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Autonumbering Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki

2012-01-25c "Angua", 2012-10-13 "Adora Belle", 2013-05-10a "Weatherwax", 2017-02-19 "Frusterick Manners"

plugin This plugin allows the use of multiples counters with multiples levels, within the same page

Last updated on

Similar to dokupp, indexnumber

Tagged with counter, level, numbering

Known Issues

This plugin doesn't work in headlines and this can't be fixed.

See forum:

Syntax and Use


Syntax: ~~#~~

  • Where ~~#~~ will be replaced by a number, auto incremented, and saved in a common counter.


Example number ~~#~~
Example number ~~#~~
Example number ~~#~~
Example number 1
Example number 2
Example number 3

Explicit counter ID

Syntax: ~~#@COUNTERID~~

  • Where COUNTERID is an alphanumeric identificator, including underscore, and starting with a @. This allows the use of multiple counters.


First counter = ~~#@ctr_ONE~~
First counter = ~~#@ctr_ONE~~
First counter = ~~#@ctr_ONE~~
Second counter = ~~#@ctr_TWO~~
Second counter = ~~#@ctr_TWO~~
First counter = ~~#@ctr_ONE~~
First counter = 1
First counter = 2
First counter = 3
Second counter = 1
Second counter = 2
First counter = 4

Forced numbering

Syntax: ~~#NUM~~

  • Where NUM is a positive number that will be the begining of the auto incrementation from there.


Counter = ~~#~~
Counter = ~~#6~~
Counter = ~~#~~
Counter = 1
Counter = 6
Counter = 7

Multiple levels

Syntax: ~~#.#~~

  • Where .# represent a sublevel and can be repeated as much as needed.


Level = ~~#~~
Level = ~~#.#~~
Level = ~~#.#.#~~
Level = ~~#.#.#~~
Level = ~~#.#~~
Level = ~~#.#.#~~
Level = ~~#.#.#~~
Level = ~~#~~
Level = 1
Level = 1.1
Level = 1.1.1
Level = 1.1.2
Level = 1.2
Level = 1.2.1
Level = 1.2.2
Level = 2

Text level

Syntax: ~~TEXT.#~~

  • Where TEXT is alphabetic (without number) and will be reproduce in the number. Only # is an auto incremented number.
  • Up to the first auto incremented numbers, the text will be separated by spaces.
  • Note: when using text in a level, it will be implicitly used as counter ID if no counter ID have been set explicitly (see Explicit counter ID above). In case of multiple levels with text, they will be concatenated to form a single counter ID. In the example below, the counter ID will be “KungFu”.

Example 1:

Kung Fu 1
Kung Fu 1.1
Kung Fu 1.2
Kung Fu 2
Kung Fu 2.1.1
Kung Fu 2.1.2

CSS styling

The numbers are wrapped with a <span class=“…”> tag with two classes: autonumberingAll and autonumbering followed by all text-only levels separated by an underscore. For example:

  • ~~#~~ becomes <span class=“autonumberingAll autonumbering”>1</span>
  • ~~Kung.Fu.#.#~~ becomes:
    <span class=“autonumberingAll autonumbering_Kung_Fu”>Kung Fu 1.1</span>

To style this, one may create a conf/tpl/<template name>/ directory, create a file style.ini in the directory, and define there a custom css, for example:

css/autonumbering.css                 = screen

Then, in the css/autonumbering.css (all path relative to conf/tpl/<template name>/), one may write:

                font-style: italic;
                text-decoration: #2b73b7 underline;



I republished this plugin as I found it useful. The original code is by Patrice Bonneau.

plugin/autonumbering.txt · Last modified: 2023-03-07 15:12 by

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