====== bb4dw Plugin ====== ---- plugin ---- description: Create publication lists from Bibtex using BibtexBrowser author : Hans-Nikolai Viessmann email : hans@viess.mn type : syntax lastupdate : 2024-01-07 compatible : Igor, Jack Jackrum depends : conflicts : similar : publistf tags : bibtex, publications downloadurl: https://github.com/hv15/bb4dw/zipball/master bugtracker : https://github.com/hv15/bb4dw/issues sourcerepo : https://github.com/hv15/bb4dw/ donationurl: screenshot_img : https://i.postimg.cc/fR6XWNzs/screenshot-1704603994.png ---- ===== About ===== //bb4dw// is heavily inspired by the family of publistX plugins (e.g. publist, publistx, publistf, etc.), and tries to closely match their features while using a modern engine to process Bibtex entries. For Bibtex processing, the [[https://github.com/monperrus/bibtexbrowser|BibBrowser]] library is used, which provides very fast and effective processing of entries. We intentionally use BibBrowser in library mode, avoiding using its own inbuilt HTML generator and styling. Instead, the [[https://github.com/reitzig/bib2tpl|bib2tpl]] templating functions are reused here, allowing users to create their own templates. ===== Installation ===== Installation is easypeasy, either: * search for and install the plugin using the [[plugin:extension|Extension Manager]], or * refer to [[:Plugins]] on how to install plugins manually. There are no external dependencies for the //bb4dw// plugin. ===== Examples/Usage ===== A typical template is of the form: @{group@ === @groupkey@ === @{entry@ * @entrykey@ ... @}entry@ @}group@ Where ''@{group@...@}group@'' and ''@{entry@...@}entry@'' are used to group entries together. For each level there is a ''@groupkey@'' and ''@entrykey@'' field, which respectively map to the plugin's groupby //key// and Bibtex //key//. ===== Syntax ===== Basic syntax: [bb4dw|bibtex=TYPE:SOURCE|template=TYPE:SOURCE|extra=options] * **required** * ''bibtex'' for selecting the Bibtex source * ''template'' for selecting the template * ''TYPE'' is either ''dokuwiki'' (or ''url'' TODO) * ''SOURCE'' is the path or URL (can also be relative in case of type ''dokuwiki'') Special extra options: * ''key=...'' can be used to uniquely label for better handling of HTML ID specifying, especially useful in context of Javascript. The ''key'' value is exposed in the template as ''@globalkey@''. ===== Configuration and Settings ===== Currently, the only plugin level configurations are: * enforcing caching or not (to reduce load times for the page, especially useful if your Bibtex is very large) ===== Development ===== The source code of the plugin is available at GitHub: https://github.com/hv15/bb4dw. === Changelog === {{rss>https://github.com/hv15/bb4dw/commits/main.atom date}} === Known Bugs and Issues === //[this section might not be needed in case of external bug manager, or use RSS feed]// === ToDo/Wish List === * add support for ''url'' type ===== FAQ ===== If you have any questions not answered here, please open an [[https://github.com/hv15/bb4dw/issues|issue]] in the repo.