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changes [2018-06-05 06:10] aryroman05changes [2024-02-12 13:14] (current) – hotfix released andi
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-1. ¿Qué es el autismo?+====== Changelog ======
-El autismo es un síndrome que muchas veces las personas que no conocen de este tipo de padecimiento pueden llegar confundir a la persona con una persona indiferente hacia su entorno, o hasta grosera o mal educada.+This page contains summary of changes between the official [[DokuWiki]] releases. Only the biggest changes are listed here. A complete and detailed log of all changes is available through the [[|GitHub Repository Browser]]. (This log on Github is only authoritative for major releases. Hotfixes often contain only one or few security fixes.)
-El autismo es un trastorno neurológico complejo que generalmente dura toda la vida. Es parte de un grupo de trastornos conocidos como trastornos del espectro autista (ASD por sus siglas en inglés). Actualmente se diagnostica con autismo a 1 de cada 68 individuos y a 1 de cada 42 niños varones, haciéndolo más común que los casos de cáncer, diabetes y SIDA pediátricos combinados. Se presenta en cualquier grupo racial, étnico y social, y es cuatro veces más frecuente en los niños que en las niñas+Changelogs for releases older than the ones listed here are available at [[Old Changes]]
-El autismo daña la capacidad de una persona para comunicarse y relacionarse con otros. También, está asociado con rutinas y comportamientos repetitivos, tales como arreglar objetos obsesivamente o seguir rutinas muy específicas. Los síntomas pueden oscilar desde leves hasta muy severos.+Plugin and template developers should read and subscribe to the [[devel:releases|detailed change log]]
-2. Diagnostico+There is some information regarding the [[install:upgrade|upgrade]]-process.
-Los trastornos del espectro autista se pueden diagnosticar formalmente a la edad de 3 años, aunque nuevas investigaciones están retrocediendo la edad de diagnóstico a 6 meses. Normalmente son los padres quienes primero notan comportamientos poco comunes en su hijo o la incapacidad para alcanzar adecuadamente los hitos del desarrollo infantil. Algunos padres explican que su hijo parecía diferente desde su nacimiento y otros, que iba desarrollándose normalmente y luego perdía aptitudes.+**Changes marked with :!: need some attention on upgrading!**
 +===== Release 2024-02-06a “Kaos” =====
-3. Síntomas +  * :!: DokuWiki requires at least PHP 7.4 now 
-Una persona con autismo puede ser que: +  * Further fixes for warnings in PHP8+ 
-1. No reacciona cuando dicen su nombre, hacia los 12 meses de edad+  * Complete Overhaul of the [[devel:Remote API]] and introduction of the [[devel:JSONRPC]] transport (see [[|Patreon Post]]) 
-2No señala objetos de su interés +  * Introduction of [[devel:Authentication#Token Auth]] 
-Hacia los 14 meses, los pequeños ya tienen la capacidad de señalar cosas que les llaman la atención o que desean, un avión en el cielo, un perro ladrando, un dulce que quieren comer. Si esto no ocurre, puede ser una señal de atraso en el desarrollo.+  * Automatic pruning of logs (see [[config:logretain|Configuration Setting: logretain]]) 
 +  * Plugin authors can now set an update message to be shown in extension manager 
 +  * Refactored [[syndication|feed generation]] 
 +  * Better baseurl detection when running behind reverse proxy 
 +  * :!: developers now need to install dev dependencies via [[devel:composer]] 
 +  * Automatic loading of [[devel:autoloader#vendor_autoload|vendor/autoload.php]] for plugins 
 +  * ''SameSite=Lax'' cookie attribute is set by default now (see [[config:samesitecookie|Configuration Setting: samesitecookie]]) 
 +  * The default [[template:dokuwiki]] template now supports a SVG logoThe logo height is now fixed to ''64px'' :!: 
 +  * Lots of [[devel:coding style]] fixes 
 +  * Various bug fixes and smaller tweaks
-3. No juega con situaciones imaginarias +=== Hotfix ===
-Darle de comer a un juguete es un típico juego infantil que indica el desarrollo y que comienza hacia los 18 meses del niño. Que no ocurra puede ser una señal de Trastornos del Espectro Autista +
-4. Evita el contacto visual y juega solo +  * 2024-02-06a 
-Que el niño no mire a los ojos cuando se le habla, es una típica señal de alerta. El auto aislamiento también es otro rasgo de estos trastornos. +    * fix problem with parsing uneven table columns [[issue>4186]] 
 +    * fix logo aspect ratio in ''dokuwiki'' template when using PNG logo [[issue>4187]] 
 +    * re-add missing [[devel:event:feed_data_process|FEED_DATA_PROCESS]] event [[issue>4191]] 
 +    * fix error handling for plugins with missing info [[issue>4193]] 
 +    * fix doubly declared ''cache'' class error [[issue>4200]] 
 +    * fix content-type header for feeds [[issue>4203]] 
 +    * ignore decryption errors on old cookies [[issue>4198]] 
 +===== Release 2023-04-04a “Jack Jackrum” =====
-5. Tiene dificultad para expresar sentimientos +  * A lot of fixes for warnings in PHP8+ 
-El niño con un trastorno autista tiene dificultad para comprender los sentimientos ajenos y para expresar los propios+    * A new feature flag [[config:hidewarnings]] will suppress the output of warnings, if PHP is configured to show warnings to the end user 
 +  * The options to embed HTML and PHP have been **completely removed** for security reasons :!: 
 +    * [[|Forum discussion]] 
 +    * [[plugin:htmlok|Plugin alternative]] 
 +  * Fixes 
 +    * quicksearch with UTF-8 chars 
 +    * basic auth header parsing 
 +    * old revisions for pages with dots 
 +    * feed titles 
 +    * handling of unknown config options 
 +    * relaxed media CSP headers for PDF and SVG handling 
 +    * relaxed browseruid check for better browser compatibility 
 +    * compatibility updates for mail sending 
 +  * Unit Tests use php-dom-wrapper instead of phpquery now :!: 
 +  * Improved error logging 
 +  * Dependency Updates
-6. Tiene retrasos en el lenguaje y habla +=== Hotfix ===
-Es un síntoma que suele afectar a todo el espectro de TEA. Las terapias tempranas logran salvar esta barrera de comunicación en la mayoría de los casos +
-7. Se irrita fácil por cambios mínimos +
-El niño afectado por estos trastornos suele ser irritable y los cambios mínimos cambian rápidamente su humor. +
-8. Mece su cuerpo como autómata +  * Hotfix 2023-04-04a 
-Otros rasgos muy típicos de los trastornos TEA son cuando el niño se mece como autómata, realiza un movimiento de aleteo con sus manos o gira en círculos. +    * fix an XSS security vulnerability in RSS handling [[issue>3967]] 
 +===== Release 2022-07-31b “Igor” =====
-9Reacciona de forma extraña +  * Fix various errors in PHP8 support 
-Por ejemplo, gritar o angustiarse exageradamente frente un ruidoo reirse a gritos en momentos inoportunos+  * Drop support for PHP versions earlier than 7.2 
 +  * SVG-based smileys replace GIF versions 
 +    * :!: may require template update [[pr>3344]] 
 +    * :!: plugins directly embedding SVG may need CSS adjustments [[issue>3690]] 
 +  * Allow "revert" action for logged in users only 
 +  * Various translation updates 
 +  * Add class ''.logo'' to the ''h1'' title to let administrators remove the ''h1'' around the logo [[pr>3408]] 
 +  * Use [[ | Slika library]] for image resizing and croppingwith: 
 +    * auto rotation based on EXIF tags 
 +    * support for WEBP 
 +  * Refactored logging mechanism [[pr>3230]], [[pr>3203]] and [[.:plugin:logviewer]] 
 +  * Refactored media manager [[pr>3372]] and lazy loading of images 
 +  * Support for SVG images 
 +  * New form events used. :!: Plugins should implement them, because the old form events are not triggered anymore 
 +  * Some smaller security fixes 
 +  * :!: On [[farms|farm setups]] a log dir needs to be created manually in animals
-10. Tiene conductas obsesivas +=== Hotfix ===
-Explican que muchos de los pequeños con estos trastornos tienen conductas obsesivas: querer ver un video de principio a fin (incluidos anuncios y créditos) decenas de veces, apilar o poner en fila objetos. Si no se les permiten estas rutinas, tienen una rabieta.+
-11. No contesta lo que se le pregunta +  * Hotfix 2022-07-31a 
-El niño autista usa pocas palabras y suele monologar: no escucha lo que los demás le dicen.+    * fix an XSS security vulnerability [[issue>3761]] 
 +  * Hotfix 2022-07-31b 
 +    * fix an XSS security vulnerability in RSS handling [[issue>3967]]
-12. Repite siempre la misma palabra +===== Release 2020-07-29a “Hogfather” =====
-La repetición de palabras es un rasgo que cruza todos los TEA, habitualmente es la palabra "mamá" o "papá", la que dicen una y otra vez, informa la Autism Society.+
-4. Tratamiento +  * Lots of internal refactoring to make the code base more modern and robust. You can read a bit [[|more on the background here]]
-Si bien el tratamiento puede ayudar, esta enfermedad no tiene cura +  * Defer the loading of JavaScript to improve initial page loads :!: (Some plugins needs to temporary disable the [[config:defer_js]] feature flag) 
-Crónicaspueden durar años o toda la vida +  * PHP 7.4 compatibility and some preparations for the upcoming PHP8 
-Requiere diagnóstico médico +  * New [[config:trustedproxy]] setting for installations behind a reverse proxy :!: 
-Rara vez se requieren análisis de laboratorio o estudios de diagnóstico por imágenes +  * New [[plugin:extension#command_line_interface|command line script]] for managing extensions 
-El trastorno del espectro autista afecta al sistema nervioso. +  * [[syndication#show_new_items_only|RSS Feed]] can now show new items only 
-La variedad y la gravedad de los síntomas pueden variar mucho. Los síntomas más comunes son la dificultad para comunicarse, la dificultad con las interacciones sociales, los intereses obsesivos y los comportamientos repetitivos. +  * A whole ton of smaller bug fixes and improvements 
-El diagnóstico temprano y la terapia conductual, educativa y familiar pueden reducir los síntomas y brindar apoyo para el desarrollo y el aprendizaje.+  * Lots of translation upgrades
 +:!: Note: because of various internal changes, not all plugins or templates may be compatible with this release. It is recommended to check the documentation of the plugins you use before upgrading. As always a backup is recommended before upgrading. :!:
 +Please also read:
 +  * [[|Hogfather Plugin Compatibility]]
 +  * [[|Quick Reminder: What to do when a plugin doesn't work on Hogfather]]
 +  * [[|DokuWiki Recovery Script]]
 +And please also ;
 +  * Search the [[|Forum]] when you encounter problems, chances are high that there are already solutions available
 +  * If you have no clue where the issue originates, check the [[bugs#server_php_error_logs|log files of your webserver]].
 +=== Hotfix ===
 +  * Hotfix 2020-07-29a
 +    * fix an XSS security vulnerability [[issue>3761]]
 +===== Release 2018-04-22c “Greebo” =====
 +  * This release requires **PHP 5.6** at least! (Red Hat Enterprise Linux does not support beyond PHP 5.5)
 +  * PHP 7.2 Support and improvements for PHP 7.3 support
 +  * New form on search page with more search tools :!: Plugins which modified that page may need adjustments, e.g. [[plugin:tagging]] Plugin
 +    * ability to filter and sort results by time! 🎉
 +  * Sending now a ''manifest.json'' to let the user add DokuWiki to the homescreen
 +  * Re-factored section edit. :!: Plugins which insert own [[devel:section_editor|section edit buttons]] need adjustments, e.g. [[plugin:wrap]] Plugin
 +  * updated LESS compiler :!: [[devel:templates|Template]] authors may experience some incompatibilities
 +  * new Action Dispatcher :!: Plugin authors handling [[devel:event:ACTION_ACT_PREPROCESS]] may encounter slight differences
 +  * new [[|Command Line Plugins]]
 +  * new [[|Menu system]] :!: template authors may want to integrate them (see [[devel:menus|Menu]])
 +  * improved features in bin/wantedpage.php CLI
 +  * better cursor handling when inserting multiple images from media popup
 +  * [[syntax_highlighting|additional options]] for GeShi syntax highlighting
 +=== Hotfix ===
 +  * Hotfix 2018-04-22a
 +    * fix missing "you are here" [[issue>2329]]
 +    * readd missing password reset interface [[issue>2349]]
 +    * fix page unlocking when canceling edits [[issue>2350]]
 +    * better support for creating pages from search [[issue>2355]]
 +    * problems with installing plugin zips on some systems [[issue>2361]]
 +    * fixed draft recovering
 +  * Hotfix 2018-04-22b
 +    * fix PHP 7.3 compatibility [[issue>2622]]
 +    * fix ACL check [[PR>2609]]
 +  * Hotfix 2018-04-22c
 +    * fix an XSS Vulnerability [[issue>3044]]
 +===== Release 2017-02-19g “Frusterick Manners” =====
 +  * new Admin screen with plugins being able to add their own icons :!: 3rd party templates need adjustments
 +  * jQuery 3 (IE Support for versions <9 dropped)
 +  * :!: some plugins may need an update. 
 +    * [[plugin:Gallery]]: Make sure to update the gallery plugin before you upgrade DokuWiki. Versions before 2016-12-22 render all pages in Frusterick Manners virtually unusable. This includes the login and the admin forms. (Rescue manoeuvre if you happened to fall into the trap: Use regular file tools to move the folder '$DOKUWIKIROOT/lib/plugins/gallery' out of the way.)
 +    * [[plugin:ODT]]: Versions before 2016-09-10 do not supply the file 'inc/ZipLib.class.php' which is required in Frusterick Manners.
 +  * better cache management and CDN support for jQuery
 +  * PHP 7.1 support and PHP 7.0 bugfixes
 +  * improvements to the internal Form mechanism
 +  * File usage list in media manager
 +  * Various improvements, language updates and bug fixes
 +  * :!: XMLRPC is only available for PHP 5.4 and higher due to [[issue>1947|usage of certain PHP syntax]]
 +=== Hotfix ===
 +  * Hotfix 2017-02-19a: fixes installation issue [[issue>1852]] and media overwrite issue [[issue>1853]].
 +  * Hotfix 2017-02-19b: fixes security token [[issue>1883]] and media manager overwrite issue [[issue>1864]].
 +  * Hotfix 2017-02-19c: fixes reflected XSS issue [[issue>2061]]
 +  * Hotfix 2017-02-19d: fixes sanitation of $language [[issue>2080]]; fixes RSS syntax XSS [[issue>2081]]
 +  * Hotfix 2017-02-19e: fixes rendering null $language going to GeSHi [[issue>2088]]
 +  * Hotfix 2017-02-19f: fixes PHP 7.3 compatibility [[issue>2622]] and ACL check [[PR>2609]]
 +  * Hotfix 2017-02-19g: fixes an XSS Vulnerability [[issue>3044]]
 +===== Release 2016-06-26e “Elenor of Tsort” =====
 +  * New [[plugin:authPDO]] plugin; [[plugin:authmysql]] and [[plugin:authpgsql]] are deprecated :!:
 +  * :!: Access check is performed before pages are shown in sidebars of recent templates. (e.g. dokuwiki, starter, writr) 
 +  * PHP 7 compatibility fixes
 +  * Internet Explorers 8 (and older) are no longer supported, workarounds have been removed
 +  * Improvements to the new [[devel:form]] class, [[devel:autoloader|auto loading]] of plugin classes and other improvements for plugin developers
 +  * Show size changes in recent changes
 +  * Better RTL (Arabic, Hebrew) support in Mediamanager
 +  * Support for PHP's builtin web server
 +  * Various improvements, language updates and bug fixes
 +  * Old authentication configurations are not loaded anymore. Requires for some a manual update of configuration settings. (You need to change e.g. ''$conf['auth']['ldap']'' -> ''$conf['plugin']['authldap']'' and ''$conf['authtype'] = 'ldap''' -> ''$conf['authtype'] = 'authldap'''.) [[issue>1535]]
 +=== Hotfix ===
 +  * Hotfix 2016-06-26a: fixes [[issue>1616]] issue with authad.
 +  * Hotfix 2016-06-26b: fixes security issue [[issue>1883]], and adjusts session ID check to specification.
 +  * Hotfix 2016-06-26c: fixes reflected XSS issue [[issue>2061]]
 +  * Hotfix 2016-06-26d: What changed???
 +  * Hotfix 2016-06-26e: fix rendering null $language going to GeSHi [[issue>2088]]
 +===== Release 2015-08-10a “Detritus” =====
 +  * This release now requires PHP 5.3.3 at least
 +  * New [[plugin:styling|Style Manager]] to adjust template variables like colors
 +  * Experimental new Form class usable for plugin developers
 +  * Use [[|Composer]] to add third party libraries
 +  * Various deprecated code has been removed
 +  * The [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]] can now remove old files when updating extensions
 +  * Allow [[issue>1158|unsetting default]] acronyms, schemes, entities, etc. in local config
 +  * PHP 7 compatibility fixes
 +  * Page titles now reflect the current action better
 +  * Add [[devel:event:plugin_popularity_data_setup|event to let plugin authors send their own popularity data]]
 +  * Changed all submit buttons from ''input'' to ''button'' to improve their stylability. :!:
 +  * Various improvements and bug fixes 
 +=== Hotfix ===
 +  * Hotfix 2015-08-10a: fix for issue [[issue>1296]] with Extension Manager which prevented installing tarballs and issue [[issue>1302]] which prevented links to Windows Shares to work
 +Previous releases are on **[[Old Changes]].**
changes.1528171856.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018-06-05 06:10 by aryroman05

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