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Log a call to a deprecated method, function or property
Log a warning to the debug log

This event is signalled by dbg_deprecated() in inc/infoutils.php when this method is called(usually in a deprecated method), handlers can use it to log that error, for example in an external error monitoring tool.

Passed Data

The following data is available

  • backtrace: A backtrace created by debug_backtrace(), adjusted to remove the debug functions themselves
  • alternative: (optional) A developer-provided string describing what should be used instead
  • called: a string describing what is deprecated
  • caller: a string describing where the deprecated thing was called
  • file: a string describing in which file the deprecated thing was called
  • line: the line number where the deprecated thing was called

See also

devel/event/info_deprecation_log.txt · Last modified: 2020-09-23 22:55 by Klap-in

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