebar page.
                $perm = auth_quickaclcheck($ID);
                $perm = auth_aclcheck($ID,'',null);
        //Use of wiki content : if this page exists, else we do nothing (the Edit link will be there, it's enough).
        $file = wikiFN($ID);
        if (@file_exists($file))
                if($perm >= AUTH_READ)        //11-18-2006 User must have proper permissions. (Anonymous contribution.)
            //Add the edit link, for this page.
            if($perm >= AUTH_EDIT)
                    echo '<div class="secedit2"><a href="' . DOKU_BASE . 'doku.php?id=' . $ID . '&amp;do=edit&amp;rev=' . $_REQUEST['rev']
                        . '">' . $lang['btn_secedit'] . '</a></div>';
        } else {
            //Add the create link, for this page.
            if($perm >= AUTH_EDIT)
                    echo '<div class="secedit2"><a href="' . DOKU_BASE . 'doku.php?id=' . $ID . '&amp;do=edit&amp;rev=' . $_REQUEST['rev']
                        . '">' . $lang['btn_create'] . '</a></div>';
        //Rest ore previous value for $ID and $ACT.
    $ID    = $backup['ID'];
    $REV   = $backup['REV'];
    $ACT   = $backup['ACT'];
    $IDX   = $backup['IDX'];
    $INFO  = $backup['INFO'];
    $DATE  = $backup['DATE'];
    $RANGE = $backup['RANGE'];
    $HIGH  = $backup['HIGH'];
    $TEXT  = $backup['TEXT'];
    $PRE   = $backup['PRE'];
    $SUF   = $backup['SUF'];
    $SUM   = $backup['SUM'];

I also added ?> at the end to avoid whitespace problems somewhere, or did it have a special reason which I didn't see?

Martin Schleyer 11/29/2006 13:46

To make displaywikipage working with the last DokuWiki, I change code.php like this (might broke something, but it seems to work.

 * Display Wiki Page for DokuWiki
 * @license GPL 2 (
 * @author Etienne Gauthier, Terence J. Grant<>
/* History...
	Etienne Gauthier, 04/23/2006 - Initial version
	Terence J. Grant, 02/14/2007 - Rewrite
function dwp_display_wiki_page($wikipagename) 
	global $conf, $lang;
	global $auth;
	global $ID, $REV;
	//save status
	$backup['ID']	= $ID; 
	$backup['REV']	= $REV;
	$result = '';
	//Check user permissions...
	$perm = auth_quickaclcheck($ID);
		//check page permissions
		if ($perm >= AUTH_READ)
			$result = p_wiki_xhtml($wikipagename,'',false);
			if ($perm >= AUTH_EDIT)
				// create and add the 'edit' button
				$result .='<div class="secedit2"><a href="' . DOKU_BASE . 'doku.php?id=' . $wikipagename . '&amp;do=edit'
				. '">' . $lang['btn_secedit'] . '</a></div>';
		else	//show access denied
			$result = '<b>Access Denied</b>';
		if ($perm >= AUTH_CREATE)
			// create and add the 'create' button
			$result .='<div class="secedit2"><a href="' . DOKU_BASE . 'doku.php?id=' . $wikipagename . '&amp;do=edit'
			. '">' . $lang['btn_create'] . '</a></div>';
	//display page with edits
	echo $result;
	//restore status
	$ID = $backup['ID'];
	$REV = $backup['REV'];
If you only do main.php though you'll miss some types of pages (like upload file), so I suggest searching for head tags through all the PHP files in a template to make sure you get them all.
plugin/displaywikipage.1525893928.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018-05-09 21:25 by Klap-in

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