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phpBB Board

Configuration for authMySQL Auth plugin to authenticate with phpBB Board, which let's do:

  • Only basic authentication
  • No user modification/adding. User administration and registration in phpBB.


Use the Config Manager or add it to the conf/local.protected.php to store the config protected.

FIXME uses MD5 via sql, better config:passcrypt md5 and forwardClearPass=0

Updated for DokuWiki 2006-03-09 — Andrea 2006-03-14 13:52 MySQL code is for Version 2 of phpBB and up.

 * phpBB configuration for MySQL Auth Plugin
 * See for details and explanation
// Activate MySQL auth plugin
$conf['authtype'] = "mysql";
$conf['plugin']['authmysql']['forwardClearPass'] = 1;
$conf['plugin']['authmysql']['checkPass'] =
       "SELECT user_password AS pass
        FROM phpbb_users
        WHERE username='%{user}'
        AND user_password=MD5('%{pass}')";
$conf['plugin']['authmysql']['getUserInfo'] =
       "SELECT user_password AS pass, username AS name, user_email AS mail
        FROM phpbb_users
        WHERE username='%{user}'";
$conf['plugin']['authmysql']['getGroups'] =
       "SELECT group_name AS `group`
        FROM phpbb_groups g, phpbb_users u, phpbb_user_group ug
        WHERE u.user_id = ug.user_id
        AND g.group_id = ug.group_id
        AND u.username='%{user}'";

Remember however, that users also can't register via the wiki. So you may want to change the register link to the phpBB registration page.

See: integrate_with_phpbb

plugin/authmysql/phpbb.txt · Last modified: 2013-02-10 13:53 by Klap-in

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