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Plugin Information

Each plugin needs to provide some basic information about itself. This is done through a file called located in the plugin directory.

Here's an example how such a file should look like.

base   example
author My Full Name
date   2010-01-17
name   Example Plugin to do Stuff
desc   This is just an Example of how a plugin description looks like
Parameter Description
base The technical name of the plugin. Extension Manager will install it into this directory.
author The full name of the Plugin author
email E-Mail to contact the plugin author about this plugin
date The date of the last update of this plugin in YYYY-MM-DD form. Don't forget to update this when you update your plugin! 1)
name The human readable name of the plugin
desc A description of what the plugin does
url URL to where more info about the plugin is available

Note: the replaces the old getInfo() call in your plugin components for DokuWiki 2009-12-25 “Lemming” and later. getInfo() is now implemented in the base class and will read all info from this file. It no longer needs to be implemented in your sub classes.

This date should be equal to the “Last updated on” date on the plugins page in the repository. This is needed for the automated update flagging used by the Extension Manager introduced in release Ponder Stibbons
devel/plugin_info.1400283277.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014-05-17 01:34 by rene

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