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LDAP Authentication Plugin

Compatible with DokuWiki


plugin This plugin allows authentication against an LDAP directory using the ACL feature.

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Tagged with !bundled


This module allows authentication against an LDAP directory using the ACL feature. It is included with the DokuWiki release.

Users can log into the wiki using their username and password defined in a LDAP server, adding new users is not supported through the LDAP backend.


Before this plugin can be used, you need to setup some settings: 在这个插件使用之前,你需要做一些设置:

  1. Activate the authLDAP plugin in the Plugin Manager.在扩展管理器里激活authLDAP插件
  2. Define the LDAP server in the Configuration Manager定义你的LDAP服务器信息
  3. Define trees, filters and connection settings too. 定义LDAP的组织结构,筛选器和连接信息
  4. Switch on this Auth plugin via the configuration option authtype by selecting authldap.
  5. 在管理后台的配置设置里把验证方式选为“authldap”

The version supplied on this page shows a basic setup, this needs to be modified to your own database setup. Different setups are provided. 本页提供的版本展示了一个基本的设置,这需要定义为你自己的参数。

Save the configuration settings to the conf/local.protected.php file to protect the settings against changes via Config Manager. 这句求大神翻译,联系我。If you understand this means,please mail to thankyou ~

Adding and changing users is not supported through this plugin. So the User Manager, self registration of users and password reset are disabled by this plugin. 不支持通过这个插件新增和更改用户,所以用户管理器和自助注册功能将被禁用。


The backend will be enabled with the authtype configuration option by selecting authldap this is part of “Authentication settings” section.

In the “Plugin Settings” are settings for the authLDAP plugin. Here you define your LDAP server and connection settings.

There are more general authentication related settings available too.

Real World Examples

Below is a list of example configurations used by various users for various LDAP servers. These are examples! Be sure to adjust them to your specific server settings.

Plugin Configuration Settings

This is an example configuration to set via the Config Manager or in your conf/local.protected.php to authenticate against your LDAP directory.

 * Protected settings
 * LDAP configuration example
$conf['useacl']         = 1;           //enable ACL
$conf['authtype']       = 'authldap';  //enable this Auth plugin
#$conf['plugin']['authldap']['server']      = 'localhost';
#$conf['plugin']['authldap']['port']        = 389;
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['server']      = 'ldap://server.tld:389'; #instead of the above two settings
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['usertree']    = 'ou=People, dc=server, dc=tld';
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['grouptree']   = 'ou=Group, dc=server, dc=tld';
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['userfilter']  = '(&(uid=%{user})(objectClass=posixAccount))';
$conf['plugin']['authldap']['groupfilter'] = '(&(objectClass=posixGroup)(memberUID=%{user}))';
# This is optional but may be required for your server:
#$conf['plugin']['authldap']['version']    = 3;

# This enables the use of the STARTTLS command
#$conf['plugin']['authldap']['starttls']   = 1;

# This is optional and is required to be off when using Active Directory:
#$conf['plugin']['authldap']['referrals']  = 0;

# Optional bind user and password if anonymous bind is not allowed
#$conf['plugin']['authldap']['binddn']     = 'cn=admin, dc=my, dc=home';
#$conf['plugin']['authldap']['bindpw']     = 'secret';

# Limit search scope for user and group searches (sub|one|base)
#$conf['plugin']['authldap']['userscope']  = 'sub';
#$conf['plugin']['authldap']['groupscope'] = 'sub';

# Optional debugging
#$conf['plugin']['authldap']['debug']      = 1;

#### not available via Config Manager ####
# Mapping can be used to specify where the internal data is coming from. 
#$conf['plugin']['authldap']['mapping']['name']  = 'displayname'; # Name of attribute Active Directory stores it's pretty print user name.
#$conf['plugin']['authldap']['mapping']['grps']  = array('memberof' => '/CN=(.+?),/i'); # Where groups are defined in Active Directory

You can use the version parameter to tell PHP to use Version 3 of the LDAP protocol to connect to your server - default is version 2.

The userfilter defines an LDAP filter which is used to search for a user. The groupfilter is used to fetch the groups a user is in.

The following variables are available for the userfilter and the groupfilter:

variable meaning
%{user} The username the user tried to login with
%{server} The server string provided in $conf['plugin']['authldap']['server']

The groupfilter can also access all the attributes provided in the user object:

variable meaning
%{dn} The users dn eg. uid=user,ou=People,dc=server,dc=dk
%{uid} The uid of the user eg. user

The search scope (depth) can be limited to sub, one and base using the optional userscope and groupscope parameters. They default to sub. Setting them to more limited searches can improve performance.

The mapping is used for directories that uses non “standard” names for attributes, a mapping can be applied a regexp to clean it up before replacing the target variable. For all variables but 'grps' only the first attribute is used to replace the variable if more than one is provided.

variable mapping meaning
grps array('memberof' => '/CN=(.+?),/i') Replace the content of grps with what is provided in the attribute memberof and apply this regexp /CN=(.+?),/i to every element in it.
name 'displayname' Replace the content of name with first element of 'displayname' attribute.

Authentication is done in these steps:

  1. First see if we need to do an anonymous bind by looking in the usertree for a %{user}:
    • If found: Set usertree as DN.
    • If not: Try to find a DN for the given login doing a search in the usertree with the given userfilter – there has to be exactly one result
  2. Try to bind with the found DN and the given password - if this succeeds access is granted
  3. For getting the groups a user is in, the groupfilter is used to search the grouptree.


  • While configuring the LDAP access you may want to enable the debug option which will print the error messages your LDAP server is delivering. You should disable it again after setup.
  • The freeware LDAP Browser (written in Java) is useful to find the proper settings for $conf['plugin']['authldap'] and to determine the structure of your LDAP server.
  • Mappings and field names are always lowercase regardless of the case used in the LDAP server!
  • Make sure you have the PHP LDAP extension installed.
  • If you get the “Protocol error” message, you might have not enabled following config statement: $conf['plugin']['authldap']['version'] = 3;
plugin/authldap.1453196116.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016-01-19 10:35 by

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