
It's better when it's simple

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Nessuna barra degli strumenti di modifica

:?: In qualche modo la barra degli strumenti di modifica sparisce e non è più visibile. Cosa si deve fare?

Se il navigatore web è Firefox, Mozilla o Netscape, si consultino i consigli dom.disable_image_src_set.

:!: La barra degli strumenti di modifica è costruita in JavaScript. Questo significa che se c'è un errore da qualche parte in JavaScript lo script verrà interrotto e la barra degli strumenti non sarà visibile. Per risolvere il problema si seguano i seguenti passi:

  1. Assicurarsi ovviamente che JavaScript sia abilitato e che si stia usando un navigatore web recente
  2. Assicurarsi anche di eseguire un versione recente di DokuWiki 1)
  3. Try to force a reload
    • Sometimes the Browser has a broken script in its own cache
    • Use Shift-F5, Ctrl-F5, Ctrl-Shift-R or what ever your browser needs to force a reload
    • Do this in the edit mode (ignoring the warning about repetitive POST data sending)
  4. Please be sure that the JS is loaded (through a call to the tpl_metaheaders() function within your template).
    • Look at the source of your page and find the js.php line
    • Load the js.php file (e.g. in a new window to see if everything appears.
  5. If safe mode is enabled on the server, you might have to manually disable the copy($cache,“compress.zlib:/… on line 160 (approx). Just add two slashes in front of the line.
  6. If you upgraded from an earlier version of DokuWiki make sure to have an up-to-date conf/dokuwiki.php file
    • always put your changes in the local.php file
    • Undefined config values are known to break the JavaScript, so this is important! (i.e.: make sure $conf['usedraft'] is defined)
  7. Try disabling any installed third party plugins, their JavaScript might be broken
    • After disabling do the force reload thing again
  8. Try remove your conf/userscript.js if you have any
    • After disabling do the force reload thing again
  9. Try different Browsers
  10. Try disabling Browser-Addons that might interfere with JavaScript
  11. Disable the JavaScript/CSS compacting option
    • Do the force reload thing again of course ;-)
    • If this helps, most probably one of your Plugins provides broken JavaScript, go one step back again to find the bad one
  12. If you still have problems, check the JavaScript Error console of Firefox and report errors in the bug tracker
    • Make sure you have disabled the compacting option before

If you encounter problems caused by a 3rd party plugin please contact its author and ask her to fix it.

versioni precedenti di DokuWiki non funzionano con Google Chrome
it/faq/toolbar.1284930173.txt.gz · Ultima modifica: 2010-09-19 23:02 da

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