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prepares section edit button data for event triggering used as a callback in html_secedit
show edit button (if field name is set, see below)

This event is signalled by html_secedit_button() in inc/html.php.

Passed Data

An array with the following values:

  • secid: The ID (incrementing integer) of the object
  • target: The object type to edit (f. e. section for normal sections)
  • range: The byte range of the object as string in the form \d+-\d*
  • name (optional): The name of the edit section. If this was not specified by the renderer (normal sections) or your syntax plugin, you have to provide a name in your handler, otherwise the edit button will not show up.

Plugins handling this event

The following plugins are known to handle this event and their source code may be a good start for understanding and implementing a handler yourself.

See also

devel/event/html_secedit_button.1434302024.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015-06-14 19:13 by Klap-in

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