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BlogTNG Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

Hrun,Ponder Stibbons,Binky,Weatherwax, 2010-11-07 "Anteater", 2011-05-25 "Rincewind", "Angua", 2012-10-13 "Adora Belle"

plugin A next generation blog plugin for DokuWiki

Last updated on
Syntax, Helper, Action

This extension has not been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues.

Similar to bliki, blog, discussion, miniblog, tag

Tagged with !discontinued, blog, discussion, sqlite, tags

Needed for podcast

The BlogTNG integrates a powerful blogging engine into DokuWiki. It is meant as the successor of the original blog plugin. It contains all components that can be expected from a usual blog like, comments and tags.

ORPHANED the BlogTNG plugin and this documentation are not yet finished. However nobody is currently really working on the plugin anymore. There are people who might do a fix now and then but don't expect anything. If you want to adopt this plugin feel free to do so.

Note: on this page “entry” is a synonym of “blog post”.

Download and Installation

Use the url of the download button above in the Plugin Manager. Or alternatively, click this button to download a compressed file. Unpack the file in dokuwiki/lib/plugins and rename the resulting directory to give dokuwiki/lib/plugins/blogtng.


The next dependencies are required:

  1. SQLite-Extension for PHP5. On Debian systems install with:
    aptitude install php5-sqlite
  2. The helper plugin Sqlite

General Philosophy

Relational database for metadata

BlogTNG uses the relational database system SQLite to store all metadata. Using a database (as do many other blogging packages, for example WordPress and Movable Type) provides very fast access to individual posts from display pages and indexes. Storing blog post creation dates in a database also provides the necessary infrastructure for importing blog posts from other systems. This is an improvement over the older blog plugin, which used filesystem timestamps to track creation dates.

Concept of blog

Every blogging system has a slightly different concept of blog. For the old blog plugin a blog consisted of all the DokuWiki pages in a given namespace, with each page being one post in the blog. With BlogTNG a post is again a DokuWiki page, but the organization is different.

One creates a BlogTNG blog by creating a new entry template. Then any time any DokuWiki page is edited, the edit form provides a “Blog” drop-down menu that allows you to select any defined blog (or none, of course), to which you would like to add that page. A page/post can belong to at most one blog.

A BlogTNG blog is thus just a set of pages, each of which can be displayed as a post. The pages can be anywhere within the hierarchy of namespaces. The namespace organization can be used, if you like, to separately categorize blog posts.

Pages which display blog posts are again distinct from blogs. When it comes time to display, the very flexible BlogTNG syntax allows you to merge streams of posts from multiple blogs, choose subsets based on tags, select different formats appropriate for the purpose at hand, and add related material such as comments.


After installing the BlogTNG plugin you are ready for use. It delivers a template default so you can try it, but you can create your own version for modifying the displayed content and layout.

You create a blog entry by creating a wiki page. In the edit windows you got an extra toolbar, use it to set the desired blog, tags and commentstatus for this entry. When you did select a default blog for this page, you will see after saving the wiki page as entry, that is with navigation at the top, blog info and comments at the bottom. When you installed the Captcha plugin, it is applied in the comments section following its settings.

Next you can use some <blog *> syntax that can be configured to show lists, tag clouds, comments and more.

For example, you can add a list with condensed blog entries to a normal wiki page, that displays last created blog entries but only shows their abstract using the small template. To improve navigation in this overview navigation is added too.

<blog pagination>
  blog   myblog, someotherblog, default
  cache  0
  limit  6

<blog list>
  blog   myblog, someotherblog, default
  tpl    small
  cache  0
  sortby created
  limit  6

Another example is using a tagcloud. Firstly, you can add a tagcloud like:

<blog tagcloud>
  target   page:tag

Then in the target page, ie “page:tag”, add the following to show blog lists in one tag.

<blog list>
  tpl      small

Now the tag cloud is shown, and when you click one tag, you will be redirected to the page listing all entries tagged with it.

Please refer to syntax section for explanation of the configuration details and the overview of other syntax possible.

In the admin panel you reach via “Manage Blogs (BlogTNG)” an interface which shows you the last comments and blog entries with some shortcuts to modify them. Via the search bar you search for entries, comments and tags.

The BlogTNG let you create a rss feed for your blog too. Please refer to the section Customized RSS feed for the blog.

For nice blog about starting with BlogTNG plugin see: How to create a DokuWiki based blog by Andreas.


Most extra functions can be accessed via the <blog *> syntax. Within the <blog></blog> tags configuration options can be specified, one option per line.

<blog list>

This is the most common syntax mode. It simply displays several entries from the wanted blog(s) using a *_list.php or */list.php template file.


<blog list>
  blog   myblog, someotherblog
  tpl    default
  cache  0
  sortby created
  limit  6

Possible options:

Option Default Description
blog default One or more blog names (comma separated)
tpl default A list.php template file to use for displaying each post
sortby created In what order your posts should be displayed. Can be created, lastmod, title, page or random
sortorder DESC In what order to sort the entries. Can be DESC or ASC
limit 5 How many entries to display
offset 0 Skip some entries from the start
tags OR Only display entries matching certain combinations of tags (comma separated.) AND(+)/OR(default)/NOT(-) i.e. (tags apps, +Windows, -iOS)
cache 1 Set to 0 to disable the cache (you usually want this)
listwrap 0 Set to 1 if your template file contains list items that should be wrapped in <ul> tags

:!: Attention: make sure that the page containing the <blog list> syntax itself is not belonging to a blog (→empty value for the “Blog” select box). You will get a “blogtng: preventing infinite loop” error otherwise.

<blog pagination>

This syntax add a pagination bar to your page. It should be used on the same page as a <blog list> call.


<blog pagination>
  blog   myblog, someotherblog

Important: you need to specify the same blog and tag options as in the list call to make sure pagenumbers are calculated correctly.

Possible options:

Option Default Description
blog default One or more blog names (comma separated)
tags Only display entries matching certain tags (comma separated)
cache 1 Set to 0 to disable the cache
limit 5 How many entries to display (should be equal to the limit in the list call)

Display a list of related blog entries.


<blog related>
  blog   myblog, someotherblog
  page   myblog:a_post

To find related posts, this tool compares the tags of all posts in the given blogs with a reference set. When you specify the tag option it uses the given tags from that. When you give a page option it will use the tags assigned to that page. If no page is given, the current one (e.g. the one where this call was placed) is used.

Option Default Description
blog default One or more blog names (comma separated)
tags Use these tags for finding related pages (comma separated)
page Use this page to get reference tags
limit 5 Set the number of related entries to list
cache 1 Set to 0 to disable the cache

<blog newform>

Inserts a form to create new blogposts.


<blog newform>
  title  add a new page
  blog   myblog
  format blog:%Y-%m-%d:%{title}

The form will only be displayed if the currently logged in user has enough permissions to create the resulting blog page.

Possible Options:

Option Default Description
blog default One blog name to assign to the new entry
title A title to display above the form
format Defines how the new blog entry should be named
select Optional, comma-separated list of entry titles the user has to select from.
tags Optional, show input field for tags. Use ? to prefill with configured default tags
type Optional, show select for comment status. Use ? to prefill with configured default comment status

For the format option you can use:

Placeholder Description
%Y %m %d etc Any strftime format string
%{user} The login name of the currently logged in user
%{title} The blog title given in the form

<blog recentcomments>

List the most recent comments using one of the *_recentcomments.php or */recentcomments.php template files.


<blog recentcomments>
  blog       myblog, otherblog
  tpl        sometemplate
  limit      10
  type       comment, linkback
  listwrap   0

Possible Options:

Option Default Description
blog default One or more blog names of which comments should be shown
limit 5 Number of comments to be shown
tpl default The template used to display a single comment
type Comma separated list of comment types to be shown, if not set all are shown
listwrap 1 Set to 0 if your template file does not contain list items

<blog tagcloud>

Display a tag cloud for one or more blogs.


<blog tagcloud>
  blog       myblog,otherblog
  limit      25
  target     somebloglisting:page

Possible Options:

Option Default Description
blog default One or more blog names of which tags should be shown
limit 25 Number of tags to be shown
target Wiki page which contains the listing syntax

<blog tagsearch>

List matching pages for one or more tags. Displayed one of the *_tagsearch.php or */tagsearch.php template files for each entry in the result set.


<blog tagsearch>
  tpl sometemplate
  tags android, symbian

Possible Options:

Option Default Description
tpl default The template file tagsearch.php for each entry in the result set
tags OR Only display entries matching certain combinations of tags (comma separated.) AND(+)/OR(default)/NOT(-) i.e. (tags apps, +Windows, -iOS)
blog Blog names (comma separated)
sortby created In what order your posts should be displayed. Can be created, lastmod, title, page or random
sortorder DESC In what order to sort the entries. Can be DESC or ASC
limit 5 How many entries to display
offset 0 Skip some entries from the start
cache 1 Set to 0 to disable the cache (you usually want this)
listwrap ​ 1 Set to 0 if your template file does not contain list items


You may want to prevent displaying the whole content of long postings via <blog list>. Simply use the ~~READMORE~~ makro to split them, just insert ~~READMORE~~ where a “Read more…” link should appear.

Importing Blog Entries

DokuWiki Blogging Suite

If you've been using the blog plugin (along with the plugins discussion, tag, linkback) you can use the blogtng import script to import your old blogs into the blogtng database. See: import your old blogs.

Customized RSS feed for the blog

You can link through your blogs feed by adding options to DokuWiki's URL:

  • linkto=current (mandatory)
  • content=html (mandatory)
  • mode=blogtng (mandatory)
  • blog (mandatory)
    • Possible value(s): Every valid name of an existing blog, e.g. “default”.
  • tags (optional)
    • Possible value(s): Comma separated list of tags. Only postings which are tagged with at least one of the submitted tags are listed.


    Get a feed with the postings of the blog “default”. This should be sufficient for most use cases.
    Get a feed with the postings of the blog “default” which are tagged with “foo”.
    Get a feed with the postings of the blog “default” which are tagged with “foo” and/or “bar”.

Additionally, you should have a look at the following DokuWiki config options:

When as RSS type RSS 0.91 or RSS 2.0 are selected, the feed contains a referrer to the comment section too.


Template files, in lib/plugins/blogtng/tpl, have three main functions:

  1. A new entry template file triggers, as mentioned above, the creation of a new blog.
  2. The template files specify the details of what blog content is displayed. For example by including or excluding $entry->tpl_created(<date format string>) in the entry template file, you control whether the creation date of a post is displayed.
  3. The template files include class specifications on div tags in the HTML that allow you to format many aspects of the blog using CSS.

These templates are specific to the blog-related parts of your DokuWiki installation. They are PHP files, similar in spirit to the main DokuWiki page templates. Arbitrary HTML may be inserted in template files; all DokuWiki functions may be used; and specialized methods are provided to include specific blog-related content items (as in the $entry->tpl_created() example above; see $entry below for details).

A blog typically has several different kinds of displays. For example, the home page typically lists the most recent several blog posts, while following a permalink to one post usually displays a single post with more features (e.g. comments) than are shown on the home page. To a first approximation, BlogTNG manages each of these display types with a different template file.

File structure

The blogTNG recognizes two formats of template files.

  1. Subfolder named after the template name
    • lib/plugins/blogtng/tpl
      • default
        • comments.php - comments below blog entry
        • entry.php - entry of blog (each version of this file creates a new blog)
        • feed.php - feed of blog
        • list.php - template file for <blog list>
        • recentcomments.php - template file for <blog recentcomments>
        • tagsearch.php - template file for <blog tagsearch>
      • <yourtemplatename>
        • <type>.php e.g. entry.php
        • add here the files you like to modify
  2. Files prefixed with template name
    • lib/plugins/blogtng/tpl
      • <yourtemplatename>_<type>.php e.g. example_entry.php
      • add here the files you like to modify


  • To add a new blog in your wiki, you need to create an template file of the type entry e.g. <yourtemplatename>/entry.php or <yourtemplatename>_entry.php. The other types don't create a new blog.
  • In the <blog *> syntax, you can use the template file of the type recentcomments, tagsearch and list from every template you like (via the tpl option). You can create also custom type files with a <templatename> that is not (yet) a blog.
  • Don't modify the default template files, but create a first a copy and modify these! During a plugin update, modified files in the folder default can be overwritten with new content.

There are five types of template files, described below. For each of these a default template file is provided in the folder default and described briefly here. Only the content produced by the default template is described here. For the HTML tags relevant to writing appropriate CSS, it is probably best just to try producing some sample pages and using a browser to view the page source.


An entry template file is used to show a single entry. For example, following a permalink to a particular blog post will show a page specified by this template.

The default template file provided, default/entry.php, shows

  • navigation links to the previous and the next post
  • the post itself
  • a footer with creation and modification dates, the author, any tags and comments, and a form for adding a new comment


A comments template file is used to display a single comment, usually in a list of comments. For example, the default/entry.php template file invokes a method $entry->tpl_comments(), which in turn applies the default/comments.php template file once for each comment attached to the post.

default/comments.php shows

  • a dokuwiki avatar icon for the person commenting
  • the comment number
  • the comment itself
  • the identity of the person commenting
  • the creation date of the comment


A feed template file is used to specify the content included in an RSS feed of the blog. The template file is called once for each entry.

The default/feed.php template file shows:

  • the body of the entry
  • the creation and last modification dates
  • the author
  • any tags


A list template file is used to display a single blog post, usually in a list of posts. For example if you use the <blog list> syntax below to specify a home page with the most recent 10 posts, the list template file would be applied once for each of the 10 posts. Use the tpl attribute to choose from which template.

There are two sample list template files included in the distribution.

The default/list.php template file shows

  • the body of the entry
  • a footer with
    • a permalink titled with the entry title
    • the creation date
    • the author
    • the number of comments and, if there are any, a link to them

The small_list.php sample template file shows

  • the title of the entry
  • the comment count
  • a short abstract of the entry
  • a link to the full entry


When the <blog recentcomments> syntax is used to display just a list of comments, it is displayed using a recentcomments template file. Use the tpl attribute to choose from which template. The template file is used once for each comment.

The default/recentcomments.php sample template file shows

  • a link to the blog post to which the comment applies; the link is labeled with the blog post title
  • the author of the comment
  • the creation date


This template file is used by the <blog tagsearch> syntax and use the tpl attribute to choose from which template. It is used to display a single entry in its list and is called multiple times (once for each shown entry)

The default/tagsearch.php shows

  • page links
  • add a footer with info on tags.

Information available in template files


The object $entry is available in the template files: entry.php, feed.php, list.php, recentcomments.php and tagsearch.php.

The helper_plugin_blogtng_entry class describes the $entry object. See this class for all the available methods.

Some examples are (at September 2013):

  • tpl_content($name, $type)
  • tpl_entry($included=true, $readmore='syntax', $inc_level=true, $skipheader=false)
  • tpl_link($anchor='')
  • tpl_permalink($str)
  • tpl_abstract($len=0)
  • tpl_title()
  • tpl_created($format='')
  • tpl_lastmodified($format='')
  • tpl_author()
  • tpl_hcard()
  • tpl_comments($name,$types=null)
  • tpl_commentcount($fmt_zero_comments='', $fmt_one_comment='', $fmt_comments='',$types=null)
  • tpl_related($num=5,$blogs=array('default'),$id=false,$tags=array())
  • tpl_commentform()
  • tpl_tags($target)
  • tpl_tagstring($target, $separator=', ')
  • tpl_previouslink($tpl, $id=false, $return=false)
  • tpl_nextlink($tpl, $id=false, $return=false)


The object $comment is available in comments.php and recentcomments.php.

The blogtng_comment class which describes the $comment object start at about line 547. See this class for the available methods.

Some examples are (at September 2013):

  • getLang($name)
  • tpl_comment()
  • tpl_cid()
  • tpl_number($link=true,$fmt='%d')
  • tpl_hcard()
  • tpl_name()
  • tpl_type()
  • tpl_mail()
  • tpl_web()
  • tpl_created($fmt='')
  • tpl_status()
  • tpl_avatar($w=0,$h=0,$return=false)


There are a couple of configuration options.

Config option Description
default_commentstatus Default comment status choice in edit window
default_blog Default blog choice in edit window for new pages
default_tags Tags that are default prefilled in edit window
comments_subscription Not recommended
editform_set_date Allow to set the creation date of a blog entry manually via the edit form.
tags A comma-separated list of allowed tags. If empty, all tags are allowed.

Development Resources

UPDATE: BlogTNG uses now the sqlite plugin as sqlite backend

An update is created, where the sqlite helper plugin is applied to do all the sqlite work for BlogTNG. The sqlite plugin has already database upgrade features and is maintained regularly.

  • This update adds dependency at the sqlite plugin
  • This plugin let you upgrade you from sqlite2 to sqlite3 when available
  • This plugin can only update your database when sqlite2 & sqlite3 are installed. Otherwise you need to upgrade manually, see its instructions.

During upgrade the old sqlite2 version of the database is kept unchanged as [dokuwiki]/data/meta/blogtng.sqlite, the new sqlite3 database is now created at [dokuwiki]/data/meta/blogtng.sqlite3

Please report all your issues at the issue tracker please.

There are also some addition changes in the branch. The most important one is that a page that is no blog entry, isn't stored anymore in the database.

General changelog:

  • use sqlite plugin for sqlite handling
  • add configurable defaults values for BlogTNG inputfields in edit window
  • max 3 optin mails, not configurable by admin anymore (feature from sqlite3 branch)
  • Store values of blog form only when in edit window a blog is selected
  • remove info from db when wikipage is not blog anymore
  • refresh metadata and db info only for wikipages that are a blog
  • when page is deleted, delete its tags too
  • added comments referer to rss feed (RSS 0.91 & RSS 2.0 only)
  • creating page with newform, uses now namespace templates like manually created pages.
  • newform can have additional fields for tags and commentstatus. ? is placeholder for the configured default values
  • apply improved comment layout as provided by hArpanet
  • check security token in admin interface for modifying actions
  • use pagination in all listings of admin
  • use separated count queries to reduce query loads
  • comment previews use correct blog template files
  • ~~READMORE~~ in lists and tables are truncated at nice and correct way
  • all <blog *> use now listwrap
  • Adding PHPDocs and refactoring code


Request parameter datastructures

Parameter Description
blog blog of the blog post
tags comma separated list or array of tags for filtering entries
title title of the new blog post
format format to use for generated id of new blog post
start offset start on paginating blog entries
string query of search request
filter filter criteria for search request


Is BlogTNG still maintained?

I added the tag “maybe-broken” to the plugin as a small provocation for sqlite2 is dropped nearly everywhere. Additionally, I want to see if it's still maintained ;-) because doesn't look like frequent maintenance at all. No offense meant!

BlogTNG is more or less maintained, although there could be more people actively working on it there are developers using it so it is definitely not broken for everybody and these developers would fix it if it was really broken so I removed the maybe-broken tag. Concerning sqlite2, there is a fork/pull request on GitHub which adds Sqlite3-support to blogtng. — Michael Hamann 2012/08/28 23:51
Okay, maybe a tiny update, we have now officially orphaned the plugin as nobody is really working on it, my statement that there is still some limited maintenance is however still true. — Michael Hamann 2012/09/02 21:32
This is a pity, because I think BlogTNG may be one of the most important dokuwiki plugins at all on the long run, because it renders a separate blog engine unneccessary when one uses dokuwiki, therefore increasing the number of users running dokuwiki as a web page. How come? It seemed that the developer team (“dokufreaks”) was part of the “inner developer core” of dokuwiki? 2012/09/26 16:21
===Little (temporary) initiative===
At the moment a development effort has result in an update of the plugin. The plugin has now a dependency on the helper plugin to obtain decent maintained sqlite2 and sqlite3 support. Many other little improvements are included too.
Please report issues in the issue tracker — Klap-in 2013/09/10

How to create a new blog in the same site?

NOTE: You cannot create a new blog from the DokuWiki admin interface, it must be done using the command line or your website's file manager.

By default, blogtng comes with the default blog. To create another blog you can go to /lib/plugins/blogtng/tpl and create a new folder (e.g. otherblog).

As you will need some files inside this folder I recommend you to actually copy the content of default to otherblog. Then, you can start to make your own customization to your new blog.

After creating the otherblog folder, you will now have two 'blog' options available in the edit window when editing a wiki page (the default blog and the new otherblog). Simply choose the one relevant to the page.

Be aware that during a plugin upgrade the content of the default folder can be overwritten with new version of these files. Please create a copy and modify these, so you customization is safely stored.

What about Captcha Support for the Comments?

The Dokuwiki CAPTCHA plugin works fine in the comments. The default setting for the CAPTCHA plug-in is invisible. Go to Configuration Manager→Captcha Plugin Settings and select for example “Text(manual only)” for “Which type of CAPTCHA to use” to use a visible type.

Sites using this plugin

E. g. the following pages are using the BlogTNG-Plugin:

Bug and feature requests

Please report all your issues at the GitHub issuetracker.


Please share your issue reports and feature requests at the issuetracker.

Hack to add security

I have two major problems with BlogTNG: First, it turns my entire wiki site into a blog by giving blog options in the edit page. Second, there's no security. Any user can create entries in anyone's blog. Here's a quick hack to fix those problems:

1) Set up acl so that blogging users have write access to namespaces of the form blog:username

2) Edit blogtng/action/edit.php

3) Add this as the first line of register()

if (strpos(getNS(cleanID(getId())), 'blog:') !== 0) return;

4) Add this after the line that sets the $blogs variable in handle_editform_output:

// Only allow a user to make a blog entry in blog:[user]
global $INFO;
if (!in_array($INFO['client'], $blogs)) return;
if (strpos(cleanID(getId()), 'blog:' . $INFO['client']) !== 0) return;

5) A couple lines lower, replace this commented-out line with the other line:

$event->data->insertElement($pos, form_makeTextField('btng[post][blog]', $INFO['client'], '', 'blogtng__blog', 'edit', array('style'=>'display:none')));
//        $event->data->insertElement($pos, form_makeMenuField('btng[post][blog]', $blogs, $blog, 'Blog', 'blogtng__blog' ...

6) Copy blogtng/tpl/default directory, once for each blogging user. Rename it to the user's name.

Now, users can only create blogs in the blog:[username]: namespace

Missing: I haven't modified the “new entry” form yet. -Zioth

I have few questions regarding BlogTNG configuration:

  1. Is it possible to make comments disabled by default (or turned off globally)?
  2. How to make BlogTNG panel below the DW editor appear only when page from a certain namespace is edited?

Thanks. - Andriy

I forked the plugin and added the ability to globally disable/close/enable comments, see if you are interested. — lainme 2013/02/01 08:16

How to disable TOC?

In an blog entry the TOC is always shown, even when the TOC is disabled in the template.

 <?php tpl_content(false) /* the main content */ ?>

–Wetty 2012-01-14

For blog entry, you can change the lib/plugins/blogtng/tpl/default/entry.php files. Change

$entry->tpl_entry(false, false, false) 


$entry->tpl_entry(true, false, false)

lainme 2012/09/14 14:05


:?: How to disable commenting for guests? — Aleksandr 2013/07/13 20:50
hArpanet - There is no easy way to do this at present. It is possible by editing one of the 'core' files:
File: /lib/plugins/blogtng/helper/entry.php
Function: tpl_commentform()
Add this line: if (empty($INFO['user_info']['name'])) return;
function tpl_commentform() {
        if (empty($INFO['user_info']['name'])) return;
        if ($this->entry['commentstatus'] == 'closed' || $this->entry['commentstatus'] == 'disabled') return;
        if(!$this->commenthelper) {
            $this->commenthelper =& plugin_load('helper', 'blogtng_comments');
        $this->commenthelper->tpl_form($this->entry['page'], $this->entry['pid']);
Thank you, hArpanet! — Aleksandr 2013/08/21 21:03

Nice urls at pagination

:?: Is there any way to get nice urls on pagination? — r0sk 2013/08/07 03:43
Not at the moment that I'm aware of. hArpanet


:?: cant get ~~ READMORE ~~ to work ( if ($entry→tpl_entry(true, 'syntax', false)) ) monk

How to enable TOC

:?: I can't see any of my TOC's. Am I missing anything? When I change template, they come back. I'm running Release 2014-05-05a “Ponder Stibbons” Thanks,— Patrick 2014/06/28
Which template?
Did you see the question How to disable toc? That will shine some light.
Klap-in 2014-07-19
Sorry if my question wasn't clear… I use the mnml-blog template with the blogtng plugin. My problem is that none of the TOC's show. I'm glad they don't show in the blog pages, but I would like to see them in regular pages, but I don't. When I look at websites that use the same template, they don't seem to have that problem. I looked at How to disable toc but it doesn't help me. — Patrick 2014/08/02
Finally figured it out. I needed to flip <?php tpl_content( false )?> to <?php tpl_content( true )?> in lib/tpl/mnml-blog/main.php. — Patrick 2015/04/11

Cannot save with selected Blog

:?: Since Release 2014-05-05a “Ponder Stibbons” the article can not be saved to selected Blog
THNX,— Peter 2014/08/20
If I click on a tag the result page does not show all the articles with the stated tag. example:[post][tags]=film
plugin/blogtng.1461955118.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016-04-29 20:38 by LarsDW223

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