====== slideshow plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Plugin for Flash XML/SWF Slideshow author : Ikuo Obataya email : I.Obataya@gmail.com type : syntax lastupdate : 2007-03-22 compatible : 2006-11-06+ depends : cache conflicts : similar : chart, autoviewer tags : !obsolete, !discontinued, media, images, slideshow, flash downloadurl: http://symplus.edu-wiki.org/_media/computer/source/slideshow.zip ---- Flash is not available anymore in browsers. [[http://symplus.edu-wiki.org/en/slideshow_plugin|Details and Download page]] ^Download|[[http://symplus.edu-wiki.org/_media/computer/source/slideshow.zip]] (34KB)|2008-3-22| =====XML/SWF Slideshow plugin===== This DokuWiki plugin create a slideshow in the DokuWiki page by using [[http://www.maanis.us]]'s 'XML/SWF Slideshow''.\\ 'XML/SWF Slideshow' is a simple and cool Flash application. The slides and many variables for the style are defined by XML easily. ***[[http://www.maani.us/xml_slideshow/index.php|maani.us XML/SWF Slideshow]]** Though the XML/SWF Slideshow needs XML files, you can edit the XML content on the DokuWiki system by using this plugin. Of course, this plugin supports static XML files for the slideshow. =====History===== *2008-03-22 *Caching function was allocated to [[cache]] plugin. *2008-03-16 *A vulnerability problem was fixed. ===== Discussion ===== The [[http://www.maani.us/xml_slideshow/index.php?menu=License|license]] for XML/SWF Slideshow is not completely free. The included unregister version is quite limited: * The maximum number of slides in each slideshow is 10 * Clicking a slideshow takes the user to the XML/SWF Slideshow web site * No custom control bar design. Only the default control bar design is available * No technical support, and no product updates by e-mail Hopefully, you consider modifying the plugin to work with a few other FREE alternative XML/Flash based galleries: * [[http://www.airtightinteractive.com/simpleviewer/|SimpleViewer]] * [[http://www.airtightinteractive.com/projects/autoviewer/|AutoViewer]] * [[http://www.dezinerfolio.com/2007/06/07/dfgallery/|dfGallery]] * [[http://www.dezinerfolio.com/2007/05/21/the-flash-xml-gallery-free-download/|Flash XML Gallery]] OTUser 2008/01/03 15:00 >Thank you for the valuable information. These viewers look good, so I'll add the functionality for the Flash apps when I have time.\\ \\ Why I chose the maani.us's Flash apps was because their apps could be redistributable. So they enables beginner owners of DokuWiki to install easily.\\ \\ Ikuo I have walked around Flash viewers OTUser wrote and so on, and thought [[http://www.airtightinteractive.com/projects/autoviewer/|AutoViewer]] was a good for DokuWiki's simple viewer. So, I made [[plugin:autoviewer|another image viewer]] using Flash application. --- //[[I.Obataya@gmail.com|Ikuo Obataya]] 2008/04/05 15:04// ----